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Waiting For Boromir (NC-17) 
Written by Alex Cat19 May 2012 | 1562 words
Author: Alex
Original posting date: June 2002
Fandom: Tolkien
Genre: FCS
Characters: Boromir/Faramir
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Incest
Disclaimer: I don’t own them and this is all Dave and Sean’s fault for being so pretty.
Summary: These are for the person who gave the first F/B bunny… she knows who she is! Yes, i know theyre brothers but they make such a sweet pair that i can’t resist! thanks to robin for the ending… :)
Faramir was furious! At his father. And his brother. They had both made him so angry. He stood in the barn and brushed his favorite horse. Boromir had ridden in yesterday like a king, as he always did. The villagers had come to see him, complaining about their cattle and sheep being stolen by men from the south and how glad they were that he was home to take care of it. Everyone was always waiting for Boromir. Like he, Faramir, couldn’t take care of it.
Their father thought Boromir could do everything and that Faramir was mostly useless. It wasn’t like Boromir was ever there to DO anything. Since Faramir was a small boy, Boromir might have spent three months at home. It was Faramir who saw to the welfare of the villages. It was Faramir who made sure outer perimeters of Gondor were safe and well guarded. It was Faramir who gave all the credit and honor to his father and his older brother. And it was Faramir who was furious this time.
Boromir had asked in the dining hall, in front of everyone, why he hadn’t taken care of the cattle and sheep stealing himself. He just glared at Boromir and stalked out. He was not going to cry. He was a grown man and he wasn’t going to let Boromir have the satisfaction. Damn Boromir anyway!
Damn them both! Boromir had gone off to soldier when he was 16, leaving an 11 year old brother behind to listen to the ranting and ravings of the their father. Faramir loved the things his brother did not, and for some reason, this had always galled Denethor. The old man never tired of deriding Faramir for his shortcomings and today Faramir had had enough.
“Faramir! Are you out here?”
“What do YOU want?” He didn’t want to talk to Boromir now. He could be as thick as a rock sometimes and he had nothing to say to him.
“Why did you not answer me? Why did this matter wait for me? I can’t do everything you would have me do.”
“I would have you do?” Faramir laughed a bitter laugh. “You stupid, conceited son of an idiot!”
Boromir looked stunned by the things his younger brother said to him. And angry after the words sank in. He started to say something but Faramir cut him off.
“All this time that you are out saving Gondor from darkness in some faraway place, it is me who is here chasing thieves and marauders away, me who rides around the kingdom to check on each village while you’re out chasing some unknown fiend in some unknown place. Its me who gets blamed for every damn thing while everyone else is always waiting for Boromir to come back and make everything right.”
“I am out in the danger and in the cold, little brother while you’re here warm and safe with a roof and pretty village girls and all the food you want to eat.”
“Oh yes, and father breathing down my neck all the time! You have NO idea.”
They were both loud and getting louder by the minute.
“Little—.” Boromir didn’t get another word out of his mouth before Faramir had slammed him up against the stable door. He put his face right in Boromir’s.
“If you call me little brother one more time, I’m going to beat you til you can’t stand up. Do you understand me?”
Boromir backed up and looked hard at his brother. Both of them were breathing hard from the screaming they’d been doing.
“Is it really that bad?”
“Yes, it really is that bad. I can never be good enough for him. It’s like he has only enough love and approval for one son and you’re it. You really have no idea. You mentioned food and shelter and village girls… he’d make me live in the barn if he could. I should feel bad about eating food that could sustain your army. And any really nice woman who comes anywhere near here is told to come back when `my son’ is home. I’m twenty-five years old, Boromir, and I’ve never even been with a woman!”
Faramir closed his mouth abruptly, realizing he had said way too much. He pushed past his brother, or tried to. Boromir caught his arm.
“I’m sorry. I truly had no idea he was so bad.”
“You’re right. You have no idea.” He tried to shove around Boromir again and was stopped again. “Will you let me go?”
“Talk to me, little-” the fist got Boromir in the stomach. He doubled over.
“I said stop calling me that!”
Boromir was not about to let it go and soon the two of them were rolling all over the barn floor. There weren’t a lot of blows being thrown, mostly just rolling and cursing. Faramir didn’t know who was more surprised, him or Boromir, when his brother’s mouth touched his. He tried to pull back, but he didn’t try hard. Damn! He couldn’t do this! It was wrong. Boromir kissed him again. He wriggled out from under him.
“Are you crazy?”
“No. I- you said— you know— dammit, all this is my fault.” Boromir looked stricken.
“What is all your fault?”
“There are some things I won’t do for Gondor. One is to marry and sire heirs for him. I am a soldier. That’s all I am and all I’ll ever be. That is my life, Faramir. You should be the one with the pretty wife and the lovely children to aggravate Father, not me, never me. I’m sorry.” Boromir turned to go.
“Why did you kiss me?”
“I love you. When you said you’d never even been with a woman, hell, its my fault. I thought… I wanted… To make it up to you maybe? I’m not sure I can explain it to you at all.”
Faramir felt something funny in his chest. He thought back when he was 8 or 9 and he used to watch Boromir dress, how much he wanted to be like him, how beautiful he thought his brother was. He had worshipped him. He loved him still. But…
Boromir pulled him back into his arms. “I can’t be what you deserve and I can’t be what you want, but for a little bit I can … ease your loneliness for tonight, as you can mine.”
Faramir looked into the sad green eyes of his only brother, the only person in the world who loved him.
And he kissed Boromir’s lips as they sank down into the bed of hay.
They both were shaking as they broke apart. Boromir took Faramir’s face into his hands, looked his younger brother in the eyes and kissed him again, a wild, passionate kiss this time, a kiss that could only be a prelude to something more intimate.
And it was as Boromir began to very slowly unfasten the lacing of his younger brother’s trousers. Faramir shook as he watched, as his cock was freed from its confinement. By the time Boromir’s lips touched it, he was so hard that he thought he explode soon. When Boromir took him all the way into his mouth, Faramir was speechless, only able to moan and whimper as he thrust himself into the wet heat that welcomed him.
Before Faramir could come in his mouth, Boromir stopped and raised his head. He began to undress himself. Faramir watched, eyes burning with want. When they were both naked, Boromir pulled Faramir back onto the bed of hay, taking Faramir’s hands and moving them down his body this time. Faramir explored his brother with his hands, touching his broad chest, rubbing tiny nipples that responded by becoming hard, moving his hands down to the hot, swollen flesh of his brother’s cock. He ran his hands all over it, reaching one down to caress Boromir’s heavy balls as he stroked with his other hand. He looked up into Boromir’s face. How could he have doubted his love?
Thye lay in each others arms, kissing and touching, when Boromir asked, “Have you ever… have you been with…”
“No one. You will be my first.”
“What do you want, little brother?”
“You,” Faramir answered breathlessly. He felt almost giddy. “I want you to take me, Boromir.”
Boromir was trembling as much as Faramir as he moved behind the younger man and began to press into him, his penis wet from saliva rubbed on hastily. Faramir cried as his brother hurt him. They both cried as they made love. It was sweet and painful and over way too soon for both of them.
“Is it always so good?” Faramir asked as he lay with his head on Boromir’s shoulder.
Boromir didn’t say anything at all for a long time. He finally looked down into those blue eyes. “Only if you love someone as much as I love you.”
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