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Honors and Feasts Among Friends (NC-17) 
Written by Leianora19 December 2009 | 1369 words
Title: Honors and Feasts Among Friends
Author: Antynora AKA Leianora
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance and smut
Pairing: Faramir/Anborn
Summary: Two very close friends have one last fling before one is married and the other is tied down by his duty and forced to find fulfilment elsewhere.
Written for the 2009 Midwinter Swap
Request by Perkyandproud: Faramir with another human, preferably. Happy ending a must. Romance a major plus. Can have MPreg, Angst, sex… whatever… as long as Faramir gets to be on top at least once.
Honors and Feasts Among Friends
The feasting went on for hours. When the last judgment was spoken by King Elessar and the first official court of his rule had been dismissed, servants and nobles alike prepared to celebrate his wisdom and strength. They toasted his prowess in battle, thanked the Valar for sending them a king who was also a healer, and then enjoyed themselves to the fullest. Commoners and lords and ladies danced and sang through the night as each person sought to give vent to his or her joy and hopes for the future.
Faramir sat near his king feeling a little dazed. Never had he dreamed that he would be placed in the position he had found himself filling now. His brother was supposed to be sitting in this chair. His brother was supposed to be the staff upon which the king would lean for political aid and support. Yet here he was, the second and only remaining son of his house, taking up the rod of Gondor’s stewardship beside King Elessar.
“Are you well, Faramir?” King Elessar asked. He sounded truly concerned.
“I am, thank you, Sire,” Faramir responded. “I must admit to feeling a bit… amazed, though. So much has happened so quickly. I fear I am still adjusting to it all.”
Aragorn smiled at his young steward. “I deem you are not the only one, my friend.”
Faramir couldn’t help but laugh. “Indeed, I think you are right, Your Majesty.”
“This has long been a goal I have cherished, yet I cannot say that I ever thought of the smaller details of kingship for any length of time. It seemed like the worst form of arrogance for me to do so, and when I wasn’t fighting towards this day, I was recovering from wounds I had gained as a result of all the battles I was forced to face.”
Faramir’s eyes were shining in the light of candles which had been lit throughout the hall. This man who sat beside him; this man who was now the High King of the West seemed so much like some of his father’s best soldiers. Yet he was much more than that. He was one of the most able warriors Faramir had ever seen. At the same time, he was wise in the ways of statecraft, healing, and even Elvin lore. He was everything Faramir could have hoped for in a king. He typified the young man’s idea of a Man of Gondor.
“Come, my friend!” Aragorn cried suddenly. “Tonight is a night for celebration and joy, not contemplation. I believe Lady Éowyn would like the opportunity to dance.”
Faramir laughed and stepped forward to bow to the Princess of Rohan and twirl her into the next set. They danced with one another until both of them were breathless.
Hours later, Faramir was still far too excited to sleep. He forced himself to breathe deeply and close his eyes to ward against the sudden sting of joyful tears. The people of Gondor would not have minded seeing their young steward weeping on such a night, but years of training had taught Faramir that to remain expressionless was a much safer option for him. His father would not have been happy with him at all at this moment.
“Why do you weep, dear friend?” came a soft voice from directly behind him.
Faramir spun to face his questioner. He blinked rapidly to get himself back under control. “I fear my joy overwhelmed me for a moment,” he replied lamely.
A soft chuckle and a gentle smile from the largely unseen person eased Faramir’s mind.
“I am glad I was not the only one to seek refuge in tears of joy this night.”
Faramir stepped towards Anborn with a soft sigh. “Are you leaving with Beregond tomorrow? I would have you here, but I know how… tempting it would be for us both.”
Before Anborn could answer that, however, Faramir had reached him and slipped his arms around the other man’s neck. “For tonight, though, I need you by me.”
“Of course,” Anborn murmured. I know that we shall not be able to continue this after—”
“Hush,” Faramir whispered. “I am not married yet, my friend,” he chuckled.
Their lips met in a wonderfully intense and tender kiss. When Faramir pulled back from his best marksman, he was smiling. “Will you join me in my chambers one final time?”
Silently, Anborn nodded and followed him. No one seemed to notice them as they passed quickly through the halls. If anyone saw them, Faramir was sure their presence would not be noted or thought of as unseemly. The servants were very discreet.
Once they reached his chambers, Faramir closed the door behind him and then grabbed his dearest friend and longtime lover in a fierce embrace. Anborn returned the gesture.
“I shall miss doing this,” Faramir murmured. “Yet I would not hurt my lady by—”
Anborn walked backwards until his knees hit the bed and sank down onto it. “I know,” he whispered. Faramir began removing his friend’s clothing and kissing every inch of exposed skin. He licked and nibbled, sucked and caressed the man until he was shuddering with the intensity of his pleasure. When Anborn tried to hurry him, Faramir merely laughed and stopped altogether. This frustrated the older man.
“We shall get there in due time, dear friend,” Faramir promised with a smile.
Anborn struggled to stay still, but Faramir guessed that he wasn’t going to be able to keep it up for very much longer. A quick glance into his eyes confirmed his suspicion. Without waiting, he rose and removed his clothing and grabbed a jar full of salve. When Anborn smelled the familiar odor of pines and oils, he moaned and watched avidly as Faramir began to lubricate his own cock. His lover shivered with anticipation as he watched the younger man harden and shudder; his eyes glazed with lust. Once Faramir had finished with his own needs, he slid a finger inside Anborn’s body. A generous application of the salve prepared him for what he knew was going to happen next.
Faramir withdrew his fingers and silently stared at his lover with a smile. Anborn shifted beneath him and eventually coaxed his commanding officer to enter him. Faramir gladly obliged with his request. He grinned when Anborn shoved a fist into his mouth to muffle the sound as he screamed in total ecstasy and utter joy. Though that sound excited Faramir further, he did not quicken his pace. His movements were relentlessly slow.
When Anborn began begging him to move faster, Faramir stopped his pleas by covering his mouth with his own. It was a simple but effective move that delighted him more.
He did not want to be the first to spill his seed, so Faramir refused to give in to his own body’s needs so soon. When he felt the warmth of Anborn’s release covering them both, he grinned. A few blissful moments and several thrusts later, Faramir spent himself deep inside Anborn’s now acquiescent body. His heart nearly stopped as the intense pleasure filled his mind and twanged every one of his nerves as if they were harp strings.
When they both had calmed down, Anborn spoke. “I am glad it ended so well for us.”
“As am I,” Faramir said. “As am I. We should get some sleep,” he mumbled.
Anborn did not answer, and when Faramir looked over at him, his eyes were closed and his breathing was deep and even. Feeling amused and not at all offended, Faramir smiled and slipped into a pleasant dream in which Anborn figured prominently
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Thank you so very much for this! It was every bit as warm and romantic and sweet as I had hoped :-)
— Perkyandproud Saturday 19 December 2009, 13:55 #