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War of the Wizards (PG) Print

Written by KC

15 July 2010 | 120215 words | Work in Progress

Title: War of the Wizards
Author: KC
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Faramir
Warnings: Spanking
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. They belong to Tolkien.<br>,Please let me know what you think of this story by leaving a comment.

This is number seven in the series that started with Grief, Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard and Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles, Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward, Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie and Elves, Orcs and the Road to Recovery.
Added: Chapter 52

Part 27

After comforting and cosseting their repentant elflings for a time the three elder elves left them to ponder their pained states, emerging eventually from Elrond’s quarters into the hallway. There they were met by a sheepish looking Faramir and Amrothos. Thranduil eyed his son intently.

“You should be abed, ion-nin,” he admonished, seeing the dark circles under Faramir’s eyes.

“I will rest after I have seen Legolas, ada. I promise,” Faramir replied.

“They are in the twins’ room,” Thranduil sighed, understanding his human son’s needs. “You do not have any of that numbing salve hidden about your persons, I hope?” he asked, his suspicion aroused.

“Nay, ada,” “Nay, sir,” Faramir and Amrothos answered immediately, both blushing, hoping that none of the elves looked up.

Thranduil looked at both fox-furred young humans intently causing them to blush even more, which, given their fair complexions, was quite an endearing sight he thought.

“Alright ion-nin, your brother could use some sibling comfort right now and I am sure the twins would appreciate some as well. Be off with you!” the elven King said, taking pity on them.

The elves continued down the corridor. Faramir and Amrothos both let out in whooshes, breaths that they had not realised they had been holding and entered Elrond’s quarters. Faramir led the way the twins’ room and knocked on the door softly. Receiving permission to ‘come’, he opened the door and entered, followed by Amrothos.

The room contained two large four-poster beds parallel to one another and several feet apart, one occupied currently by Legolas and the other by the twins, all of whom lay on their stomachs covered by blankets. The cousins looked upon the still miserable trio with great empathy. Legolas twisted around, half on his side, careful of his posterior and graced his brother with a rueful if somewhat forlorn look. Faramir walked straight over to Legolas, sat down on the bed beside him and gathered his brother into a much-needed hug. Amrothos stood at the end of the bed, marvelling at the close bond between his cousin and the elf.

“You should be abed, muindor tithen. You look terrible. I am so sorry,” Legolas whispered on the verge of tears.

“Oh, pish. I will be fine after some rest later,” Faramir replied in a whisper. “I have not had the… opportunity to introduce you to my cousin, Amrothos, youngest son of Uncle Imrahil,” Faramir said, his eyes alight with mirth.

The twins and Legolas moaned at their recent folly and their damnably bad luck.

“Is your uncle very upset with us?” Legolas asked forlornly.

“Nay, nay, my father is not upset at all,” Amrothos assured the upset elves. “I thought it a good prank if gone a little askew.”

“As it does inevitably, with these three involved,” Faramir chucked wryly as he continued to hold his brother.

“Do you perchance have some numbing salve stashed about you?” Legolas asked hopefully, wincing at the pain in his posterior.

“Nay,” Faramir replied. The elven faces dropped. “However,…” he added, looking up.

The elves looked up and saw Misto sitting on a rafter holding a very large jar of numbing salve with two of his eight legs. The hatchling chose that moment to drop down on a silken thread but unfortunately misjudged the affect of the heavy jar he was holding and subsequently landed heavily on Legolas’ already much abused posterior, causing the elf to howl in pain. Faramir and Amrothos winced in sympathy but the twins did not as they were dealing with the abominable throbbing in their own posteriors.

“Ssssorrryyy, mama,” the hatchling apologised sheepishly.

“It was an accident, little one,” Faramir soothed.

“I am not so certain, muindor tithen,” Legolas muttered into Faramir’s shoulder through gritted teeth.

“Let us see what has been done to you, brother,” Faramir said, sliding from beside Legolas and on to his feet. The Steward pulled back the blanket that was covering his brother, exposing Legolas’ posterior as the elf was sans leggings. “Painful I grant but not as bad as I thought it would be,” he judged.

