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War of the Wizards (PG) Print

Written by KC

15 July 2010 | 120215 words | Work in Progress

Title: War of the Wizards
Author: KC
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Faramir
Warnings: Spanking
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. They belong to Tolkien.<br>,Please let me know what you think of this story by leaving a comment.

This is number seven in the series that started with Grief, Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard and Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles, Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward, Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie and Elves, Orcs and the Road to Recovery.
Added: Chapter 52

Part 15

“Aieeeeeee!” Faramir yelped as he scrambled furiously away from the apparition, upon which his head had been resting, ending up several feet away and on his knees. “You are… you are…”

“Dead? Deceased? Carked it?” the apparition supplied helpfully, eyes twinkling as he sat on the ground with his back braced against a large rock.

“This is no jesting matter you… you bastard!” Faramir mewled, disoriented and trying desperately to understand what was happening to him.

“Shame on you, little brother. That is a falsehood and you know so. I do believe the record books show our parents were married at the time I was conceived,” Boromir chided gently, amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Oh, miel-neth nin (my kitten), it is good to speak to you,” he added, softly, quietly, his expression turning melancholy.

Faramir put a trembling hand to his mouth and tears sprang to his eyes at the endearment miel-neth, Boromir’s childhood name for him. It was something Faramir thought never to hear again.

“If I touch you,” Faramir began tentatively, “you will not disappear in a puff of smoke will you?”

“No, miel-neth, not here,” Boromir assured, rising to his feet and opening his arms wide in invitation.

“Promise?” Faramir whimpered, tears overflowing and streaming down his face.

“Promise, little one,” Boromir assured Faramir as he waved the fingers of his outstretched hands, coaxing his skittish brother.

In but a moment, the Gondorian Warrior’s arms were filled with his sobbing, mewling brother. Faramir placed his arms around Boromir’s neck and if not for the fact that his brother was already to be counted amongst those deceased, would have squeezed the life from him. Faramir breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar scent of his brother and knew that it was indeed Boromir for none other had that particular scent, one he had known from his first memories. Boromir held his brother tightly also, savouring the feel of his little brother.

“I have missed you… so… much,” Faramir sobbed as Boromir held him tightly. Both brothers stayed like that for a long time, each savouring the nearness and solidity of the other. “Am I dead?” Faramir mewled eventually into his brother’s shoulder, when his sobbing had abated enough for his thought processes to resume.

“I have missed being able to hold you and no, little brother, you are not dead but I fear you would wish it from the sounds of your screaming before you lost consciousness,” Boromir said in a whisper, hoarse with emotion.

“What is happening to me? Where is here?” Faramir asked, gaining slightly more control over his thoughts if not his emotions.

“What is the last thing that you remember,” Boromir asked as he guided his brother to the rocked and bade him sit down.

“I was in a stable grappling with three men when they pinned me to the ground and poured a foul potion down my throat, forcing me to swallow. Oh, how it burned!” Faramir replied, shuddering at the dark memory.

“The three men have adducted you and are taking you down river by boat. The potion they gave you is to keep your thoughts disjointed so that you cannot employ your wizarding powers but I fear they have given you too much of the evil brew,” Boromir said, tightening his embrace to temper his brother’s trembling.

“How do you know this?”

“Where ever you have been, little brother, so have I, watching over you” Boromir replied, chuckling as the ramifications of his statement began to settle on Faramir.

“Where is here?” Faramir asked.

“Betwixt and between,” Boromir replied vaguely.

“Betwixt and between what, buffoon?” Faramir asked, his temper taking control of his mouth – yet again.

“Between the living world and the halls of our ancestors, a staging area so to speak,” Boromir answered, amused at his brother’s display of temper.

“Why are you here? I thought you deserted me, that time in Mirkwood,” Faramir asked a little petulantly.

“Only after I saw you placed safely in the hands of an elven ada and brother who have grown to love you dearly, Fara,” Boromir corrected, causing Faramir to blush, contrite. “And I told you, I have been watching you. The bond between you and I is indeed strong, little one, for not even death has been able to break it and I admit that something else has been holding me here but I have not thought overmuch on its cause for I have been far too entertained watching your antics,” Boromir admonished, chuckling as he did so. “I have laughed heartily and been ever so delightfully amused as I have borne witness to Gondor’s King, a wizard, a whole cast of elves including King, Lord, Prince and nanny and our dear, dear uncle, run ragged attempting to keep you out of trouble.”

