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Miss You More, See You Less (R) 
Written by Kissa05 May 2008 | 1440 words
Written for the 25fluffyfics challenge at lj
Prompt 17. Jealousy
Note: This one is written based on first-hand experience, so I still want to cuddle my Fara, even if he’s a bit childish and bratty here.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, I merely play with them. I will put them back before Tolkien comes to haunt me.
“Little brother! How do you fare? I see you are a tad too pale and thinner than I remember you.” Boromir said, briefly hugging Faramir and ruffling his hair, then moving away to look at him.
“I am sad and lonely. Father will not send me out to Ithilien yet and he tells me to stay out of his way while I am here. I am invisible, Boromir! Too old to play and too young to fight, I do not belong with anyone!”
“There, there, do not exaggerate… Read a book, go to the training grounds and exercise your skill with the bow…”
“I have damn read all those cursed books! Twice! The whole library! And I already am the best bowman in all of Gondor. I was looking forward to your arrival, I hoped you would make some time for me…”
“But Faramir, I have to go and be with Lothi…”
“She is a stranger! I am your brother! You should be with me, not her! I hate her, and I hate you for loving her more than me! You never have time for me, but all she needs to say is lift one finger and you run to her! Soon you will grow a tail to wag!”
“But Fara… she and I are going to get married. I only love her differently, not more…”
“Shut the fuck up, brother! Admit it, you could not care less whether I exist or not! Now that you and that woman are fucking all day and all night, I am no longer interesting!” Faramir spat angrily, Boromir watching him agape, unable to articulate one word. “Well, I shall exempt you from the burden of my presence… but when she breaks your heart, do not dare to think of me and how I could have held you and comforted you!”
With that said, or rather shouted, the younger brother pushed Boromir aside and stormed out of the room, leaving a stricken man behind.
In truth, Boromir did feel guilty for neglecting his little brother, but he had thought it normal to spend more time with his betrothed. He had thought Faramir would understand what being hopelessly in love entailed. He could not have stayed and played with Faramir all their life, like they had done when they were growing up!
He contemplated going after Faramir, but he decided against it, knowing that his brother needed time to calm down, because he could never think clearly when he was in such an irritated mental state.
He will be alright, he has to learn to take things like a man… he thought, then went to see if he could persuade his future spouse to – and in this Faramir had been right – fuck.
Faramir stopped on the corner of the hallway and waited. He could have bet he knew his brother well enough to be able to tell after how many seconds he would come running after him. But he soon heard footsteps walking away in the opposite direction and Boromir whistling a happy tune.
He knew it was inevitable, that everyone except him had mates and preferred their company to his but… he had lost his brother. In fact, he had never had him for real. It had just been a matter of context. Boromir did not love him at all.
Shoulders slumping, he left that level, going to the stables. He saddled up his mare, grabbed his bow, arrow and daggers and he mounted, asking his mare to pay attention as he explained they were not going to Ithilien this time, but in the opposite direction. To Rohan. The mare neighed and they left the White City.
I hope you at least notice I am gone and I also hope she makes your life a living hell. You deserve no less for breaking my heart, dear brother. Faramir thought, looking back to the window of Boromir’s room high above in the uppermost level.
Then, as the White City was left behind and out of his sight, he let go of all the memories that bound him painfully to that place and removed Boromir from his heart.
As he traveled through the woods, ever alert and on the lookout for orcs, he heard someone whimpering.
Approaching carefully, he saw it was a young blond man sitting on a log, head cradled in his palms and shoulders shaking. His magnificent blond mane was covering his face, but Faramir could tell he was crying.
He dismounted noiselessly and came closer, stepping on a twig to announce his presence.
The crying blond sniffled and looked at him, scared and reaching for his sword. When seeing the redhead stranger did not have his sword drawn, he relaxed a bit and waited.
Faramir greeted him and said his name, leaving out his title, which was no longer worth anything in his eyes.
“I am Éomer,” said the blond, standing up so they could greet each other with a warrior’s arm grasp. „Are you lost?”
Faramir smiled.
„One more cynical than I might say that I am, aye. But I do know where I am headed – to Edoras. I know there is a great need for skilled bowmen and I thought I could make myself useful to King Théoden.”
„I am his nephew… and aye, we do need as many bowmen as we can round up.” Éomer said. „We can go there together, and I can introduce you.”
„Thank you, that is most generous of you.” Faramir bowed politely, finding himself unwilling to take his eyes off of the tall, lean warrior in front of him. „Are you not afraid to walk these forests alone? Many foul things roam freely in these times and you being the nephew to the King makes you an even more appealing target.”
„Perhaps I wish to be a target. I am upset and felt the need to get away a bit from home. My sister is humiliating me. She no longer talks to me, she trains all day long, when I go to her room she can never see me because she is either tired or busy… I also hear a match has been selected for her and she will marry soon… I lost her.”
Faramir knew why he was being told those things; as a stranger, he did not hold a capital of feelings or biases in the younger man’s eyes. He sighed.
„I ran from home for the exact same reason. I can never go back there because no one even notices me, and if they do it is to tease me or to annoy me. I am no longer needed in my own clan.”
Éomer looked at him and sighed.
After a while, he voiced his thoughts:
„Since we are in the same situation and our siblings prefer us gone, let us be brothers to one another and not to them. I promise to be your best friend and never turn my back on you when you need me, no matter how small the reason.”
Faramir smiled at the proposition; he liked it a lot.
„Aye, but with two conditions. One, you stop crying and wipe away the tears from your eyes, and second, you are not allowed to leave me for some girl. When you do, I shall exact revenge on you and on her.”
„I do not even like maidens. Thye are so different and I never figure out what they say or want.” Éomer confessed. „We have agreed then.”
Faramir stepped forward and they hugged for the first time.
„Thank you, Éomer. You have already restored my hopes. I find I am no longer hurt.”
„And nor will you ever be again, you belong by my side and I will take care of you.” The blond Rohir said, reaching up to caress auburn curls. „Now let us go back to Edoras, to see if there is some trouble we can get ourselves into.”
Kissa’s 25fluffyfics
1. Picnic | 2. Hobbies | 3. Sport | 4. Dancing | 5. Holiday |
6. Candles | 7. Breakfast | 8. Dinner | 9. Blankets | 10. Bath |
11. Massage | 12. Hurt | 13. Nightmare | 14. Home | 15. Birthday |
16. Puppy/kitten | 17. Jealousy | 18. Gift | 19. Flowers | 20. Protection |
21. Sunset | 22. Parting | 23. Reunion | 24. Emotions | 25. Fate |
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Hehe :) I want to cuddle bratty Fara too :)
— laurelote Monday 5 May 2008, 11:16 #(and know all the mischief he and Eomer get up to ;))