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In the Shadows, They Remember (R) 
Written by Kissa05 May 2008 | 701 words
Written for the 25fluffyfics challenge at lj
Prompt 22. Parting
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, and promise to return them in good shape, before Tolkien comes to haunt me.
The hardest thing Faramir had ever had to do was rip his brother from his mind and the feel of him from his body’s organic memory.
Even before that evening when Boromir set out for Rivendell, to Faramir he had become a ghost.
The gift of foresight in his case was by no means a gift. His brother was everything he loved in this world and letting him go was as easy as taking a dagger and ripping out his own beating heart. He felt an immense injustice being done; he hated the gods who weaved the fates of men for sending the valiant brother to death and for keeping the flawed one alive. It was against logic and all fairness. His pillow knew the most of his pain, as ever since he had the foretelling dream, he drenched it every night with his powerless tears. Slowly, the thought of his brother’s imminent departure, knowing what he knew, made Faramir lose his appetite and will to live. He had never been too lively to begin with, but now he became a ghost, a sad wandering shadow of the apprentice Ranger he had been not that long ago.
This was why one night he crept into his brother’s bedroom, hoping to be able to watch over Boromir’s sleep. But he found his brother wide awake, sitting in bed and watching the starry night sky. Never had he seemed more handsome and noble than in that moment, and Faramir nearly fled, but the twin emeralds caught his gaze and his brother’s low, soft voice called to him, asking him to stay, in the tone Boromir only reserved for his little brother.
And so, Faramir went to snuggle under the covers, letting Boromir hug him and pull him close. They were all grown up now, and they hadn’t shared a bed since Faramir was five, but the brothers both knew it would be the last time they were allowed to be together alone, so they did not care about the fact they were men now, and warriors. The need for closeness remained.
They talked all through the night and brought back all the good times they’d had in the past, rejoicing in the memories. Towards the morning, Faramir asked Boromir to give him something of him to always have and hold dear, something no one would ever take away.
Boromir then smiled and gently caressed Faramir’s face, tilting his head slightly and kissing him full on the lips, which earned him a surprised mewl from Faramir, who liquefied in his arms and let his brother kiss him the way he would kiss a lover.
Faramir’s lithe and exhausted body still grew aroused, but knowing what his brother was giving him and what this meant, the younger man could not stop the tears from falling hotly onto Boromir’s hands which framed his face.
Boromir understood and did not press for more, pulling back and silently sinking into the blue of his brother’s eyes.
“Wherever you are, and if we should part, know this, little brother, know that I love you.” Boromir spoke when it was time to rise and for Faramir to go to his room lest his father would see him leave Boromir’s bedroom at dawn.
Thus when Boromir left the next evening, Faramir was not there to see him leave. If anyone had noticed him missing, they would have had to look for him in the darkest corner of the castle, curled up and shaking, his slender frame wracked by sobs as hot tears ran down his face and he chanted on and on “ please take the pain away, make it stop, I wish to know no further…”
Kissa’s 25fluffyfics
1. Picnic | 2. Hobbies | 3. Sport | 4. Dancing | 5. Holiday |
6. Candles | 7. Breakfast | 8. Dinner | 9. Blankets | 10. Bath |
11. Massage | 12. Hurt | 13. Nightmare | 14. Home | 15. Birthday |
16. Puppy/kitten | 17. Jealousy | 18. Gift | 19. Flowers | 20. Protection |
21. Sunset | 22. Parting | 23. Reunion | 24. Emotions | 25. Fate |
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“ please take the pain away, make it stop, I wish to know no further…”
I’m not sure I do either… as a tear falls down my cheek I really don’t know what to say. My poor darling Faramir… I want to hug you both!
Beautiful sweetheart :)
— laurelote Monday 5 May 2008, 12:20 #