“It is not my fault, circumstances just keep getting a little ahead of me,” Faramir whined, pouting.

Boromir threw back his head and fair howled with laughter as he pulled his brother more tightly to him, praising the Valar for giving him the opportunity to do so.

“Ahoy there,” Aragorn hailed from the shore as his party came across a small ship of Dol Amroth and a second ship, abandoned and run aground.

The company dismounted.

“The vessel was ran aground deliberately, sire, when realised that it could not outrun my ship,” the breathless young Swan Knight Captain said from behind Aragorn, causing the King to turn quickly about. “My sailors and I gave chase but were prevented from securing the Steward by the largest orcs I have ever had the misfortune to fight. Whilst we fought the abductors escaped with the Steward in that direction,” the knight said looking inland. “I am sorry, sire.”

Legolas ran off in the direction the knight indicated with Misto scuttling along in hot pursuit.

“Uruk-hai,” Aragorn spat. “This reeks of Saruman.”

“But they are heading towards Umbar,” Thranduil mused.

“I do not like where that thought leads us, mellon-nin,” Aragorn responded, shaking his head in consternation.

“Neither do I. An alliance between Saruman and the Haradrim is indeed a sobering thought,” the elven King agreed.

“Return to Minas Tirith, advise Prince Imrahil of what has transpired and tell him that we follow on land,” Aragorn instructed the Swan Knight.

“Legolas has picked up on the trail,” Thranduil explained on hearing the elven whistle.

The company remounted, met up with Legolas and continued in pursuit.

“It is not yet your time, Fara. You have to go back,” Boromir said at last, breaking the embrace reluctantly.

“My heart is torn,” Faramir moaned softly. “I want to stay with you but I do not want to leave ada and Legolas.”

“I know, little brother,” Boromir whispered, again taking Faramir into his bear-like embrace. “But you have much life yet to live and great deeds yet to achieve.”

“Will you remain betwixt and between much longer?” Faramir asked hopefully.

“Aye, little brother. I will be here for quite a while yet, I think,” Boromir replied.

Pain… scream… Boromir!… fire… pain… scream… “silence him!” … blackness.

“Well, that did not go well,” Boromir said, slightly exasperated as he gently stroked his brother’s hair.

“That hurt,” Faramir growled as he felt his head again resting on his brother’s lap.

“Can you hear the ring in this place?” Boromir asked.

“Aye, faintly,” Faramir replied bemusedly after several moments, wondering what Boromir was planning.

“Concentrate on the voice of the ring and try going back again,” Boromir suggested.

Faramir swore mightily, much to the amusement of Boromir, but did as he was bid.

Faramir regained consciousness and wished promptly that he had not. The pain, burning its way through his body, was excruciating, robbing him of breath. Despite the pain he realised that he was aware, no longer were his thoughts fragmented. Faramir could hear the voice of the ring drawing him ever deeper into himself and conversely, further away from the pain. He felt as if he had become detached, ever so slightly, from his body. With awareness came the realisation that it was night, his hands were tied behind his back, his feet were also bound and he was slung over someone or something’s shoulder. By the stench that assailed his nostrils, very strong despite the detached state in which he found himself, an orc carried him – a very large orc.

Faramir continued to feign unconsciousness whilst he formulated a plan for escape, a very difficult task considering the pain he was in and the blood rushing to his head, as he was virtually upside-down. The Steward thought the fell creatures would never stop. From the snippets of conversation, which was conducted mostly in grunts, he discovered that the orcs were being pursued, in all likelihood he thought, by Elessar and his ada. Faramir also ascertained that the orcs were hoping to meet with a much larger group of orcs, who were coming from Ithilien, at a predetermined point on the Harad Road. From the sippets of information he deduced that Saruman had allied with the Haradrim, although for what ultimate purpose he did not know; just that it did not bode well for Gondor.

The orcs did not stop until they had reached the Harad Road and hid, off road in the forest, to rest and wait for the other party of orcs to arrive. Faramir felt himself being lowered, none too gently, to the ground.