“Speak for yourself, muindor thithen,” Legolas grumbled.

“I speak from experience, brother,” Faramir replied quietly.

The Steward walked over to the twins in the other bed.

“Do you mind if I…?” Faramir asked, seeking permission before proceeding.

“Aye, go ahead,” they responded dejectedly, in unison.

Faramir pulled back the blankets that covered them. Like Legolas, they were both also sans leggings. Faramir winced.

“The last time I saw that particular shade of red was when Boromir…” Amrothos whistled softly as he approached the bed. “You do not mean to tell me that that… ‘thing’ still exists, Fara?” Amrothos asked on seeing Faramir’s reaction.

“Aye, human… “ Elladan grumbled.

“… and elvish versions,” Elrohir spat out disgustedly.

“Long story, cousin,” Faramir replied in answer to Amrothos’ look of puzzlement.

“Help me, sprog,” Faramir requested, using Amrothos’ pet name, as he applied the soothing salve to Elladan’s buttocks, whilst Amrothos applied some to Elrohir’s. The elf blushed at exposing such an embarrassing injury to a relative stranger, even though he was a relative of Faramir. “Be at ease, Elrohir” the Steward soothed. “Amrothos has also fallen victim to that ‘thing’ on a number of occasions and has been in exactly the same position as you are now.”

“Is nothing sacred to you Hurins?” Amrothos whined, sending a mock glare at his cousin that caused Elrohir to smile. “All done,” he smiled, pulling the blanket back over the elf as Faramir did his twin.

“Hannon-le, mellon-nin,” Elrohir responded.

Faramir returned to Legolas and applied the salve to his brother’s buttocks before pulling the blanket back over the elf who was sighing in relief.

“We will leave you in peace now,” Faramir said as he put the lid back on the jar of salve and placed it under the covers of the bed in which Legolas lay. “You will be going to the feast tonight will you not?”

“Aye,” the unhappy trio groaned.

“We will see you then,” Faramir said before he, Amrothos and Misto departed.

Most of the guests had arrived by the time Legolas, Elladan and Elrohir arrived. They, as other guests had been, were greeted by Aragorn, Arwen and Faramir in their official capacities of King, Queen and Steward of Gondor. A group of musicians were playing lively music in the far corner of the Great Hall. The twins and Legolas moved further into the hall, tentatively, not knowing what kind of reception they were likely to receive from the Swan Knights of Dol Amroth. They tensed when several knights descended upon them. Their tension turned to relief when the knights, in all their finery, greeted them warmly, laughing at the antics of the elves.

Unbeknownst to them, Amrothos and Faramir had explained the prank gone wrong and asked the knights to forgive if not forget. All but two of the knights agreed readily as they could see the humour of the situation. The two who were reluctant to forgive were reminded by Amrothos, somewhat forcefully if truth be told, of some of their past indiscretions on which he had remained silent. Faramir had to hold on to his angry cousin by the back of the young man’s tunic to stop him from throttling the denser of the two knights, when the man made a disparaging remark about the elves concerned. The Steward resolved the situation, still holding onto his struggling cousin, by advising the two knights, in his normal, quiet, well-modulated tone, that it was not good policy to upset a wizard. His assertion was reinforced by a display of crackling and hair standing on end, which, upon witnessing, the two knights blanched and seemed quite suddenly to see reason.

Legolas and the twins made their way to where their adas and Maglor were already seated at the main table. Two other tables were placed at right angles to the main table, creating a three-sided square. The main table was reserved for King, Queen and their family and friends and the Steward of Gondor and Prince of Dol Amroth. The table to the right of the main table was reserved for the Swan Knights of Dol Amroth and as many young maidens of Gondor, to partner the nights in the dancing planned for later in the evening. The table to the left was reserved for some of the Lords and Ladies of Gondor.

