Swap Stories of Yesteryear
An overview of all Midsummer and Midwinter stories so far.
Sort by Title | Date | Rating | Pairing
A Heart’s Wager (NC-17)
By Lucky; with Haldir, LegolasWritten for the 2008 Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: AU
A Little Death (NC-17)
By Phytha; with Aragorn, BoromirIt was a dark and stormy night, when a lone rider came to Minas Tirith.
Written for the 2009 Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: Incest
A moment between worlds (PG-13)
By Fawsley; with Unknown / Surprise Characters,Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: nicely angsty
A Return To Joy (NC-17)
By Sarah Elizabeth; with Beregond,Faramir is tired of mourning, Beregond can help bring joy back to him.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst.
Across the Darkness (NC-17)
By Bell Witch; with Boromir, PippinWritten for the 2012 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: sexual violence, interspecies, incest
All It Would Take Would Be One Small Step (NC-17)
By Suemichave; with Pippin,Pippin feels drawn to Faramir, but is gently rebuffed. It takes a concerted effort on the hobbit’s behalf to win over the man.
Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap.
An Innocent Affection (R)
By Minx; with OMCs,Faramir is asked to help a councillor with work in the archives. The experience is unexpected in many ways.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Slash, non-consensual situations, mild violence
Arguments Solve Nothing (R)
By Angelstar3999; with Elrond,Faramir and Elrond have an argument after a very tiring day and they both leave thing unsaid. Will they be able to make up.
Faramir/Aragorn, or Faramir/Elrond. Angst, h/c, make up sex after stern arguement.
Warnings: Slash, slight bondage
Éomer’s Bargain (PG-13)
By Bell Witch; with Éomer,Written for the 2007 Midwinter Swap.
Posted 6287 days ago in: fiction | 3505 words | Comment [10]
Beginning to believe (NC-17)
By Anorienbean; with Mablung, Damrod, and other Ithilien Rangers,Faramir has lost everything….almost.
Written for the 2006 Midwinter Swap
Bessain (R)
By Helmboy; with Unknown / Surprise Characters,Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Violence, AU
Beyond an Evil Mirror - The First Face (NC-17)
By Tal; with Aragorn,Written for the 2009 Midsummer Swap.
Prefer human partners. Possible evil!Aragorn story. Or Aragorn pressuring Faramir into doing his will. Do not like evil Arwen or Eowyn for the sake of getting guys together. Faramir outside the usual realms (not in Minas Tirith or Ithilien). Perhaps in Dol Amroth, or as a POW in Harad or something. Always amused with Faramir/Eomer. No happy incest.
Warnings: AU, slash, dark themes, dubious content, non-consensual content, character death (not main pairing)
Posted 5741 days ago in: fiction | 14046 words | Comment [13]
Brothers in Arms (R)
By Laurëlóte; with Éomer,A seed of friendship is planted on the battlefield
Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap
Butterflies Are Free (PG-13)
By Helmboy; with Glorfindel,Written for the 2009 Midsummer Swap.
Something that is “spur of the moment” can be wither either man or elf or even both but someone unlikely or unexpected. can either be a drunk moment that leads them into bed or a serious of events that cause them to finally give in for one night.
Cakes and Kings (PG-13)
By Angelstar3999; with Legolas, HaldirWritten for the 2009 Midsummer Swap. Faramir is learning how to bake a cake (it can be a humor fic, lol) with the person teaching him how (the writers choice from the following) Aragorn, Legolas, Haldir, Boromir, Eowyn) Feel free to let the squirrel out of the bag and go nuts!! Extra kudos if cake batter winds up on the ceiling.
Caught (PG)
By Sivan Shemesh; with Boromir,Denethor could not believe his own eyes, as at first he did not want to believe any rumors about his son.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: incest, teens.
Cold Comfort (NC-17)
By Vanwa Hravani; with OMCs,Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Little bit o kink; consensual? Hmmmm…
Complicated (NC-17)
By Wingy; with Denethor,A sweet moment turns sweeter—and opens the door to something more—when Denethor finds his youngest son asleep.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: incest (father-son)
Crossing the Line (NC-17)
By Laurëlóte; with Denethor,In the wake of Boromir’s death, Denethor tries to explain his feelings and actions towards his youngest son.
Written for the Faramir Midsummer swap 2006.
Warnings: Non-con, death related themes, incest
Dark and Dangerous (PG-13)
By Helmboy; with Gríma, ÉomerWritten for the 2007 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: AU
Deadly Attraction (R)
By Laurëlóte; with Aragorn, OMCsFaramir finds himself with some unwanted attention.
Written for the 2008 Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: Dark themes, rape, mild torture
Deluge (R)
By Moit; with Éomer, PippinFaramir is finally the captain of his own ship, but at what price?
