Symbolic Sacrifice (PG-13) 
Written by Kissa05 May 2008 | 291 words
Written for the 25fluffyfics challenge at lj
Prompt 19. Flowers
WC 200 – Double drabble
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, I merely play with them. I will put them back before Tolkien comes to haunt me.
The man worked efficiently among the flasks and sachets, from time to time casting worried glances to his charge.
He would have been so happy as a mere healer, and he could have shared his surplus with his loved ones but this way, he had been wrenched away from where his heart craved to be… and still, he could help change lives.
Especially the one of his steward, who lay on his sickness bed and did not struggle the shadows threatening him. Not even Gandalf’s magic had been able to cure the mysterious illness.
Aragorn gathered the few delicate flowers, pouring warm honey over them, muttering some elven enchantments his father had taught him. The words were meant to numb his doubting mind, which still poisoned him with thoughts of inadequacy and failure.
Not even the White Tree yielding the few precious flowers as he had painted the branch red with his blood was proof enough. In the end, it was but a tree.
He would not find rest in his faith until Denethor’s young son returned among the living. He gently kissed the marble-like forehead, wondering what colour Faramir’s eyes would be when they opened to look at him.
Kissa’s 25fluffyfics
1. Picnic | 2. Hobbies | 3. Sport | 4. Dancing | 5. Holiday |
6. Candles | 7. Breakfast | 8. Dinner | 9. Blankets | 10. Bath |
11. Massage | 12. Hurt | 13. Nightmare | 14. Home | 15. Birthday |
16. Puppy/kitten | 17. Jealousy | 18. Gift | 19. Flowers | 20. Protection |
21. Sunset | 22. Parting | 23. Reunion | 24. Emotions | 25. Fate |
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