Gimli, who was sitting next to Gandalf near prince Imrahil, graced his wayward elfling friend with a look that promised the matter that lay between them remained to be settled. Legolas winced and then sighed in resignation. He looked down at his chair and then looked up attempting to catch Faramir’s eye. Upon succeeding, he dipped his head slightly and smiled his thanks. A soft pillow, the same colour as the chair, had been placed upon its seat. Legolas knew without a doubt that it had been Faramir who had done this for if it had been his ada, the cushions would have been almost as large as the chair and very brightly coloured. Faramir acknowledged his brother’s thanks with a smile of his own, before returning to the task of greeting guests.

When the last of the guests had arrived and been greeted, Aragorn, Arwen and Faramir sat down at the main table at which time the first courses were carried in on large ornate silver and gold trays and served to the guests by servants. Faramir was pleased to see that Boromir was also in attendance, enjoying the music and festive atmosphere.

“A finer flock of peacocks you are never likely to see, little brother” Boromir jested, looking around at the guests, causing Faramir to chortle at but one of their ongoing jests about the colourful formal uniforms of the Swan Knights.

Boromir was just about to make another comment when he stopped abruptly, his expression turning to one that Faramir knew well, that of a hunter scenting prey. As he could not ask his ghostly brother what alerted him without most of those present the room thinking him mad, Faramir turned back to his meal; all the while keeping an eye on his brother who seemed to be concentrated on the Swan Knights seated at the table at which Amrothos, as their captain, was also seated.

At the conclusion of the main meal and well before dessert was due to be served, Amrothos rose from his chair and walked around the table until he was in front of his father, who was sitting at the main table next to Faramir. All went silent as the guests watched the young knight go down on bended knee.

“Whatever are you doing, Amrothos?” Imrahil exclaimed disconcerted by his youngest son’s odd behaviour.

“Bear with me, father.” Amrothos replied in a ‘put upon’ manner. “I am acting under very strict instructions from your heir.”

“What has Elphir got to do with this… ?“ Imrahil was at a loss at to describe what ‘this’ was.

“Please father, I beg you,” Amrothos spoke as if he was reading aloud, very badly at that, from a script. “Please return to Dol Amroth. The kingdom will fall to ruin if you do not come home soon. Please come home!”

Faramir, who could contain himself no longer, broke out into musical laughter at his cousin’s speech. Faramir’s laughter proved infectious and it was not long before all those gathered in the hall, including the King, Queen and elves, were laughing merrily.

“Enough, sprog,” Imrahil chuckled, throwing a bread roll at his son, hitting him on the head. Amrothos rose to his feet gracefully and bowed to his father and then the King and Queen. “I am sure that my eldest did not intend for you to deliver his speech in front of an audience,” Imrahil said, not quite able to bring himself to make it sound like an admonishment.

“I reasoned that if he saw fit to force me to deliver such an embarrassing speech, I could choose the time and place, neither of which was specified in his orders,” Amrothos retorted.

“Am I given to understand then that your brother is struggling with a few matters?” Imrahil asked.

“A few, father, but he is coping at the moment,” the young knight replied.

“Then it is your judgement that I do not need to return to Dol Amroth forthwith?”

“Nay, father. My brother’s tone did not contain quite the tenor of sheer desperation that would necessitate a return to Dol Amroth at this time,” Amrothos said with a straight face.

“You do realise what your reception is likely to be on returning home, when he finds out about this? Do you not?” Imrahil asked.

“I was rather hoping that I could stay here in Minas Tirith for foreseeable future as I have several furloughs long overdue,” the young knight responded, clearing his throat before doing so.

“We will see, sprog,” Imrahil said with a mock glare.

Orders carried out, Amrothos returned to his seat just as dessert was being served. Faramir had almost completed his dessert when he realised that in all the commotion created by his cousin, he had lost sight of Boromir. Scanning for his brother, he spied him crawling under the table at which the Swan Knights and young ladies were seated. He stopped at where Amrothos was seated and then rose to his haunches abruptly, which pushed his head up through the table and the plate from which Amrothos was eating.