Written for the 2012 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: physical abuse, implied torture
Destiny (R)
By Kissa; with Boromir,The two brothers struggle to survive the war and the darkness threatening them from inside as well.
Warnings: incest (consensual), mentions of brutal treatments, dark thoughts
Encore (R)
By Iris; with Éomer, Aragorn, EowynFaramir still dreams of his king.
Written for the 2006 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: non-con, whipping, ambiguous open end
Estel (R)
By Bell Witch; with OMCs,Written for the 2009 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Dark/AU, violence
Eternal Promise (R)
By Laurëlóte; with Boromir,A tattoo symbolises their promise to one another, now all that is needed is to fulfil it.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Incest
Festivity (PG-13)
By Minx; with Aragorn,Aragorn and Faramir organise a midsummer festival in Minas Tirith
Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap.
Finding Desire (NC-17)
By Jade; with Éomer,Faramir doesn’t believe he’ll enjoy his time spent in Rohan. He’ll soon realize just how wrong he was.
Written for the 2009 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: AU, Slash, Sex, minor angst
Finding Hope (NC-17)
By Angelstar3999; with Aragorn,Aragorn and Faramir head out for an scouting mission leaving Boromir in charge of running the kingdom, while they check out the vast Kingdom and see what needs to be fixed and which place has the most damaged. During their scouting they have a surprised attack where Faramir and Aragorn are separated. Now Aragorn will need all the help he can get.
Written for the 2010 Midsummer Swap.
Flight from the Shadows (PG-13)
By Angelstar3999; with Haldir,Faramir finds himself on the end of some unwanted affection of a secret admirer turned stalker, will love conquer over obsession?
Written for the 2012 Midwinter Swap.
Forbidden Love (PG)
By Calestel; with Boromir,Faramir and Boromir finally accept their feelings for each other, but at what cost?
Written for the 2010 Midwinter Swap.
Forming an Alliance (NC-17)
By Phytha; with Éomer,Two warriors are sent on a diplomatic mission.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Halfway Home (PG)
By Wingy; with Celeborn,Faramir finds out he isn’t Denethor’s second son.
Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap.
Honors and Feasts Among Friends (NC-17)
By Leianora; with Mablung, Damrod, and other Ithilien Rangers,Two very close friends have one last fling before one is married and the other is tied down by his duty and forced to find fulfilment elsewhere.
Written for the 2009 Midwinter Swap
How Could I Forget (NC-17)
By Laurëlóte; with Boromir,Faramir wakes in the Houses of Healing to find that he has lost his memory.
Written for the 2007 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Incest
Hurinionath (NC-17)
By Bell Witch; with Aragorn, DenethorWritten for the the 2008 Midsummer swap.
Warnings: Violence, Non-con incest, Mention of child abuse, Wandering POV
I Am Not So Brave (R)
By Bell Witch; with OMCs,Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: non-con, violence
If You Could Feel What I Feel (PG-13)
By Sivan Shemesh; with Denethor, BoromirBoromir and Faramir switch bodies, and Boromir finds out just how bad his brother has it at the hands of his father.
Written for the 2008 Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: Mention of rape, angst, magic, incest, violence.
In the Bleak Midwinter (NC-17)
By Kimber Leigh; with Boromir,Written for the 2006 Midwinter Swap
Warnings: Incest
Infrequent Meetings (R)
By Minx; with Éomer,Written for the Faramir Fiction Midsummer Swap for this request – Faramir/Eomer, maybe something set before the war?
Warnings: Slash
Jealousy (NC-17)
By Bell Witch; with Boromir, LegolasWritten for the 2006 Midwinter Swap
Warnings: Double Penetration, angst, violence, character death, AU
Posted 6652 days ago in: fiction | 10867 words | Comment [4]
Jewel of Gondor (PG-13)
By Angelstar3999; with Aragorn,It is after the war and Aragorn has taken the throne along with his most shy lover who at the moment is still healing and regaining strength and to top it off he is working himself into the ground. Well Aragorn notice it before it is too late.
Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap.
Posted 6468 days ago in: fiction | 10599 words | Comment [2]
Life and Love (NC-17)
By El; with Elladan,Time spent in the Wild leads to life and love.
Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap
Warnings: graphic depictions of homoerotic acts between two consenting adult males. Implied emotional abuse.
Love has no ending (PG-13)
By Angelstar3999; with Aragorn, LegolasWritten for the 2009 Midwinter Swap.
Loving the Steward (R)
By Minx; with Elladan,Elladan talks of falling in love with Faramir
Written for the 2006 Midwinter Swap
Posted 6652 days ago in: fiction | 4389 words | Comment [11]
Matters of Heart (NC-17)
By Sivan Shemesh; with Haldir, AragornFaramir tried his best to comfort those who held his heart, even the one he loves the most.
