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When Darkness Falls (NC-17) Print

Written by Sairalinde and Anorienbean

10 April 2008 | 42956 words

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Title: When Darkness Falls Chapter 5/?
Authors: Sairalinde & Anorienbean
Fandom: LOTR
Characters: Faramir/Haldir
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Non-con in later chapters, violence
Disclaimer: No money was made from this, and the characters all belong to the late, great Mr. JRR Tolkien and his estate.
Summary: Faramir and Haldir join the Fellowship and vow to do everything in their power to see the one ring destroyed. Things get complicated, however, when they fall in love almost immediately, and vow to protect one another as well. When the ring accidentally falls into Faramir’s possession, Haldir realizes that he can’t do both.
Warning: TOTALLY non-canon.

Dark dreams plagued Faramir’s sleep, and more than once he’d awakened and pulled Haldir closer, simply holding him and watching him sleep. He wasn’t sure why he felt so unsettled really, he could attribute it to a great many things. The creatures, both before they entered the mines and before they’d found their way out could have brought on such darkness in his mind, though a part of him knew what it was. He’d used the ring! He knew that he should never have put it on, but it had done everything it seemed to promise him in his mind. It had protected both he and Haldir. He wasn’t simple minded, he knew he should have been killed when he’d been that close to the fiery monster. Not even a single hair had been singed though. He knew that was unnatural, but he couldn’t help feeling grateful.

He’d been taught so many conflicting things about the ring. His father wanted it to protect Gondor and her people… and after what had happened in the caves was his father’s outlook so wrong? Yet, everyone else said it had to be destroyed and that no one could wield it without succumbing to it. The darkness he was feeling now… perhaps was a part of that?

Faramir sighed heavily from all the thoughts running through his mind and finally drew away from Haldir. He quietly got up and set about making improvements to their meager shelter. There was no telling how long they would need to stay here with Haldir’s injuries or how long it would be before they met up with their companions again.

No matter what had happened in the cave or what his father felt about the ring he had sworn to protect the ring bearer and that is what he would do. When they met up with the others he would return the ring to Frodo. That at least he knew. It was his duty to do so.

When Haldir made no sign of stirring from his healing sleep, Faramir spent the rest of the hours trying not to dwell on his thoughts. Instead he kept himself as busy as he could, gathering rocks for a small fire pit and making and setting snares in the woods around them to catch fresh meat.

As darkness fell again, Faramir curled up around his lover who had stirred little in his sleep and smiled as Haldir snuggled close to him. He hoped that the morning would find Haldir awake and feeling better than before. Faramir had inspected his wounds and they did seem to be healing remarkably well. Elves were certainly wondrous creatures.

By the time Haldir finally awoke, Faramir was asleep beside him again. His wounds no longer pained him, and he couldn’t help but smile at the way his lover was curled up against him. Gently brushing the hair back from the beloved face, he smiled and pressed his lips to Faramir’s forehead. The sunlight was just peeking over the horizon, and he carefully pulled Faramir closer, trying not to wake him, as he lay still and contemplated on how to ask about the ring, and how he’d come into possession of it. He had no doubt that it was all a simple mistake, but seeing Faramir suddenly appearing out of nowhere and pulling the cursed piece of jewelry from his finger had startled Haldir more than he cared to admit.

Gingerly letting his fingertips move over his own chest, he saw that his wounds, while no longer very painful, hadn’t healed completely, no doubt because the ring was so close to him as he’d slept. Nevertheless, he could move easily, and would not slow them down on their journey, thankfully.

As Faramir began to stir hours later, Haldir rained dozens of kisses over his lover’s face and let his fingers trail lightly over the warm skin of his jawline. “Good morning, my lovely one,” he murmured between kisses. “Did you sleep well?”

Faramir’s dreams had been less dark this night, for which he was grateful, and as he began to stir awake he felt Haldir kissing him. Smiling even before he opened his eyes he whispered, “Good morning to you, love.” Opening his eyes, he sighed and reached out to brush soft golden hair over Haldir’s shoulder, gently tucking it behind his ear. “I did sleep well. How are you feeling?”