Feeling nausea and the strange detachment, Faramir felt his left leather wrist and forearm protector and was relieved to find that the abductors had missed the small dagger that was secured near his wrist. After what seemed like an eternity to the nauseous Steward, he managed to free the dagger and cut through the rope that secured his hands. Soon after he managed to cut the rope holding his feet. Utilising his ranger-trained stealth, he slipped quietly into the darkness. Unfortunately his escape was witnessed by an orc who was returning from relieving itself and the alarm was raised. Faramir ran as fast as he could, almost doubling over at times due to the burning pain that still assaulted his body, despite the detachment. It was not long before the ranger found himself propelled forward and crashing to the ground, tacked by an orc. The wind was knocked out of him and pain exploding in his head and body, Faramir raised himself to his knees and began retching, which turned into a series of dry heaves as he had had no food or water for some time.

“Attempt to escape again, little rabbit, and I will have you skinned alive,” the largest human hissed in his ear. “Punish but do not kill him,” he ordered, comfortable in the knowledge that the Wizard was unable to access his powers, for if he could he would already have done so.

Faramir was pulled to his knees by two orcs and his leather over-tunic and shirt ripped from his body. The two orcs held him in place whilst a third orc, the one who had carried him, produced a large, lethal looking whip with many tails; each with a jagged piece of metal tied at the end. Smiling, the orc circled Faramir letting the human see the whip. Too exhausted to fight, Faramir closed his eyes. He felt every stroke, felt his flesh part and blood trickle down his back but although there was pain enough to make him cry out, he still felt the strange detachment and heard the voice of the ring, lamenting, drawing him further away from the pain. The orc kept up a steady pace growing more and more annoyed at the human’s lack of response but finally ceased the punishment. Faramir was released and promptly fell forward in a dead faint.

Not wanting to risk injury to the horses by travelling in the dark, for there was not even moonlight to guide them, the companions made camp for the night.

“Oh, my elfling,” Thranduil moaned as he sat with his back braced against the trunk of a tree, near a small fire that had been set alight. “I have such a feeling.”

“We will find him and bring him home,” Legolas whispered, adamant, as he put an arm around his father’s shoulders and pulled him close.

Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli and Maglor looked upon the elven King with sadness in their hearts for each felt the same darkness as the elf. Misto scuttled over to the elven King and sat down upon his lap, silent.

On first light the next morning the company mounted and rode until they were within elven sight of the Harad Road. They stopped briefly allowing Legolas to dismount and climb the tallest tree.

“I can see them just on the other side of the Harad Road. There are three men and fifteen orcs that I can see,” Legolas called down to his companions and then he gasped.

“What is it, mellon nin?” Aragorn asked, alarmed.

“There is a second group of orcs further up the road. There must be at least three hundred heading towards the smaller group,” Legolas replied as he climbed down the tree quickly, as only a wood-elf could, and jumped lightly onto his horse in front of Gimli who was holding the hatchling.

Wheeling his horse, much to Gimli’s distress, Legolas galloped off towards the orcs with Gimli holding onto the elf for grim death and Misto attached, with all eight legs, to the Dwarf. Thus the race was on – to reach Faramir before the two groups of orcs met and combined forces.

NB: Please do not distribute (by any means, including email) or repost this story (including translations) without the author's prior permission. [ more ]

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51 Comment(s)

I really like what you’ve done with all these stories. I can’t wait to continue reading them. I do have a question. How on earth will Faramir continue to age. Will he get old like gandalf, or just stop like hte elves? Just curious! Keep writing! classacte

— classacte    Thursday 20 April 2006, 5:53    #

when are you going to update this? Poor Chiri, and I can’t wait to see what happens with Sarumon! COntinue soon! classacte

— classacte    Tuesday 2 May 2006, 3:24    #

wow, these stories are great. Can’t wait to read the rest. I’d love to see a flashback of Thranduil and Maglor dealing with the escape of the dwarves since you made it sound so funny. Keep up the good work.

— Daughter of Thranduil    Saturday 10 June 2006, 6:00    #

Hi again. Just curious as to when you will be updating next?

— Daughter of Thranduil    Thursday 13 July 2006, 23:46    #

I LOVE it! Keep up the fantastic work. Just one little question: what does Maglor truely look like? I’ve reread this fiction at least a dozen times & I’m curious to his hair color and style!