Written for the 2006 Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: Mention of rape, angst, a bit of violence. Hurt/comfort
My Brother, My Captain, My King (NC-17)
By Bijou; with Boromir, AragornWritten for the 2006 FaramirFiction Midsummer Swap
Warnings: incest, spanking, **out of canon** :D
My Lord, Command Me (NC-17)
By Laurëlóte; with Beregond,Beregond comes to realise that it is not Gondor he serves but another.
Written for the 2006 Midwinter Swap
Warnings: dom/sub themes
Never Better (NC-17)
By Anorienbean; with Haldir,Written for the 2006 FaramirFiction Midsummer Swap
New Moon (R)
By Laurëlóte; with Elrond,When Faramir is infected with a curse, Elrond helps him deal with it in more ways than one.
Written for the 2011 Midwinter swap.
Warnings: AU, supernatural elements
Of Sins and Shadows (NC-17)
By The Vixenne; with Aragorn, ArwenWritten for the 2009 Midsummer Swap.
A/F where a busy learning ropes as steward Faramir is pursued by someone else [anyone, canonical or omc, gondorian, rhunic, hardaric, man, orc, wizard, elf… possibly even two elven twins:) ] Enter jealous!A, who will win over F, somehow, and very very comprehensively… no place for the other character finally! The courtship with the the other character can be all nice or have elements of violence/non-con, up to author. Also up to author how far it needs to go before A steps in. I’d love it if there’s at least one scene with F being groped, held against a wall, either consensually or not, by Aragorn or the other character… and hard and fast sex over a desk with F being ‘pounded into desk’ by either one again would also be nice!
Warnings: Voyeurism, bent-over-a-table sex, a smidgen of het (but not much)
Perfect Peach (NC-17)
By Kissa; with Imrahil,Faramir decides to stop tormenting himself and finds strength and a small measure of comfort.
Written for the 2007 Midwinter Swap
Warnings: AU elements, incest, first time
Posted 6287 days ago in: fiction | 5364 words | Comment [12]
Rainy Nights (NC-17)
By Wingy; with Haldir,Written for the 2007 Midwinter Swap
Warnings: UST, handjob
Reunion (NC-17)
By Eora; with Aragorn,“Who did you dream of?”
Written for the 2011 Midwinter Swap.
Posted 4830 days ago in: fiction | 15183 words | Comment [2]
Secrets Withheld, Secrets Revealed (NC-17)
By Kissa; with Lindir,A delegation of elves visits Imladris for a commercial agreement and Faramir plays a key role in sealing he deal. As he does his best, he manages to seal a deal for himself.
Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: AU, mushiness and silliness. But hey, it’s an elf+Faramir fic, what do you expect?
Someday (NC-17)
By Khylea; with Elrond, GlorfindelFaramir travels to Rivendell on an important mission for his father, learning some things about himself in the process that are just as important.
Written for the 2010 Midwinter Swap
Posted 5194 days ago in: fiction | 13778 words | Comment [1]
Survivors and Companionship (PG-13)
By Angelstar3999; with Glorfindel,Faramir and Glorfindel were captured by a group of rouge elves and as they experience hardships together they start to form a bond.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
The Best Decisions (NC-17)
By Iris; with Éomer, AragornWritten for this Midsummer Swap challenge: “Faramir/Eomer; Eomer talking a hesistant Faramir into hot sex (graphic description) including light BDSM and leather gloves”
Warnings: Includes spanking
Posted 6833 days ago in: fiction | 3533 words | Comment [15]
The Blue Rose (PG-13)
By Minx; with Aragorn,Faramir likes reading popular fiction.
Written for the 2010 Midsummer Swap.
The Care of An Elf (NC-17)
By Lisa14; with Legolas,Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Child abuse, adult situations
The Flame That Burns Within (R)
By Eora; with Beregond,Death for love.
Written for the 2012 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Slash, sexual scenes, angst.
Posted 4459 days ago in: fiction | 12161 words | Comment [5]
The Heavy Crown (PG-13)
By Eora; with Aragorn,Written for the 2010 Midwinter Swap.
Posted 5194 days ago in: fiction | 11779 words | Comment [5]
The Last Beacon (R)
By J_dav; with Beregond,The White Wizard has arrived in Gondor. Beregond befriends Peregrin Took, the Wizard’s companion. Together they watch terrified as Faramir leads the retreat from Osgilliath. In his fear, Beregond speaks more than he intends to and gives away his deepest secret; the love that he bears Faramir. That night, a despairing Faramir comes to him and Beregond gives his all to renew hope in his beloved lord. A 1st person narrative from Beregond’s perspective. Not exactly fluff, but I still hope that the recipient likes it.
Written for the 2009 Midwinter Swap.