“Much better,” Haldir smiled, sliding his hand underneath Faramir’s tunic and letting it rest lightly over his stomach, which was, for some unknown reason, one of his favorite spots to touch on his lover. “Thank you for watching over me. I am almost completely healed… maybe in another day or two, I will be better, though I won’t have any scars to brag about if that happens.” Nibbling playfully on Faramir’s neck, Haldir finally pulled away and grinned. “Will you still love me if I have no battle scars?”

Faramir’s smile slipped away and he nodded slowly, “I know your bravery without scars and would honestly prefer not to have either of us be reminded of what happened. You… you scared me half to death, Haldir. I… I thought I would lose you. I wouldn’t have been able to bear that.”

Haldir gazed down at his lover and shook his head. “You did not lose me, dear one… you saved me,” he whispered. “And… I… well, I saw you pull the ring from your finger after you managed to push the balrog off the bridge. How… when… .I mean… oh, love, how did you get it? I thought it was with Frodo and the others!”

Faramir sighed as Haldir asked about the ring. He had hoped that they could get through the caves and find their companions again and return the ring before any had to know he’d picked it up. “During the fight with the tentacle monster outside the mines, when it picked Frodo upside down, the ring fell and before I even thought I picked it up and put it in my pocket for safe keeping. I had… have… every intention of returning it to Frodo when we meet up again,” he explained. Though that didn’t explain why he used it.

“I have no doubt of your intentions,” Haldir said softly. “I knew there was a good reason. You did what anyone would have done, keeping it until Frodo was safe. If we had not gotten separated from the others, I know you would have given it back.” Letting his fingers comb gently through his lover’s hair, Haldir thought back to what happened in the caves. “You… you used it to save me. Gods… .I am so sorry. I should never have put you in that position. I only wanted you safe, and… and my actions caused you to use that… that damnable thing. I did not know, guren… please forgive me… I did not know.”

“There is nothing to forgive… we both just followed our hearts,” Faramir whispered. “I… I didn’t know what else to do and when you were hurt… I felt so helpless and then suddenly I just knew the ring would protect me enough to at least allow you a chance to escape. I’m… I’m not sure what I feel about it. I know it needs to be destroyed… but I can’t help feel grateful for it at the same time.” He’d felt those conflicting feelings over the ring ever since the cave.

Haldir closed his eyes and pulled Faramir closer in a tight embrace. “You are so brave,” he whispered after a moment. “And as pure as your heart is, I do not think the ring can hold any power over you after only wearing it once. Hopefully, Frodo and the others will come soon and you can return it… I hate having it this close to either of us. But thank you… thank you for saving me.”

Faramir wasn’t sure he was as pure as Haldir felt he was nor as brave, but he smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover. “I would do anything for you, Haldir. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. You remember what we talked about in Rivendell. I meant what I said, I never wish to be parted from you ever again… and it would have broken me completely had you fallen. Gods… if you had, I think I would have thrown myself off that bridge and followed you,” he whispered seriously, his voice thick with emotion.

Haldir shook his head. “I cannot bear to think of you giving up your life for me… but… Gods, I cannot say that I do not feel the same. I would have done anything to keep you safe from that creature.” Gently laying Faramir back on the ground, Haldir gazed down into his lover’s eyes. “I would do anything for you, meleth… and I will do whatever I have to do to keep you by my side… anything.” Elrond’s words rang in his ears as he spoke and he wondered if the other Elf knew that something like this would happen.

“You did, love, and you got hurt because of it,” Faramir whispered sadly. As Haldir laid him back, Faramir gazed up at his lover, raising his hand to trail the back of his fingers along Haldir’s cheek. “I love you more than I have the words to say, Haldir,” he whispered. For long moments they simply gazed at one another, seeming to be lost in one another’s eyes before Faramir leaned up and brushed his lips gently against Haldir’s.

Drawing away he smiled, “Are you hungry?” Faramir asked, suddenly remembering that Haldir hadn’t eaten in almost two days.