“Boo!” Boromir bellowed.

“Ahhhhhh!” Amrothos yelped as his dessert went one way, his chair the other and he scrambled back from the image of his cousin’s head, sitting on the table.

“I knew so! You can see me! You can hear me you sneaky young… Why did you not tell me?” Boromir continued to bellow at his cousin as he rose to his feet, walked through the table and stalked towards his cousin like a predator. Amrothos continued to back away, wincing at the volume of his ghostly cousin’s bellowing.

“Whatever is the matter with that boy? He looks like he has seen a ghost. Oh… “ Imrahil said, eyes widening, seeing his youngest right the chair that had toppled and wince as he is wont to do when in receipt of a very severe tongue-lashing.

“He can see Boromir,” Faramir whispered harshly.

“Oh my! Where is Boromir?” Imrahil asked, still a little confused by the scene playing out before him.

“About a hand span from sprog’s face, bellowing at him. It is a wonder that no one else can hear him. He is hurting my eardrums from over there.”

Faramir gave Aragorn, who was looking upon the scene in bemusement, a ranger signal requesting that he create a diversion. Ever the ranger, Aragorn announced immediately that he wished to dance with his Queen and invited anyone who wanted to join them to do so. The King held out his arm to Arwen who took it and walked with him onto the dance floor. As Aragorn distracted the guests, Faramir hurried to his cousin and pulled the pale young man from the room, followed by Boromir who was bellowing ever more elaborate and painful admonishments at the top of his ghostly lungs.

NB: Please do not distribute (by any means, including email) or repost this story (including translations) without the author's prior permission. [ more ]

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51 Comment(s)

I really like what you’ve done with all these stories. I can’t wait to continue reading them. I do have a question. How on earth will Faramir continue to age. Will he get old like gandalf, or just stop like hte elves? Just curious! Keep writing! classacte

— classacte    Thursday 20 April 2006, 5:53    #

when are you going to update this? Poor Chiri, and I can’t wait to see what happens with Sarumon! COntinue soon! classacte

— classacte    Tuesday 2 May 2006, 3:24    #

wow, these stories are great. Can’t wait to read the rest. I’d love to see a flashback of Thranduil and Maglor dealing with the escape of the dwarves since you made it sound so funny. Keep up the good work.

— Daughter of Thranduil    Saturday 10 June 2006, 6:00    #

Hi again. Just curious as to when you will be updating next?

— Daughter of Thranduil    Thursday 13 July 2006, 23:46    #

I LOVE it! Keep up the fantastic work. Just one little question: what does Maglor truely look like? I’ve reread this fiction at least a dozen times & I’m curious to his hair color and style!

— Lori Tankersley    Friday 4 August 2006, 4:14    #

Hi Lori,

Thank you for the kind words and I’m pleased you are enjoying the story. I described Maglor very briefly in Elves, Orcs and the Road to recovery as “a tall blond elven warrior”. I picture him as having long blond hair in the elven way with warrior braids. He is taller than Legolas and Faramir. Of course, like all evles he is stunning with deep blue eyes that seem endlessly deep.

KC    Friday 4 August 2006, 18:10    #

Hee hee! Serves Eomer right for being so nasty to Faramir! I really enjoyed this chapter. Maglor is such a wonderful character. Keep up the great work.

— Daughter of Thranduil    Saturday 5 August 2006, 16:39    #

Thank you!! Maglor has been an absolute hoot to write and I’m pleased it shows through :)

KC    Sunday 6 August 2006, 14:18    #

Great chapter. Loved it.

— Daughter of Thranduil    Wednesday 27 September 2006, 20:52    #

I alsways enjoy your story very much. This chapter was no exception. I think that Eomer got what he deserved and Misto’s reaction/action was what to be expected! ;) Are we starting with the march towards Minas Morgul next? Can’t wait to see how the battle plays out! Patience is not a virtue :)

— maeglina    Monday 2 October 2006, 15:14    #

It’s so good to see a new chapter of this story! Such fun :-)

— Monica    Wednesday 30 May 2007, 9:56    #

Thank you Monica,

It’s been a rough few months but I’m back to writing (whew!). I’ve even started on part 51.