— Lori Tankersley    Friday 4 August 2006, 4:14    #

Hi Lori,

Thank you for the kind words and I’m pleased you are enjoying the story. I described Maglor very briefly in Elves, Orcs and the Road to recovery as “a tall blond elven warrior”. I picture him as having long blond hair in the elven way with warrior braids. He is taller than Legolas and Faramir. Of course, like all evles he is stunning with deep blue eyes that seem endlessly deep.

KC    Friday 4 August 2006, 18:10    #

Hee hee! Serves Eomer right for being so nasty to Faramir! I really enjoyed this chapter. Maglor is such a wonderful character. Keep up the great work.

— Daughter of Thranduil    Saturday 5 August 2006, 16:39    #

Thank you!! Maglor has been an absolute hoot to write and I’m pleased it shows through :)

KC    Sunday 6 August 2006, 14:18    #

Great chapter. Loved it.

— Daughter of Thranduil    Wednesday 27 September 2006, 20:52    #

I alsways enjoy your story very much. This chapter was no exception. I think that Eomer got what he deserved and Misto’s reaction/action was what to be expected! ;) Are we starting with the march towards Minas Morgul next? Can’t wait to see how the battle plays out! Patience is not a virtue :)

— maeglina    Monday 2 October 2006, 15:14    #

It’s so good to see a new chapter of this story! Such fun :-)

— Monica    Wednesday 30 May 2007, 9:56    #

Thank you Monica,

It’s been a rough few months but I’m back to writing (whew!). I’ve even started on part 51.

KC    Thursday 31 May 2007, 5:34    #

Welcome back! We missed you!

— Archmage XIII    Saturday 16 June 2007, 7:24    #

Thank you! Good to be writing again. Hope to have the next part finished soon.

KC    Monday 18 June 2007, 12:06    #

Wonderful to see another chapter to this story, I’ve been reading since the beginning on a yahoo group that I lost track of, so I’ very glad you post here. Loved Misto’s armour! Looking forward to the next part.

— wendyuk    Wednesday 1 August 2007, 11:32    #

Thank you Wendy!! It’s certainly been a long journey. I never imagined the story would go in the directions it has LOL. Hope to update Soon. Thanks again :)

KC    Sunday 5 August 2007, 9:10    #

Delighted to see a new chapter of this fun read. It always puts a smile on my face.
BTw – I love your portrayal of Arwen.

— Dixie    Monday 6 August 2007, 0:41    #

Thank you Dixie! Always nice to know that people find something to smile about in my stories. And thank you for the compliment about Arwen!! :)

KC    Monday 13 August 2007, 9:51    #

Since this hasn’t been updated in around 7 months, I gather it’s dead? Shame, as I was enjoying it. I keep checking back periodically to see if there’s an update, but my hopes dwindle.

— Mandy    Saturday 23 February 2008, 22:48    #

Hi Mandy,

Sorry but RL got in the way big time. My country had a welcome change of Government last November. A change of Government, before and after, means a lot of work. The project that I was working was discontinued so apart from looking for a transfer to another organisation, I have more time on my hands now in addition to a new laptop. I have started work on the next chapter and hope to have it finished within the next few weeks.

KC    Sunday 24 February 2008, 7:27    #

That comment made me laugh out loud. You must be British. Did no one in England like poor Tony? He seems about as popular as Bush is over here, but I imagine both men meant well. Lord knows what we’ll end up with in Nov. Oh well, I’ll keep checking on the story. Thanks.

— Mandy    Sunday 24 February 2008, 23:57    #


“You must be British.”

I think not. Blair left us some 5 months earlier, in June, not November, and as he stood down as Prime Minister during the Labour government’s term in office and handed over to Gordon Brown for the rest of that term, it was not a change of government either. Imagine (keeping in mind that prime ministers are not presidents and the two systems are not comparable) that —God forbid— something would happen to Bush: then Cheney would take over until the next elections.

Countries that were in the process of changing their governments around last November include Australia, Denmark, Croatia and Argentina. A glance at KC's email address makes me suspect we're dealing with the first.

PS: If you want to keep up with political affairs around the world (US media are so inwardly focused), the BBC are an invaluable source. Personally I prefer The Economist which has an excellent ‘Politics this week’ section, with matching weekly newsletter.

Admin    Monday 25 February 2008, 8:12    #

Hi Mandy
Admin is right. Blair was extremely popular in comparison to our ex-Prime Minister Howard. We now have a round faced, blond, blue-eyed Labor PM who speaks, of all languages, Mandarin. A breath of fresh air but damn Kevin Rudd’s hard work. He makes workaholics look narcoleptic.