Haldir’s hands moved over Faramir’s skin as they kissed, and he sighed contentedly. “Aye,” he murmured, “and though I am finding it hard to give up your kisses, my stomach is starting to rumble.” As Faramir started to get up, Haldir smiled and shook his head. “You have waited on me since I was hurt,… so you rest and let me find something for breakfast. Maybe the others will come soon and you can get rid of that ring and we can move on. The sooner it is destroyed, the happier I will be… and we can start our lives together somewhere safe, and forget things like balrogs and caves, and tentacled monsters that live beneath the water.”

Faramir smiled at Haldir and sat back against the wall. “Only if you are sure you are feeling up to it, love. I set some snares yesterday afternoon, and found a stream to refill our water supply, if you like, we can eat a light meal now from our packs and then later I can check those snares and see if we can have fresh meat this afternoon?” He smiled as Haldir gave him a surprised look and he shrugged. “You were asleep and I felt restless so I spent the day yesterday doing a few things.”

Laughing softly, Haldir nodded, trying his best to push thoughts of the ring from his mind. “You never fail to surprise me, my lovely one,” he chuckled. “I will find us something from our packs then, and hope for something a bit more substantial for our next meal. In the meantime, you relax.” He started to stand, then paused and leaned over for another kiss before getting to his feet and rummaging through their packs, all the time hoping to hear the sounds of their companions approaching. He wanted to move on, but, more than anything, he wanted the ring away from the man he loved.

Faramir felt awkward sitting back and letting Haldir, who was still recovering, do everything. Seeking something to do with himself he reached over and offered their waterskins to Haldir as he’d drawn out the small metal cups they had all carried in their packs. He simply watched his lover, enjoying just looking at him as he always did. “You have no idea how beautiful you are,” he said softly as Haldir had caught him watching. “It takes my breath away sometimes.”

Haldir smiled and stopped what he was doing for a moment, allowing him the luxury of simply staring at the man he loved. “I think the same thing about you so often,” he said softly, “I am blessed by the Valar to have your heart.”

Faramir smiled, feeling his face color slightly. “You will always have my heart,” he smiled and scooted closer as Haldir settled back down and handed him a cup of water. Changing the subject, Faramir looked toward the mountain. “How long do you think we should wait? If… if somehow they got ahead of us… where would they go next? Did Gandalf ever mention where we would go after the caves?”

Haldir took a long drink of water and refilled both their cups as he looked off into the horizon. “I overheard him and Lord Elrond discussing our path, so I have a vague idea of where to go. My biggest fear, though, is that they will think we cannot have survived the mines. Gandalf knew, I think, of the dangers in there. That was why he was so hesitant about entering them in the first place. If they think we perished inside, then I am not sure what they would do, especially since they no longer have the ring. For all we know, they might have been here already and left… or even returned home, thinking that the quest had failed and the ring was lost forever, but not destroyed. As much as I would like to say we should wait for them no matter how long it takes, I know that is not possible. If they do not return… I wonder if we will have to travel on and destroy the ring ourselves. What do you think? How long do you want to wait?”

Faramir nodded as Haldir spoke, all of his theories making sense. He felt strange when Haldir mentioned destroying the ring themselves and he frowned into his cup as he took a drink. “I suppose… maybe only a day or so more? They couldn’t take that long going around the mountain if they meant to find us on the other side… then… I don’t know. Lórien is close to here isn’t it?”

Haldir felt his stomach clench as Faramir spoke. He was hesitant to bring the ring into the realm of the Golden Wood, but then again, with Lady Galadriel so close, did they dare not seek her council? “It is not far,” he agreed after a moment, “and maybe the others even went there, though I doubt the Marchwardens would allow them passage inside. Aragorn, however, grew up among the Elves, and might manage to talk his way past the guards. Maybe that would be best… waiting only a day or so, then making our way to Lórien. At least there, we will be safe, and my Lord and Lady can offer us some hope or direction.”