Posted 5559 days ago in: fiction | 5861 words | Comment [15]
The Note (PG-13)
By Angelstar3999; with Elrond, LegolasFaramir receives a note that leads to a whole new experience.
Written for the 2007 Midwinter Swap
The Outcast (NC-17)
By Phytha; with Legolas, GlorfindelLegolas and Glorfindel find something on their way to Gondor
Written for the 2006 FaramirFiction Midsummer Swap
Warnings: Angst; BDSM; kink
The Ring (R)
By Bell Witch; with Éomer,For the 2009 Midsummer Swap.
(Something long and convoluted.) Something perhaps between dimensions or times.
Warnings: AUs, Violence, Dubious consent, gratuitous use of minor character, weirditity.
Posted 5741 days ago in: fiction | 14393 words | Comment [2]
The Time to Rejoice (NC-17)
By Kissa; with Aragorn,The young and capable Steward of Gondor has a very inspired idea and it leads to a wonderful outcome for him and the lonely High King.
Written for the 2006 Midwinter Swap
Warnings: AU and an overdose of fluff
Posted 6652 days ago in: fiction | 11846 words | Comment [5]
Touch (NC-17)
By Perkyandproud; with Éomer, BoromirWritten for the 2009 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Incest, Angst, OCC, light kink.
Trail of Tears (R)
By Kissa; with Boromir, AragornWritten for the 2008 Faramirfiction Midsummer Swap.
Warnings: AU (for yet undisclosed reasons), incest and graphic content with gross-out potential. Not for prudes.
Treasure Enough (PG-13)
By Mira Took; with Haldir,Blown off course on his way home to the Grey Havens, Faramir meets an Elf. AU, Pre-Ring War.
Written for the 2010 Midsummer Swap.
Twilights Lovers (NC-17)
By Angelstar3999; with Aragorn,Faramir and Legolas spend some time away from Gondor as they speak about the changes that has happened in their lives.
Written for the 2010 Midwinter Swap.
Under the Most Beautiful Sun of Ithilien (NC-17)
By Dream in a Jar; with Rúmil,Faramir met a mysterious elf in a misty land.
Written for the 2007 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: hint of sibling incest
Unnamed Longings (R)
By Minx; with Aragorn, OMCsWritten for the 2009 Midsummer Swap.
Faramir longs for something
Posted 5741 days ago in: fiction | 6277 words | Comment [15]
Vilya Power (NC-17)
By Sivan Shemesh; with Elrond,Elrond wished to see the other side of his lover.
Written for the 2007 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: AU. Establish couple, angst, h/c.
Waiting on the Moon (PG-13)
By Lucky; with Haldir,What if Aragorn had taken the throne earlier?
Written for the 2009 Midsummer Swap.
What my Elf gave to me (PG-13)
By Lisa14; with Legolas,On their anniversary Faramir wakes up to find his elf missing from his bed.
Written for the 2008 Midsummer Swap.
When Demands are Met (NC-17)
By Jade; with Glorfindel, ElrondFaramir places his demands but is he really in charge or are they just letting him believe he is?
Written for the 2009 Midsummer swap.
Warnings: Au. Slash, Sex, naughty elves.
Winter's Joy (R)
By Angelstar3999; with Haldir,Faramir is chosen from an age old tradition started by his grandfather, and there he meets someone who makes his heart beat like none other, is love bloom, or will self doubt stop it in its tracks.
Written for the 2011 Midwinter Swap.
Worth of A Brother / Payback Is A Bitch (NC-17)
By Sivan Shemesh; with Boromir,Following his father’s orders makes Boromir prove that he is the chosen son of Denethor.
Written for the 2005 Secret Santa Fic Swap / 2006 Midwinter Swap
NB: Please note that if you want to participate in one of our Swaps, you are required to write a story for the request you are assigned, and for that request only. Recycling old stories, or combining two assignments from two different exchanges like Sivan has done here, is not acceptable.
Warnings: Crackfic? Rape, incest, angst, violence, character death=cruel death!
Wrong About Everything (NC-17)
By Anorienbean; with Haldir,Written for the 2007 Midsummer Swap
Warnings: A bit of non-con touching, pain, whipping, and fingering.
Posted 6468 days ago in: fiction | 6977 words | Comment [12]
You can find more swap stories at:
- 2006 Midsummer Swap
- 2006 Midwinter Swap
- 2007 Midsummer Swap
- 2007 Midwinter Swap
- 2008 Midsummer Swap
- 2008 Midwinter Swap
- 2009 Midsummer Swap
- 2009 Midwinter Swap
- 2010 Midsummer Swap
- 2010 Midwinter Swap
- 2011 Midwinter Swap
- 2012 Midwinter Swap
- All the swap stories have also been collected into one big, sortable list: All Swap Stories.
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