KC    Thursday 31 May 2007, 5:34    #

Welcome back! We missed you!

— Archmage XIII    Saturday 16 June 2007, 7:24    #

Thank you! Good to be writing again. Hope to have the next part finished soon.

KC    Monday 18 June 2007, 12:06    #

Wonderful to see another chapter to this story, I’ve been reading since the beginning on a yahoo group that I lost track of, so I’ very glad you post here. Loved Misto’s armour! Looking forward to the next part.

— wendyuk    Wednesday 1 August 2007, 11:32    #

Thank you Wendy!! It’s certainly been a long journey. I never imagined the story would go in the directions it has LOL. Hope to update Soon. Thanks again :)

KC    Sunday 5 August 2007, 9:10    #

Delighted to see a new chapter of this fun read. It always puts a smile on my face.
BTw – I love your portrayal of Arwen.

— Dixie    Monday 6 August 2007, 0:41    #

Thank you Dixie! Always nice to know that people find something to smile about in my stories. And thank you for the compliment about Arwen!! :)

KC    Monday 13 August 2007, 9:51    #

Since this hasn’t been updated in around 7 months, I gather it’s dead? Shame, as I was enjoying it. I keep checking back periodically to see if there’s an update, but my hopes dwindle.

— Mandy    Saturday 23 February 2008, 22:48    #

Hi Mandy,

Sorry but RL got in the way big time. My country had a welcome change of Government last November. A change of Government, before and after, means a lot of work. The project that I was working was discontinued so apart from looking for a transfer to another organisation, I have more time on my hands now in addition to a new laptop. I have started work on the next chapter and hope to have it finished within the next few weeks.

KC    Sunday 24 February 2008, 7:27    #

That comment made me laugh out loud. You must be British. Did no one in England like poor Tony? He seems about as popular as Bush is over here, but I imagine both men meant well. Lord knows what we’ll end up with in Nov. Oh well, I’ll keep checking on the story. Thanks.

— Mandy    Sunday 24 February 2008, 23:57    #


“You must be British.”

I think not. Blair left us some 5 months earlier, in June, not November, and as he stood down as Prime Minister during the Labour government’s term in office and handed over to Gordon Brown for the rest of that term, it was not a change of government either. Imagine (keeping in mind that prime ministers are not presidents and the two systems are not comparable) that —God forbid— something would happen to Bush: then Cheney would take over until the next elections.

Countries that were in the process of changing their governments around last November include Australia, Denmark, Croatia and Argentina. A glance at KC's email address makes me suspect we're dealing with the first.

PS: If you want to keep up with political affairs around the world (US media are so inwardly focused), the BBC are an invaluable source. Personally I prefer The Economist which has an excellent ‘Politics this week’ section, with matching weekly newsletter.

Admin    Monday 25 February 2008, 8:12    #

Hi Mandy
Admin is right. Blair was extremely popular in comparison to our ex-Prime Minister Howard. We now have a round faced, blond, blue-eyed Labor PM who speaks, of all languages, Mandarin. A breath of fresh air but damn Kevin Rudd’s hard work. He makes workaholics look narcoleptic.

KC    Monday 25 February 2008, 8:53    #

Ouch. And I thought that our lot was bad. Good to hear that this isn’t dead, since I’m rather fond of them. Although, I do find myself feeling sorry for Eomer. Even if he is an ass.

— Jerry    Saturday 22 March 2008, 21:38    #

This is very good! Give yourself a pat on the back! ;)
P.S when is the next chapter coming? it been almost a year since i last read this (Yes i read your stories twice)

— Victoria    Friday 29 August 2008, 2:51    #

Sorry to all who have been following this story. Work has consumed every waking minute both physically and emotionally for over 12 months and has given me nothing but grief and heartache in return. So I start a new job on 15 September that pays more, involves less time and is something I enjoy doing. The upshot is that I hope to have my half completed chapter finished before the end of November. Thank you again all for your patience but I am determined to finish this story and Misto keeps rattling his armour at me menacingly in my dreams!!