“I am sure between Aragorn and Gandalf they would manage to be allowed in. That old wizard is quite persuasive,” Faramir said fondly of his former tutor. “If anything, perhaps they might know where the rest of the fellowship is and we can meet up with them. I… I’d like to set things right and give the ring back to Frodo. Even though it saved our lives… I know the danger in my having it,” he admitted though for some reason he felt almost queasy after he spoke. He took a quick drink of water and wondered at himself.

Haldir moved to rest one hand on Faramir’s lower back and gently rubbed the tensed muscles he found there. “I know,” he sighed. “The ring is evil, and any good it does, it does only for its own purpose. The sooner it is away from you, the more relieved I will be.”

Nodding absently, Faramir looked off toward the mountain again. And the longer I have the thing in my possession the harder it will be to give it up. I remember what Frodo said about Bilbo acting strangely when it came to the ring. I don’t want that to happen to me. He turned back to Haldir and smiled sadly. To us. Because if it takes me… it will hurt Haldir too. “I know… I look forward to seeing our friends again,” he said softly.

Moving closer, Haldir pulled his lover into a tight embrace with one arm and used his free hand to capture Faramir’s. “So do I, guren,” he whispered, seeing the sadness and fear in beloved blue eyes. “No matter what happens, you know I will be beside you every step of the way. We will do what we have to do, and we will do it together.”

Faramir sunk into Haldir’s embrace, resting his head against his lover’s shoulder. “I know. I fear that will be the only thing that keeps me going one day is knowing you are by my side. I… Haldir, I… my dreams have been dark ever since the ring has been in my possession but there has always been some piece of truth in my dreams. No matter what I might say or do to the contrary, believe me now, I will always love you and wish for you to be by my side. I swear it.” He knew his words sounded ominous but his dreams had always had a grain of truth in them no matter how strange, how filled with riddles they were… and his dreams of late had been so incredibly dark he feared that things would get much, much worse before they found their companions again.

Haldir closed his eyes and rested his cheek on his lover’s head. “I promise… I will never doubt your love, no matter what.” Again, Lord Elrond’s words drifted through his mind. Be sure that your love never waivers, for I have seen a shadow of what may come, and much will depend on how deeply you love Faramir. If there is any doubt in your mind of your feelings for him, any doubt at all, then I would not have you go on this quest. “I will do whatever I can to keep these dreams away from you, but no matter what happens, no matter what you say or do, I will love you. Though… I cannot help but wonder if… if you having the ring was not already foretold, for Lord Elrond was being more mysterious than ever before we left… and seemed very intent on making sure my love for you was deep and pure. Maybe… he knew this could happen.”

Faramir nodded and moved closer into his lover’s embrace. “It is possible he saw several possibilities… that is the way of my dreams at times. When I was a child they would frighten me, and Gandalf explained they were never set in stone. He said that they were possible outcomes depending on choices… if Gandalf who normally remembers everything hadn’t forgotten how to get into the mines, if the hobbits hadn’t gotten bored… you see… so many possibilities. Change one thing and the outcome is different,” he explained. Sitting back he looked into Haldir’s eyes. “If Lord Elrond foresaw that something like this could happen then there are a dozen ways it could have happened… and a dozen ways it could turn out.”

Forcing a smile to his face, Haldir nodded. “I agree,” he sighed. “There are countless possibilities. But I know how it will turn out. One way or the other, the ring will be destroyed, and you and I will live our lives in peace and happiness.”

Faramir smiled and reached out to caress Haldir’s face gently. “You, my love, give me light and hope,” he whispered. Leaning closer Faramir brushed his lips gently against Haldir’s in a sweet kiss. Haldir was still recovering from his injuries but it didn’t change how much Faramir wanted him. He would always want him, but he was careful not to press for too much, letting Haldir decide what he felt comfortable with. When he’d watched him move earlier he’d noticed that Haldir had been slower than normal, and he knew he was still in some pain. It was miraculous how quickly he had healed from his burns, a man would never heal that quickly, but he knew he still had some pain and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.