KC    Monday 25 February 2008, 8:53    #

Ouch. And I thought that our lot was bad. Good to hear that this isn’t dead, since I’m rather fond of them. Although, I do find myself feeling sorry for Eomer. Even if he is an ass.

— Jerry    Saturday 22 March 2008, 21:38    #

This is very good! Give yourself a pat on the back! ;)
P.S when is the next chapter coming? it been almost a year since i last read this (Yes i read your stories twice)

— Victoria    Friday 29 August 2008, 2:51    #

Sorry to all who have been following this story. Work has consumed every waking minute both physically and emotionally for over 12 months and has given me nothing but grief and heartache in return. So I start a new job on 15 September that pays more, involves less time and is something I enjoy doing. The upshot is that I hope to have my half completed chapter finished before the end of November. Thank you again all for your patience but I am determined to finish this story and Misto keeps rattling his armour at me menacingly in my dreams!!

— KC    Monday 1 September 2008, 11:25    #

Congratulations on your new job! It is so important to also have time for yourself, not just for work – great to hear you’re finding a better balance. Best of luck!

iris    Thursday 4 September 2008, 11:18    #

Well done on getting a much better job. I know I’m being selfish but I love this story so much please continue it as soon as possible. I enjoy reading and experiencing the way your characters continue to evolve…keep up the good work.

— Annette    Monday 17 November 2008, 20:05    #

Hi. I just found this story and really enjoyed it. I love your characterization of Faramir and the elves. I can’t wait to see where you go with this story next. Please update again soon.

— ana    Wednesday 29 April 2009, 6:31    #

Hi KC!

I just discovered your story, and was well impressed by it. I see you’ve not updated for a while, and I’m guessing RL got in the way? I hope all is well and that you keep writing as you’ve got a great talent. Thanks for all your effort!

— Aqua    Tuesday 1 September 2009, 7:29    #

Hey, as I said before but this time it different, I think you should consider publishing this but I’ll think it’ll be a short book but still! and yep this is much be…fourth time I read this? It just too enjoyable :D

— Victoria    Tuesday 20 October 2009, 0:01    #

Please do finish this story.
Even though I don’t second your “love” for spanking, you write so well that I need to know how it ends.
Don’t keep us in the dark.

— lille mermeid    Sunday 31 January 2010, 19:15    #

Hi all,
Sorry to have gone MIA for so long but 2009 was a hard year. Worked like a dog on a successful project and won an organisational award.

Went to another project job, worked like a dog and won another organisational award.

Went into a non-project job in the same organisation and four days later retrenchment packages were offered to all. Much to the chagrin of the bosses, mine was too good to refuse and has set me up for life.

Left work and looked forward to writing again. Unfortunately I had to look after an ailing mother for three months. Mother is now better. Looked forward to writing again.

Unfortunately, bosses begged me to come back as a contractor. In a moment of weakness said yes. Still working but am starting to write again only to face a bit of writer’s block.

Whew!! What a year!!

— KC    Monday 1 February 2010, 22:06    #

Hi KC,

I have very much enjoyed your series of stories beginning with Grief and currently ending in War of Wizards. They are a very fun read, you really give a charming personality to characters I’ve always loved and wanted to know more about, such as Faramir, and his uncle Imrahil’s family.

No pressure whatsoever, but if you do write more in the future, I will be happy to read. In particular, I wonder whether Saruman realizes how thoroughly he may be outclassed in cunning by the fox cubs and their families and friends. I also wonder whether Eowyn has decided to accompany the soldiers from Rohan in the War of the Wizards, since Eomer elected to leave her in Rohan, and it seems the type of thing she might do again, this time for the purpose of watching Farmir’s back. I’m also interested in seeing the first meeting between Eomer and Imrahil’s daughter, and Faramir’s elven family and Eowyn. If I can be of any assistance in terms of proofreading or hashing out ideas, please feel free to drop me a line.

Best of luck with everything,

Susana R.

— Susana R    Sunday 23 May 2010, 7:46    #

I am doing the happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can’t wait to read the rest of this wonderful story, full of humour and adventure.

You were one of the writers who made me want to write Faramir Fan Fiction.

