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Stronger Than Fate (R) 
Written by Kissa05 May 2008 | 449 words
Written for the 25fluffyfics challenge at lj
Prompt 25. Writer’s choice – fate
Disclaimer: I do not own the gorgeous Gondorian brothers, sadly. I shall put them back in their place before Mr. Tolkien comes to haunt me.
“Boromir, our father shouldn’t!” Faramir almost cried in the darkness, chasing after his brother, who had found refuge near the edge of the terrace.
“You are Gondor’s finest! This mission will be the end of you!” the younger brother continued, pacing back and forth in the darkness.
Sparkling green eyes pierced through his heart as Boromir turned around and caught him in his arms, holding so strongly it hurt the younger one.
“It is his will and it must be done. I know full well where he is sending me.”
“It is folly, Boromir!”
“It is a command, and I am a soldier, Fara dearest. Perhaps later you will understand, all is as it should be.” Boromir whispered, gathering his brother in his arms and holding him tightly against his chest, nuzzling auburn curls while he still could.
They briefly drew apart to look in each other’s eyes and, just as Boromir made to leave, Faramir boldly caught him, standing on tiptoe and pressing his lips to his brother’s.
The soldier smiled and ran tender fingertips across his beloved brother’s features. The deep bond they shared was something so precious and rare in the world of Man that he wanted to lock Faramir somewhere far away, where none of the atrocities around them would touch his little one.
“Now I have the strongest reasons to return to you safely.” He whispered, turning to leave before his will shattered. Had he lingered any longer, he would have thrown his father’s orders and Gondor’s fate to the wind; he would have grabbed his beautiful little brother and he would have ridden for days and nights, taking him to a safe elven realm, where he would have begged the lord of the realm to let them live alone and unknown in the forest. He knew Faramir would have been happy, and he would have been happy as well.
As Boromir left, Faramir looked over the edge of the terrace, at the wide plains stretching out and the shadow darkening the land, his words lost in the breeze.
“You have a reason to return, brother, but is it stronger than your fate?”
Kissa’s 25fluffyfics
1. Picnic | 2. Hobbies | 3. Sport | 4. Dancing | 5. Holiday |
6. Candles | 7. Breakfast | 8. Dinner | 9. Blankets | 10. Bath |
11. Massage | 12. Hurt | 13. Nightmare | 14. Home | 15. Birthday |
16. Puppy/kitten | 17. Jealousy | 18. Gift | 19. Flowers | 20. Protection |
21. Sunset | 22. Parting | 23. Reunion | 24. Emotions | 25. Fate |
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— Anastasiya Friday 20 November 2009, 20:30 #Beautiful brothers… What can be more wonderful!