Sighing into the kiss, Haldir managed to maneuver around until he sitting in Faramir’s lap, never breaking the seal of their lips. Each kiss from Faramir seemed even sweeter than the last, and he knew, without a doubt, that he would never tire of being with this perfect man who had so easily captured his heart. When they pulled away for air, he smiled and let his fingers trail lightly over his lover’s face as he bent down and pressed dozens of kisses against the warmth of his neck. He was already aroused from their kiss and could feel Faramir’s length pressing firmly against his own. Reaching down to unlace his lover’s breeches, he wrapped his fingers around Faramir’s erection. “Make love to me, gûren,” he murmured softly. “If the others come, they will simply have to wait until we are finished.”

Before Faramir could even think suddenly his lap was invaded by a beautiful Elf. His arms wrapped around Haldir and pulled him closer as their kiss deepened, and he felt himself stir, his arousal growing rapidly. As they pulled apart for breath, Faramir’s pulse leapt in his veins as Haldir spoke and strong fingers made quick work of his laces and wrapped around his arousal, but then, his lips twitched and he laughed softly. “Yes… they will just have to wait, love,” he whispered leaning in again and kissing Haldir again.

Haldir’s free hand quickly unlaced his own breeches, and he lifted his hips up as he slid them down long legs. Settling back in his lover’s lap, he resumed stroking Faramir’s arousal as his own thickened. “You have too many clothes on, meleth,” he murmured, as his fingers began working at the fastenings of Faramir’s tunic.

Faramir’s heart was beating rapidly in his chest as Haldir removed his breeches and settled back in his lap, and his own hips rocked into his lover’s touch. When Haldir’s fingers moved to the lacing of his tunic, Faramir’s hand reached up and closed over Haldir’s for a moment. The ring was in his pocket and for one wild moment he feared taking off his tunic. Maybe in fear of the ring falling out and being lost or for other reasons he didn’t want to bring thought to… after a moment though his fingers moved from Haldir’s and helped him unlace the garment. Quickly he jerked the material over his head and laid it beside him. “Now where were we?” he murmured as he leaned in and captured Haldir’s lips again.

Haldir’s eyes widened as Faramir’s hand closed over his own, but the moment passed quickly and all thought was soon forgotten as his lover’s lips sealed over his own once again. Reaching blindly beside them for Faramir’s pack, his fingers soon closed over the small jar of salve and, together with Faramir, they managed to remove the lid without breaking their kiss. “I think you were about to take me” he murmured against kiss-swollen lips.

Faramir felt his arousal pulse as Haldir spoke and he smiled against kiss-swollen lips. “I think you might be right,” he teased. His fingers dipped into the jar and he leaned forward, his arm around Haldir and his hand trailing down the cleft of his backside. His slick fingers trailed slow circles around the small puckered opening before one dipped inside for only a moment before withdrawing and doing it over again. Faramir’s lips sealed over Haldir’s and he kissed him deeply as his fingers continued to tease and prepare his lover. His own arousal was trapped between them, hard and aching as it leaked slick fluid against both their stomachs. Shifting his hips slightly, his breath caught as Haldir’s arousal moved slick and hot against his own.

Moaning softly, Haldir buried his face against his lover’s neck and slowly began kissing and sucking on the smooth skin he found there. As loving hands moved over his body, he closed his eyes and wrapped both arms around Faramir’s neck, shifting his hips to grind their erections together as well as spreading his legs wider and opening himself to the man he loved. His tight guardian muscle was stretched and slick and he couldn’t help bearing down and driving the questing fingers in deeper before finally pulling away and gazing into lust-darkened blue eyes. “Need you, guren,” he murmured softly as he reached for the oil and dipped his fingers in, then slicked Faramir’s arousal with smooth, sure strokes.

Enjoying the way Haldir was moving in his lap, Faramir smiled as he nibbled on his lover’s ear. Their bodies were moving together, the friction feeling more and more exquisite each passing moment. When Haldir drew away and spoke, his strong hand coating Faramir’s arousal he moaned softly. “Gods, love… need you too,” he gasped. As Haldir shifted in his lap, Faramir’s fingers withdrew and his hands gripped slender hips as his lover positioned himself over his aching shaft. Slowly, Faramir’s hands helping to steady him, Haldir slid down and Faramir drew in a deep breath as his aching length was engulfed within the tight heat of the Elf’s body.

