I Trusted You (PG)
By Decemberclick on the thumbnail for a popup of the full image
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Faramir is hiding from his father. Warnings: dark, implied non-con adult/minor contact. Posted Jan 19, 2011 |
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7 Comment(s) 
По-моему, он получился не очень напуганным:) На его лице застыло безразличное выражение. Нет, скорее, выражение смирения перед своей судьбой
— Anastasiya Friday 21 January 2011, 8:37 #Alcardilme, oh, me so glad you like! Thanks!
Настя, спасибо за коммент)) Да, я действительно отступила довольно сильно от описания Фарамира в исходном тексте, где он практически бьётся в истерике. По идее, его нужно было изображать с перекошенным, залитым слезами лицом, вытаращенными глазами и т.п. Но мне не хотелось рисовать его в таком виде, тем более что “испуг” это, на мой взгляд, не совсем то, что человек испытывает в такой момент. Мне хотелось передать как раз то, что ты описываешь покорностью перед судьбой и некую застылость его положения. Потому что именно ощущение неизбежности, беспросветности, невозможности хоть как-то защититься произвело на меня в данной истории сильнейшее впечатление.
— December Friday 21 January 2011, 11:28 #I say, you have an incredible talent with lights and facial expressions! One can see nothing but a pale face in the dark and yet it´s all perfectly clear. The obvious spacial constriction, the way the character embraces himself proctively – and yet I can sense a subtle contradiction between the situation itself (Faramir hiding, looking lost) and his features. The strong furrowed eyebrows and the controlled line of the mouth speak of an inner certainty and steadfastness that will outlive the current predicament.
And again: cheek bones! You don´t need more than a hint of them; even minimalized to a faint shadow line they´re still giving the face its personality. To me the whole picture breathes the same gentleness and subtlety that also reveals in your fics. You´re an amazing artist/writer! :D
— raven22372 Sunday 20 November 2011, 9:09 #Ooh, I’m humbled! (I’m kind of overusing this word lately, but what can I do when faced against one so generous with compliments ;) )
I’ve had mixed feedback on this one, so your kind words are especially appreciated!
And yeah, I wanted to make him appear a little more stoic and determined to live through everything than was the feeling that I was left with after reading the story this is as illustration for. Inaccurate and self-indulgent, surely, but I wanted to give myself hope :)
— December Wednesday 23 November 2011, 9:07 #Mixed feedback..? Well, I hope it was nothing too soul-crushing. :) Personally all I can say is that it looks flawless to me in regard of both technique and atmosphere. And now that I have read your answer and look at it for the second time it seems even more expressive to me. First what I saw was a lost child. Yet this time I can feel his patience, the will to endure, the ability to retreat to the safe place inside himself until the storm is over. Whatever it is that happened to him, he will not let it dominate his mind. Imo you did not only give him hope but also kept his dignity and for that I am grateful. :)
— raven22372 Sunday 27 November 2011, 19:25 #Thank you for that comment, Raven! And thank you double for your point about dignity. It always felt to me that for the absolute majority of the prominent characters in the Book dignity was sort of über alles. In fact, some of them went to such lengths to save it that they actually lost it. There’s of course a line where dignity turns into unhealthy pride, like it happened to Saruman, for ex. Still, you know, I was quite impressed that he denied Gandalf’s offer of help after his complete fall from power, and chose to be an opportunist tramp, but on his own, rather than seeking redemption at the grace of someone else. Likewise for Denethor, as I said elsewhere I believe, he was blinded by his need to go down with dignity.
And Faramir, it had always felt to me, had an amazing measure of very good dignity in him – and that portraying that was a necessary part of fanfiction-ing him in character. (Well, I guess we could make an exception here for voluntary suspension of dignity in certain intimate situations, although on the other hand, if it’s volunatery, it doesn’t quite count as a loss of dignity, right? ;) ) We see him go through very tough and controversial situations in the Book, and yet he does not lose face for a second. Whereas his brother… well, much as I love Boromir to bits, just how dignified is it to chase a defenseless little hobbit and shout vile curses at him (not to mention falling face-first on the ground)?
Thanks again!! Your kind words are endlessly inspiring. In fact, I have another piece of fanart underway, should be up in a day or two ;)
— December Sunday 27 November 2011, 22:35 # Subscribe to comments | Get comments by email | View all recent comments
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Wow! Just as I had imagined the poor boy looking. Thanks ever so much. I am highly honored that the story stirred your creative juices! Bless you!
— alcardilme Thursday 20 January 2011, 4:32 #