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Finding Desire (NC-17) 
Written by Jade19 December 2009 | 2665 words
Disclaimer: Tolkien owns them, I merely play with them.
Title: Finding Desire
Author: Jade (elvenjade2@gmail.com)
Type: FCS
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Faramir/Éomer
Warning: AU, Slash, Sex, minor angst
Summary: Faramir doesn’t believe he’ll enjoy his time spent in Rohan. He’ll soon realize just how wrong he was.
Written for the 2009 Midwinter Swap.
Request by J_dav: I’d like to see Faramir young and in Rohan. Some developments with either Éomer or Théodred? I wouldn’t mind even Théoden or Gríma. I’d like NC-17 by the campfire when they go riding together? But anything set in Rohan with your preferred rating would be fine with me.
He stood by the window and looked out of the city of Gondor. The snow had all but melted and the first signs of spring were in the air. The winter had been long and colder, colder than he ever remembered it being. Perhaps it was the same and it had been him who merely longed for warmer weather. He should have been happy now that it had finally arrived, yet he wasn’t.
He looked over his shoulder and the packed bag that lay untouched by his door. He had been ordered to travel with this brother to Rohan. He had been more than willing to follow his older sibling when he learned that Boromir would be leaving Gondor. He had assumed wrong in thinking they would merely travel to the old family cabin and enjoy some quite days fishing. He had not expected them to be sent to Rohan and he wished now he had not been so eager to agree to go.
“It will not be so bad,” Boromir said when he heard Faramir sigh softly once more. Something he had been doing often in the last hour or so.
“Éomer is there,” Boromir continued as he added his own pack’s beside those of Faramir. “As is Théodred.”
Faramir turned slowly to watch his older brother. Boromir had travelled often to Rohan and knew almost all those who served as King Théoden’s guards as well as members of the royal family. Faramir, however knew them in name only. Though he was sure they would greet him as a friend, he also felt they would see him only as Boromir’s younger brother.
“We shall see,” Faramir replied, giving a light shrug with one shoulder. He knew Boromir was watching him so he turned to watch from the window once more, silently thinking that no matter what happened in Rohan it still had to be better than staying here with their father and not having Boromir around to stand up for him.
Three days since they had arrived in Rohan and Faramir once again found himself wandering the grounds just after dinner. Boromir had once again gone off to do his own thing and though Faramir did not blame his brother, he did wish for some company.
“I could have stayed in Gondor and done this,” he said quietly to himself as he walked slowly down one of the many paths around the city. Though he knew it was not the same. Back home he would have worried about running into his father and then having to endure some lecture about something that Denethor would think Faramir had done wrong.
Hearing a deep, familiar laugh, Faramir walked around the corner and caught sight of Boromir. His brother was once again the center of everyone’s attention and this time it was the two Rohan prince’s who’s attention he held. This did not surprise Faramir though, Boromir could mostly likely charm the Rohan King himself if he set his mind to it. Though Faramir preferred to be the quiet one of the two brothers, he sometimes wished he was more outgoing as his old brother was.
“Faramir!” Boromir called out as he caught sight of his younger sibling, “Join us.”
Knowing he had no choice, Faramir gave a small nod as he made his way over to the same crowd, greeting everyone in his usual quiet way. He had to fight to keep from rolling his eyes as Boromir made some comment about always watching out for his kid brother. Faramir may not have been considered old but he was no kid either.
“We were just discussing perhaps going riding tomorrow,” Borormir filled Faramir in. “Perhaps even making the journey last a few days,” he added.
“You should join us,” Éomer said, ignoring the look that Boromir gave him.
“I am not sure…” Faramir started to reply. He saw the look Borormir had and all thoughts to turn the offer down flew from his mind. “I think I will,” he said finally.
“We’ll leave at first light,” Théodred added, chuckling lightly. It amused him greatly at the way Boromir was over protective of his younger sibling. He also knew his cousin enough to know when he was interested in something or someone and it was clear to him now that Éomer was interested in Faramir. The question now would be is whether or not Boromir would stand in the way.
It was early when the same group set out on their adventure. Most that were going spoke of doing some hunting while other just wished for a good ride. Faramir was, as usual, his quiet self but was now more relaxed then he had been. Everyone there had greeted him in a friendly manner and none seemed opposed to him joining them.
While Boromir rode with Théodred, It was Éomer who had been keeping Faramir company.
“Do you not enjoy riding in Gondor?” Éomer inquired.