As the thick arousal slid inside him, Haldir’s head fell back and his eyes closed. He let his fingers comb gently through Faramir’s hair as his body quickly adjusted to the intrusion and captured his lover’s lips in another deep kiss. Slowly, he began to move, sliding up and down his lover’s slick organ, impaling himself again and again. When they finally broke the kiss, Haldir’s face was flushed and his hands rested on Faramir’s shoulders, bracing himself and riding his lover hard. The sounds of the forest around them dimmed, and Haldir quickly realized that the only sounds he could hear were his own low moans, and those of his lover. “I love you,” he whispered as his fingers tightened on Faramir’s shoulders. “So very, very much… “

Faramir thrust up to meet each of his lover’s downward thrusts and it felt as if the entire world fell away except the two of them. Nothing mattered except Haldir and their love. They kissed until they were both breathless, and when Haldir drew away Faramir couldn’t seem to look away from him. He was so beautiful, so perfect, and his just as he belonged to Haldir. Feeling Haldir’s hands tighten against his shoulders, he continued to move with his lover, his hands gripping Haldir’s hips tightly as they moved, and he smiled when his lover spoke. “I love you… so very much as well,” he whispered, leaning forward and sucking on the pale skin at the juncture of Haldir’s neck and shoulder.

Haldir smiled at the look of love and desire in Faramir’s eyes, knowing beyond all doubt that he would do anything for the man in his arms… anything at all. As the sweet lips he so loved to kiss fastened onto his neck, he moaned again and let his head fall back, shivering as his release began to build. His faer felt ready to spring from within him and wrap around his lover… but he held back. A bond was something he wanted to make sure Faramir wanted first… for it was unbreakable, and sacred. While Haldir knew he wanted nothing more than to be with Faramir forever, he needed to make sure Faramir wanted that as well. Spreading his legs even wider, he let Faramir control their pace of their lovemaking and shifted so that each deep thrust hit his pleasure spot squarely. Sliding one hand between them, Haldir wrapped his fingers around his aching length and stroked in time with his lover’s thrusts. “Close,” he murmured softly as Faramir’s thick shaft buried itself deep within him once more.

Faramir took advantage when Haldir tipped his head back, his lips greedily moved over his lover’s neck leaving dark marks against the pale skin. Continuing to thrust deeply, their pace growing more erratic with each passing moment. Faramir leaned back slightly when he felt Haldir’s hand slip between them, and his hand joined his lover’s, helping him stroke the steadily leaking arousal. “Let go, love… come with me,” he whispered softly feeling his own release building rapidly. Within moments it seemed that Faramir’s entire body stilled as he thrust deep one last time, his release surging through him and he bit down on Haldir’s shoulder lightly to keep from crying out too loudly into the forest.

As Faramir’s release spilled inside him and he felt smooth teeth against his shoulder, Haldir knew he was lost. Both his hand and Faramir’s tightened on his length, and he buried his face against Faramir’s shoulder to muffle his cries. Moments later, he spilled hot and slick between them, his seed spilling over their joined fingers and onto his stomach and chest. He could no nothing but cling to his lover for long moments, trying to catch his breath, as their trembling slowly subsided and he murmured soft endearments against Faramir’s ear.

As already tight muscles clamped down around him even more, Faramir moaned softly against Haldir’s shoulder. He soothed the red marks from his teeth with his tongue gently. “I love you,” he whispered, repeatedly against warm skin. His hand slid up from Haldir’s hip and up his back, caressing him gently. Leaning back he drew his hand up from where it was joined with Haldir’s and licked away the slick fluid as Haldir watched him. He smiled as he felt already tight muscles convulse around him from the visual, though he sighed in regret as his softening length slid from within the warm passage.

Haldir’s softening sex twitched as Faramir licked at his hand and his eyes darkened once again. “By the Valar, you have no idea what you do to me, pen velui,” he whispered, as he leaned forward and kissed his lover, tasting his own seed mixed with Faramir’s unique, incredibly sweet flavor.

