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Winter's Rest (R) 
Written by Monica09 March 2005 | 25774 words
Chapter Four
Over the next two weeks, Faramir became a familiar sight in the libraries. He was hesitant about over staying his welcome, but the archivists finally convinced him that they were happy to have him visit, and the young man was soon found happily curled up with books or maps in the afternoons. Elrond was especially pleased to find the man even napping at times, a book resting protectively on his chest, and took heart that there was some progress with his patient.
Despite his compliance with the new medical program, Faramir developed a cough. It did not escape Elrond's notice, and he added more medicines to the tonics that Faramir reluctantly took in the mornings and evenings. The first time Elrond had handed him two cups of medical brew that were to be consumed with breakfast, Faramir had looked ready to growl. He quickly changed his expression at seeing the Elf's raised eyebrow and obeyed.
He also sat patiently for healing sessions with Elrond each afternoon, allowing the Elf to tend to the persistent dart wound. Elrond could still feel some poison and darkness around the injury, and silently reflected it was amazing that Faramir had endured so long with such a hurt. It appeared that the young Steward had some of the toughness of Hobbits in surviving wounds that would take down most other beings.
Elrond watched over his guest carefully, and was pleased to see his entire household following suit. Erestor found books to keep the young Human occupied and the advisor began tutoring Faramir in Elvish. Each night Faramir sat in the Hall of Fire where he enjoyed the songs and stories, and he became more animated as he grew comfortable in his new home.
Faramir slowly blossomed under everyone's care, truly relaxed for perhaps the first time in his life. He looked a bit longingly the first times the hunters rode out without him, clearly having always joined them in Gondor, but his attention was easily diverted to the books and maps. Glorfindel and Damrod marched Faramir back to the main house the one time he tried to take part in the daily drills and he had to sat through a scolding from Elrond and Erestor. He sulked for a day, then relented and let the matter drop.
Elrond found himself watching Faramir intently during those evenings in the Hall, and he drew closer to the Man. Faramir already looked more rested, and Elrond continued to quietly administer his patient a mild sedative at night to ensure that he slept. Some of the shadows were leaving the pale face, and the Man's beauty grew each day in Elrond's eyes.
He didn't realize that his admiration of Faramir had become so clear until Erestor raised the subject one afternoon. They were going over the household accounts and the advisor looked at Elrond with an amused, fond expression as they settled back with tea.
"What are you smiling at so, my friend?" Elrond asked curiously.
"I am smiling at you," Erestor responded, his eyes twinkling. "It is good to see you this way.
Elrond ran the words over in his head. "In what way?" he asked, very puzzled. Erestor chuckled.
"Have you looked at yourself in a mirror recently?" he teased. "You are mooning over him like a youngster."
A dark eyebrow rose and Elrond frowned. "What ever are you talking about?"
"Faramir," Erestor answered simply. "I think you love him, my friend."
"What?" Elrond was stunned at his friend's words. He put down his cup of tea and frowned, agitated. "I don't know what you mean."
Erestor sighed, but still smiled. "It is obvious in your eyes, even if your stubborn mind has not paid attention yet. You glow when he walks into the room or even when his name is mentioned. He coughs, and you grow alarmed and fuss over him like a mother hen."
"I am his healer," Elrond protested.
The advisor grinned. "Yes, you are, but I think there is more. You growl at anyone who takes Faramir from your side. Have you not noticed that every night in the Hall you sit by his side and no one comes between you? One of the musicians asked Faramir's opinion on a new song the other night and your expression could only be described as extremely jealous."
Elrond pondered those words, then sighed, sinking into his chair. Valar! He cared about Faramir, of course; had it evolved into something more? He searched his heart and then buried his face in his hands for a moment before looking up at his friend.
"I do love him," he said. He had known this almost from the first day, but refused to admit it or give voice to his emotions.
Erestor laid a hand on his shoulder. "Why does that distress you, my friend?" he asked. "Surely this is a happy moment?"
"I do not know," Elrond replied, his tone nearly distressed. "I should not harbor this feeling for one of my patients!"
To his irritation, Erestor simply started laughing. Elrond glared at him and it made the advisor laugh more. "Elrond, "Erestor finally managed to say, "you would have to be a very poor healer to not realize how special our young Human is. Your being his healer is not a determent. What is the real reason you have not admitted this attraction to yourself?"
Elrond looked out the window, watching the wind toss the few remaining leave about the balcony. Snow would come in a few days, and Rivendell would be blanketed in winter's grip. "He came here to heal, not to find love," he said quietly.
"Why can he not find both?" Erestor argued. "What is in your path?" Elrond remained silent, and Erestor laid a hand over his. "What troubles your mind? Celebrain set you free to find love again, my friend. She would not want you to be unhappy and lonely for the rest of your time on Arda."
"She did set me free," Elrond agreed quietly. "I have taken a few lovers since she sailed as she told me specifically to look for happiness after she left. I know what I would want, but it is not fair to place any burden on Faramir."
A dark eyebrow rose as Erestor looked incredulously at the other Elf. "Your love would be a burden?" he asked, unable to believe what he was hearing.
Elrond stood and began pacing, his thoughts whirling about like the leaves. "He has gone through so much! I am just beginning to gain his trust. He needs a confidant and friend while he heals."
"Why can he not have a lover as well?" Erestor was very determined to make his friend see the good in this potential relationship. "Surely would not a lover be his best confidant and support?"
"He must return to his duties in Gondor," Elrond said weakly.
Erestor's lips twitched. "Ah, and he will be so enamored of you that he will never recover?"
Elrond was about to reply, but stopped and considered the comment. He saw Erestor start to grin and had to shake his head at his own words. "Alright, my friend, you have me there," he admitted dryly.
"You could offer him comfort and healing in his heart as well as his body," Erestor continued smoothly. "I do not think that Faramir has known love before, save the love of his brother. He needs to feel special, Elrond, by one who loves him. And I do not think that your love would be rejected by him," he added.
Elrond looked up quickly. "You know something?"
"Only what I see in his eyes and face. He watches you as closely as you watch him; it is like seeing a dance between you two." Erestor smiled ruefully. "You are certainly not the only one taken with our guest, Elrond. There are a number who would be delighted to spend private time with him, myself included. But you are the only one he watches in that manner. Faramir is of Númenórean blood, and you two would be well suited. Should you not at least see if he is open to the possibility?"
Elrond sighed and folded his hands. "I will think on this. Faramir will certainly need someone soon to confide in." His eyes looked to the window again, and something in the air whispered to him. "There is going to be a revelation soon, and I fear for him."
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this is a very good story,i hope you continue this love it hould follow faramir back to Gondor7 pick-up Elrond not being abe to stay away. but its a beautiful story
chela — chela Monday 30 April 2007, 4:36 #