“When I can spare a moment, yes,” Faramir replied honestly. “Though it is rare I can,” he added.
He did not feel that he needed to mention that his father kept him busy with useless tasks that a child could do, only to have his father say how useless he was if the task had not been done good enough for Denethor.
“You should find the time,” Éomer said casually. “It is a good way to clear one’s mind.”
“Does that mean you go riding often?” Faramir asked, grinning.
“More often then I think my uncle approves,” Éomer chuckled lightly “Though he’s never discouraged it either.”
Faramir found Éomer was easy to talk to and before long they were discussing the differences between Rohan and Gondor. Surprisingly there was not as many as Faramir had first thought there to be. Though thinks seems more relaxed in Rohan, unlike it would ever be in Gondor.
Time passed faster than he had realized and before long they had reached the area where they would camp. The group was split in half once there and while some went hunting the other set up the camp. Faramir had expected Éomer to join the hunters but instead the Prince had decided to stay and help set up the tents and had even gathered the wood for the fire.
“Did you not wish to hunt?” Faramir asked once he had joined Éomer by the fire.
“Not this time,” Éomer grinned up at him. “Though I am sure they will bring something back, most of the time will be spent competing on who can make the fastest kill,” he added.
“Which is most likely why Boromir went with them,” Faramir chuckled lightly.
“It amazes me how different the two of you are,” Éomer said “Had I not already know the two of you were brothers then I would never have guessed you were even related.”
Faramir let out a light sigh and nodded. It was not the first time someone had said this to him and once again he wondered if maybe that was why he always got along so well with Boromir, they were too different and there was never need for any competition between them.
“You are not the first to tell me this,” Faramir replied as he noticed that Éomer had been watching him.
“Do not get me wrong, Faramir,” he said “I do not mean it in a bad way at all.”
Éomer chuckled lightly at the confused look that Faramir gave him. The younger man was most adorable when he gave him that look.
“Boromir has been a good friend but he’s more on the wild side,” Éomer explained “Though that is how my cousin likes to live as well but I prefer the more quiet moments, like you.”
Faramir accepted the water from Éomer as he finally took a seat by the fire. It would still be a while yet before the hunting party was due to return so there was nothing to do but wait. Not that he minded that at all of course since it meant spending more time with Éomer, without Borormir being there.
“Boromir tells me you have no one waiting for you back home,” Éomer said casually “Is there no one who interests you?”
Faramir had not expected the question and it took a moment for him to clear his mind before he could reply.
“Perhaps a few do,” he said, “not that anything will ever come of it,” he added.
“why would you say that?” Éomer questioned.
“Most are afraid of what my father would do should he find out,” Faramir replied honestly.
“why should they care?” Éomer wondered.
“My father does not approve of my choice,” Faramir started to say but stopped as Éomer held up a hand.
“You prefer males,” Éomer pointed out, watching as Faramir nodded “As does Boromir, does your father not approve of this as well?”
“Boromir can do no wrong in my father’s eyes,” Faramir shrugged.
“That seems highly unfair to you,” Éomer said, slipping an arm around Faramir’s shoulders and offering him a smile.
“I am used to it,” Faramir replied quietly as he leaned against Éomer. “It rarely bothers me anymore.”
“Now that is hard to believe,” Éomer replied then grinned, “though I do have something you should know.”
Faramir managed to arch an eyebrow slightly as he turned his head enough to face Éomer. He could not think of anything that the Prince would have to say.
“and what would that be?” He finally asked, his curiosity unable to wait any longer.
“I do not fear your father,” Éomer commented then before Faramir could give a reply, Éomer leaned in and kissed him deeply.
The kiss had caught him off guard but he recovered soon enough to give in and return the kiss, eagerly. When it ended slowly, both men were breathing deeply.
“I have thought of doing that for days,” Éomer admitted.
“Yet you waited until now?” Faramir replied, grinning.
Éomer laughed quietly then suddenly leaned in and kissed him again, this time Faramir had been ready for it and both men let the kiss deepen.
It was when Faramir felt a hand in his hair that he shivered against Éomer. His head tilted back as the Rohan Prince kissed along his neck. Just as they were both about to take things further they heard the hunting party return. It was Éomer who groaned first.
“More soon,” he promised the younger man and grinned at him before their attention was pulled to the returning party.
