Translation links now to Babel Fish
The translation links you find in the right hand menu alongside all stories now go to Babel Fish, instead of Google Translate.
Google Translate only translated the first part of longer stories, hence the switch. Unfortunately the range of languages offered by Babel Fish is more limited than Google’s, but the nine language links we provided for English stories (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean and (simplified) Chinese) are all still there.
However, as Babel Fish offers an extremely limited range from languages other than English, our non-English stories still use mostly Google Translate.
If you’d like to see your language added to this menu, get in touch, and we’ll see what we can do. And as always, do let us know if you’re experiencing any difficulties with this change.
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NB: This site is still for adults only, even with the adult content filter on! [what's this?]