— KC    Monday 1 September 2008, 11:25    #

Congratulations on your new job! It is so important to also have time for yourself, not just for work – great to hear you’re finding a better balance. Best of luck!

iris    Thursday 4 September 2008, 11:18    #

Well done on getting a much better job. I know I’m being selfish but I love this story so much please continue it as soon as possible. I enjoy reading and experiencing the way your characters continue to evolve…keep up the good work.

— Annette    Monday 17 November 2008, 20:05    #

Hi. I just found this story and really enjoyed it. I love your characterization of Faramir and the elves. I can’t wait to see where you go with this story next. Please update again soon.

— ana    Wednesday 29 April 2009, 6:31    #

Hi KC!

I just discovered your story, and was well impressed by it. I see you’ve not updated for a while, and I’m guessing RL got in the way? I hope all is well and that you keep writing as you’ve got a great talent. Thanks for all your effort!

— Aqua    Tuesday 1 September 2009, 7:29    #

Hey, as I said before but this time it different, I think you should consider publishing this but I’ll think it’ll be a short book but still! and yep this is much be…fourth time I read this? It just too enjoyable :D

— Victoria    Tuesday 20 October 2009, 0:01    #

Please do finish this story.
Even though I don’t second your “love” for spanking, you write so well that I need to know how it ends.
Don’t keep us in the dark.

— lille mermeid    Sunday 31 January 2010, 19:15    #

Hi all,
Sorry to have gone MIA for so long but 2009 was a hard year. Worked like a dog on a successful project and won an organisational award.

Went to another project job, worked like a dog and won another organisational award.

Went into a non-project job in the same organisation and four days later retrenchment packages were offered to all. Much to the chagrin of the bosses, mine was too good to refuse and has set me up for life.

Left work and looked forward to writing again. Unfortunately I had to look after an ailing mother for three months. Mother is now better. Looked forward to writing again.

Unfortunately, bosses begged me to come back as a contractor. In a moment of weakness said yes. Still working but am starting to write again only to face a bit of writer’s block.

Whew!! What a year!!

— KC    Monday 1 February 2010, 22:06    #

Hi KC,

I have very much enjoyed your series of stories beginning with Grief and currently ending in War of Wizards. They are a very fun read, you really give a charming personality to characters I’ve always loved and wanted to know more about, such as Faramir, and his uncle Imrahil’s family.

No pressure whatsoever, but if you do write more in the future, I will be happy to read. In particular, I wonder whether Saruman realizes how thoroughly he may be outclassed in cunning by the fox cubs and their families and friends. I also wonder whether Eowyn has decided to accompany the soldiers from Rohan in the War of the Wizards, since Eomer elected to leave her in Rohan, and it seems the type of thing she might do again, this time for the purpose of watching Farmir’s back. I’m also interested in seeing the first meeting between Eomer and Imrahil’s daughter, and Faramir’s elven family and Eowyn. If I can be of any assistance in terms of proofreading or hashing out ideas, please feel free to drop me a line.

Best of luck with everything,

Susana R.

— Susana R    Sunday 23 May 2010, 7:46    #

I am doing the happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can’t wait to read the rest of this wonderful story, full of humour and adventure.

You were one of the writers who made me want to write Faramir Fan Fiction.

— Lille Mermeid    Thursday 15 July 2010, 16:48    #

KC, It’s wonderful to see you writing again! Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic stories with us, and I hope life is treating you better now. This is one of my favourite stories, and an update is a lovely excuse for a re-read! Thank you again. Wendy

— Wendy    Thursday 15 July 2010, 20:34    #

You’re back!! How wonderful! I enjoy your stories so much and to see an update to War of Wizards has made my day! Thank you so very, very much!!