Faramir had no idea how he sat through the meal or even the many hours afterwards. Though he did enjoy the stories that most were sharing, it was Éomer who was on his mind. Each time he stole a glance at the Prince, he gaze was returned with a wink.
It was well into the night when most of the men had turned in for the night, some had passed out from too much ale.
“Glad to see you are still awake,” Éomer said as he guided Faramir back to the fire. He added more wood to keep it burning through the night.
“I’ve never been one to drink until I passed out,” Faramir chuckled. “Boromir does that enough for both of us.”
Éomer chuckled lightly as he leaned back slightly then turned to lie on his side, placing Faramir on his back in front of him. When the other man willing allowed himself to be placed, Éomer gave in to the urge to kiss him again, both moaning as it deepened.
Faramir had no clue as to when his tunic had been opened but he knew it had been as he felt Éomer’s hand glide across his chest slowly. He hissed as rough finger grazed his nipple then shivered as the same hand travelled even lower until he felt his leggings being pulled open.
Not wanting this to be just about his own pleasure, he turned slowly onto his side and managed to get Éomer’s tunic opened, giving him the same treatment and moaned as Éomer now kissed along his neck.
It was Éomer’s kiss that cut them both off from crying out loudly as both men’s touch had reached each other’s arousal at the exact same moment. Faramir deepened the kiss or risked crying out loud enough to wake the entire camp.
Strong powerful strokes along hardened lengths were enough at first but not for long. Soon both wanting and needing more, much more.
“Faramir,” the older male moaned as they each struggled out of their leggings. It was Éomer who had his off first then moved over Faramir. Both hissing deeply as arousal grazed against arousal. It wasn’t long before even that was not enough.
“Now,” Faramir insisted, unable to wait any longer. It had been far too long since he had felt this much pleasure and he craved it now.
He bit down on Éomer’s neck as he was entered finally, moaning as his teeth sank into the man’s flesh. His hands gripped the sides of Éomer’s tunic as he arched his back wanting to feel his lover enter him even more.
With their needs as strong as they were, taking it slow was out of the question. Long, hard deep kisses were the only think that kept their moans from growing louder as Faramir met each of Éomer’s hard thrusts with one of his own.
When long, strong fingers wrapped around his hardness, Faramir’s cry of pleasure could not be muffled through their deep kiss. He writhed against the ground as Éomer took him to the edge of ecstasy and beyond.
Éomer’s own release had followed, both men moaning deeply as Éomer’s body tensed and he buried himself deep inside Faramir.
When Éomer, collapsed against him, Faramir could only lay there, fighting to take each breath as he rested his hands against Éomer’s shoulders.
“That was far better than I had imagined,” Éomer said, breathing just as hard as Faramir was.
It was just before dawn when both men finally returned to their own bedroll. Faramir felt as if he had just rested his head when the call came for all to awaken. He groaned as he sat up but not even the questioning look from his brother could spoil his mood.
Over a month’s time had passed before the two brothers were returning to Gondor. Each silently lost in their own thoughts as the rode side by side.
The last few weeks on Rohan had proven to be even better then when he had first arrived. Though Éomer had everything to do with that as not a night was spent alone. It had not been easy to leave in the end but he finally had no choice.
Though it was Éomer’s promise that still ran though his mind as they made their way through the gates of Gondor. He had only to wait three months until he would see Éomer again.
“Not even your father can keep me from you,” Éomer said as Faramir had mounted his horse. “And I will find you in Gondor,” he had added.
Faramir grinned to himself. Éomer would not have to look for long. Faramir would be one of the first to greet him once he arrived. And then, Faramir’s grin widened, they would make up for the three months apart.
The End
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I love the way you have written Faramir. Quiet, reserved and slightly nervous at the start. That it happens in spring is a great thing, particularly since I am warmed by it in winter ;) Eomer’s interest and the invitation to the riding trip was classic ‘asking out’, wasn’t it? I liked that :) Faramir is overworked by Denethor and even then he is not willing to reveal his ill-treatment to outsiders. And Boromir’s watching out for his brother is equally endearing.
Others interested in Faramir and his father’s disapproval keeping them away is unfair and Eomer saying that he doesn’t fear Denethor before kissing him made me all warm inside. The sex was great!
I hope that they have a great time in Gondor after 3 months even if Denethor plays spoilsport. Somehow Eomer doesn’t seem like he’s going to let that stand in the way!
Excellent story, Jade! Thank you for warming my winter this year!
— j_dav Saturday 19 December 2009, 13:17 #