— Lille Mermeid    Thursday 15 July 2010, 16:48    #

KC, It’s wonderful to see you writing again! Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic stories with us, and I hope life is treating you better now. This is one of my favourite stories, and an update is a lovely excuse for a re-read! Thank you again. Wendy

— Wendy    Thursday 15 July 2010, 20:34    #

You’re back!! How wonderful! I enjoy your stories so much and to see an update to War of Wizards has made my day! Thank you so very, very much!!

— Libraryblue    Thursday 15 July 2010, 20:51    #

Happy to see You back and for that reason I re-read whole story once again. Thank You!

— Cicely    Sunday 18 July 2010, 5:43    #

Lovely to see you writing again! The personalities and interactions of your characters are as delightful as ever. Still brings a smile to my face!

— trixie    Thursday 22 July 2010, 5:40    #


I have just finished reading the entire series you wrote. I have enjoyed so much that I can’t help but ask you to continue. Everything, from the idea of younger ones being spanked, to larger roles of some characters, to the amused elderly Elves, to fox cubs… I don’t know, just everything seems so right. This series has had me both on the edge of tears and chuckling throughout the reading. I enjoy Faramir fictions and the way you’re writing this one, intertwining the memories and the presence, going into the depths with each character yet not going out of them (OOC) is amazing. I would very much like to see this to be finished some day.

Thank you very much for the delightful experience of being able to read the brilliantly written story.
And I do apologize, for this comment doesn’t make up even for the half of it, but there is so much I can’t quite put into words at the moment. Am still stunned at how you managed to do it and how good it came out.

Best regards,

— Aneyrin    Thursday 23 December 2010, 21:10    #

OMG! I love these stories so much they have had me laughing and crying at Faramirs exploits! I cant wait to read the rest :) x

— key    Friday 25 February 2011, 19:50    #

Wow, Your stories are wonderful.
I couldn’t stop reading them until the end. I almost cry when I saw that war of the wizards wasn’t finished. (ok, it was probably the nerves since I didn’t sleep in two nights that I spent reading. XD)
You’re a very good writer and these fics are just very interesting, and the plot is fun and intriguing at the same time.


— Girlytiger    Thursday 21 April 2011, 22:32    #

I love this series i will admit i never thought about faramir being adopted by elves please please please update soon.

— Nikki    Monday 11 July 2011, 2:35    #

great story – please do continue.Can hardly wait for how it ends. thanks for writing.

— joe    Monday 2 January 2012, 10:43    #

Greeting, dear KC!

I just re-read War of Wizards and enjoyed it as much as I did the frist time through. I still had fits of laughter and giggles throughout the reading and I swear someone was peeling onion at certain times when I was reading.

This site hasn’t heard from you in a while, but I do hope you’re well and will once continue writing and posting this wonderful story you created.

Thank you for sharing it with us and good luck with whatever it is you’re doing in your life currently,

— Aneyrin    Tuesday 17 July 2012, 22:01    #

Hi KC,

I hope all is well in your life and you still have the time to write.

Just wanted to thank you for the great story and for the sharing of it .
It is amazing how you manage to create such a wanderfull time line and I just love the characters and the way they interact .

Looking forward to the next chapters and a happy end of the story .

Many thanks for your work.
Good luck in life and happiness .

— BlackSwan    Thursday 14 February 2013, 6:20    #

Hi KC, just wanted to say I really enjoyed this story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I know it’s been a long time since you updated it and hope everything is alright in your life. I hold out hope that this fantastic story will eventually be finished. Again thanks for the story and good luck in your life.

— Anna    Thursday 5 June 2014, 20:41    #

Hi – thanks for a great read. I’m assuming this story has been abandoned – or is continued on a 3rd site? Can you advise?

— tiinaj1    Thursday 20 July 2017, 3:37    #

Are you going to update this anytime soon. I’m dying to figure out what happens! I love Love LOVE!!!! these stories please keep writing. ;)

— Alexa    Sunday 29 July 2018, 19:41    #

Very enjoyable and fulfilling read! Is this story still in the making, or has it been abandoned? I hope not the latter! So much want to find out how it ends!

— Treedweller    Saturday 19 January 2019, 10:48    #

Me again. I’ve just read the entire series up to here for the third time. It looks like this has been abandoned? Alas, so many of us are dying to find out what happens! Thank you for your work and for sharing it with us.

— Treedweller    Friday 14 June 2019, 13:27    #

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