— Libraryblue    Thursday 15 July 2010, 20:51    #

Happy to see You back and for that reason I re-read whole story once again. Thank You!

— Cicely    Sunday 18 July 2010, 5:43    #

Lovely to see you writing again! The personalities and interactions of your characters are as delightful as ever. Still brings a smile to my face!

— trixie    Thursday 22 July 2010, 5:40    #


I have just finished reading the entire series you wrote. I have enjoyed so much that I can’t help but ask you to continue. Everything, from the idea of younger ones being spanked, to larger roles of some characters, to the amused elderly Elves, to fox cubs… I don’t know, just everything seems so right. This series has had me both on the edge of tears and chuckling throughout the reading. I enjoy Faramir fictions and the way you’re writing this one, intertwining the memories and the presence, going into the depths with each character yet not going out of them (OOC) is amazing. I would very much like to see this to be finished some day.

Thank you very much for the delightful experience of being able to read the brilliantly written story.
And I do apologize, for this comment doesn’t make up even for the half of it, but there is so much I can’t quite put into words at the moment. Am still stunned at how you managed to do it and how good it came out.

Best regards,

— Aneyrin    Thursday 23 December 2010, 21:10    #

OMG! I love these stories so much they have had me laughing and crying at Faramirs exploits! I cant wait to read the rest :) x

— key    Friday 25 February 2011, 19:50    #

Wow, Your stories are wonderful.
I couldn’t stop reading them until the end. I almost cry when I saw that war of the wizards wasn’t finished. (ok, it was probably the nerves since I didn’t sleep in two nights that I spent reading. XD)
You’re a very good writer and these fics are just very interesting, and the plot is fun and intriguing at the same time.


— Girlytiger    Thursday 21 April 2011, 22:32    #

I love this series i will admit i never thought about faramir being adopted by elves please please please update soon.

— Nikki    Monday 11 July 2011, 2:35    #

great story – please do continue.Can hardly wait for how it ends. thanks for writing.

— joe    Monday 2 January 2012, 10:43    #

Greeting, dear KC!

I just re-read War of Wizards and enjoyed it as much as I did the frist time through. I still had fits of laughter and giggles throughout the reading and I swear someone was peeling onion at certain times when I was reading.

This site hasn’t heard from you in a while, but I do hope you’re well and will once continue writing and posting this wonderful story you created.

Thank you for sharing it with us and good luck with whatever it is you’re doing in your life currently,

— Aneyrin    Tuesday 17 July 2012, 22:01    #

Hi KC,

I hope all is well in your life and you still have the time to write.

Just wanted to thank you for the great story and for the sharing of it .
It is amazing how you manage to create such a wanderfull time line and I just love the characters and the way they interact .

Looking forward to the next chapters and a happy end of the story .

Many thanks for your work.
Good luck in life and happiness .

— BlackSwan    Thursday 14 February 2013, 6:20    #

Hi KC, just wanted to say I really enjoyed this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I know it’s been a long time since you updated it and hope everything is alright in your life. I hold out hope that this fantastic story will eventually be finished. Again thanks for the story and good luck in your life.

— Anna    Thursday 5 June 2014, 20:41    #

Hi – thanks for a great read. I’m assuming this story has been abandoned – or is continued on a 3rd site? Can you advise?

— tiinaj1    Thursday 20 July 2017, 3:37    #

Are you going to update this anytime soon. I’m dying to figure out what happens! I love Love LOVE!!!! these stories please keep writing. ;)

— Alexa    Sunday 29 July 2018, 19:41    #

Very enjoyable and fulfilling read! Is this story still in the making, or has it been abandoned? I hope not the latter! So much want to find out how it ends!

— Treedweller    Saturday 19 January 2019, 10:48    #

Me again. I’ve just read the entire series up to here for the third time. It looks like this has been abandoned? Alas, so many of us are dying to find out what happens! Thank you for your work and for sharing it with us.

— Treedweller    Friday 14 June 2019, 13:27    #

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