As the softening length slid from inside him, Haldir sighed and moved to sit next to Faramir. Reaching out to tangle their fingers, he smiled and slid his free arm around the young man’s shoulders. “I do hope our companions come today… but not until we have some clothes on,” he teased. “I seriously doubt they would ever let us forget it if they found us in such a state.”

Faramir laughed as Haldir spoke and nodded in agreement. “I think they would accuse us of stealing away into the caves so that we can be alone,” he grinned as he reached over for Haldir’s tunic and handing it to him as he gathered his own. After a few moments they were both re-dressed and Faramir had unconsciously ran his hand over the pocket where the ring was several times to make sure that it hadn’t fallen out. “I should probably check those snares soon… you should rest here a little longer, and then we can make dinner together,” he suggested seeing how much their lovemaking had tired Haldir. He was after all still healing, and Faramir felt a pang of guilt yet again.

Haldir fought to keep his eyes open and sighed. He would probably only slow them both down at the moment, he thought to himself. “I think I will take you up on that offer,” he said softly. “I will rest here until you get back, then help you with dinner. Be careful, though, and please, again, do not go far, meleth.”

“Oh, I won’t love, not far at all,” Faramir whispered already seeing Haldir’s eyes starting to close. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against his lover’s forehead and smiled. “Get some rest,” he murmured. Standing back up he watched as Haldir slipped into sleep with a soft smile on his lips and found himself smiling as well. He hoped that their companions would arrive soon and that they could simply continue as planned, but as he glanced back toward the mountain he seemed to just know that it would still be many days before they met up with the others. Hoping his thoughts were clouded by the ring, he put on his weapons and made his way for the snares not far from their camp.

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9 Comment(s)

Argh! Where’s the next one??? Please PLEASE write more!

Ria    Monday 25 February 2008, 3:44    #

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Er, when’s the next chapter coming? Soon, right? No pressure, though… well, forget that, HURRY UP and write more! I’m on tenterhooks! Seriously, how well you write and what a beautiful story. Okay, now write MORE! :)

Ria    Friday 7 March 2008, 3:11    #

please continue need to know that faramir and haldir threw this

— Lothlorien Vampiress    Tuesday 25 March 2008, 22:42    #

I agree. Where’s the next chapter? This is getting better all the time. I don’t see the next chapter.

I understand you're eager, but please be patient and most of all, polite. All these authors use their spare time to write, so you cannot 'demand' they stick to a schedule. However, if meant you have technical difficulties viewing a page, please remember to contact us instead of the authors. - the archivists.

— balrog    Saturday 29 March 2008, 5:01    #

Thanks for that great story! Usually I hate to read WIPs because I’m way too curious. I prefer to read them when they’re already finished. Because of that I was happy you both found the time to write the last chapter.
It was interesting to see a “what if…”-fic with Haldir and Faramir. Deep down in my heart I’m Haldir’s girl and just love stories about him and Faramir. They’re one of my OTP’s. That’s not the first story I read written by you two and hopefully it won’t be the last I enjoyed reading so much.
You captured their voices quite well. Loved the way Haldir showed his love when Faramir was acting evil and that he didn’t protect himself. And I liked the B-story with Galadriel. Nice change in perspective.
All in all a lovely story I liked very much!

Dunderklumpen    Saturday 12 April 2008, 6:58    #

Oh~eternity is good for the lovers!Thanks to valar’s omnipotence and thank you for your kind hearts^^

I enjoyed reading it!

— eva    Wednesday 16 April 2008, 13:10    #

Wonderful as always! Thanks so much for a lovely story!

Ria    Thursday 22 May 2008, 6:27    #

Oh!! I read this one two!!! It was amazing!! Gandalf was pretty nice keeping the fact that he knew about their relationship! It was wonderful!! I wish they had destroy the ring! It was another pefect and wonderful story :) Altough I missed Legolas.

— LoretoW    Thursday 25 March 2010, 5:48    #

wonderful work, loved it, Hope you write more Faramir Haldir work .

— blondie    Saturday 14 December 2013, 19:25    #

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