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I Can’t Breathe Without You (And I Don’t) (NC-17)
By eyeus; with Boromir,Faramir hears tell of a village, forsaken by the Valar, that can bring loved ones back to life. He sets out to determine the truth of this rumor himself.
Refuge (R)
By Iris; with Unknown / Surprise Characters,Originally posted to celebrate the birthday of fabulously fantastic Minx, founder of this archive. Happy birthday darling!
Added: Part 7
Warnings: dubious content
Posted 3955 days ago in: fiction | 2456 words | Comment [14]
Éomer x Faramir (PG)By comutoI believe that their relationship after the events of book could develop into very strong and deep and that this ship is very interesting as well for being complicated. |
Good Enough (R)
By Eora; with Aragorn,You are the light of my life.
Warnings: Slash and sexual scenes.
A rabbit in a wolf's den (PG-13)
By Laivindur; with Éomer,Eomer and his men decides to have a bit of fun in the dark and boring forest long way from civilization. And Faramir is introduced to the games.
Naval Training (NC-17)
By Nerey Camille; with Éomer,Faramir and Éomer experience together the hardships of life at sea. They are both young, noble, and seasick. Can they find comfort in each other?
Written for the 2011 Midsummer Retakes.
Added: Chapter 3
Warnings: Violence, injuries, acute misery, comfort sex (slash)
A Conversation with the King (R)
By Eora; with Aragorn,Idle banter takes a more seductive turn and the soft furnishings are put to practical use.
Warnings: Slash, sexual scenes.
Faramir and Frodo (G)By A piece of leaf a.k.a. reafreI drew this for my friend birthday as her request. |
Strange Guests in the Woods - Revisited (G)By DecemberColour rendition of earlier work by the same name. |
The Lament of Faramir (G)By G-SkywalkerThis is another drawing of my Boromir/Faramir fic. Boromir is enjured in battle on the fields of Ithilien by the leader of a company of Uruks. Boromir in an attempt to protect his youngest brother, falls wounded by a poisoned arrow. |
Thou shalt not mix business with pleasure, Part II (PG-13)By Raven22372Sometimes Faramir does work too much. Good to know his King will be there for a distraction (though not necessarily a politically correct one). |
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