Vanwa Hravani 
Quiet smile.
If you don’t have your Quenya handy, it means The Lost Wild.
A place for all that has been let go, yet is missed. Or that which has not yet been attained and which is perhaps hidden. Or forbidden.
Where love and pain, longing and fear and power touch and blend until they cannot be separated…should one desire to do so.
And what better place to visit these desires than on the poor lovely body and mind of our dear Faramir.
Forgive me for playing with him so. He is all of us, and in so many ways.
Perhaps it is he who does the torturing, and we who writhe, cry out, and smile.
Quiet smile.
Written for the 2008 Midwinter Swap.
Warnings: Little bit o kink; consensual? Hmmmm…
Posted Dec 20, 2008 | 1999 words | Comment [3]
Rúmil tends his brother’s garden.
Posted Feb 23, 2009 | 415 words | Comment [3]
Faramir and Haldir reflect one another darkly.
Added: Chapter 27 and 28
Warnings: Implied and graphic non-con/rape, incest, prostitution, power games, angst
Posted Nov 09, 2011 | 30013 words | Comment [38]
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