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There are no Angels in Middle Earth (NC-17)
Written by AutumnVerse16 June 2007 | 23974 words
Chapter 9
Lexius stands in silence, his eyes on the sleeping form of Haldir, his face reveals nothing as he takes in the noble features of his rival. He shifts his weight from one leg to the other and tilts his head slightly, letting his eyes wander over blond hair and strong arms. Tilting his head again he lifts the cane he holds up a little and makes it come down on the floor.
Startled by the sudden noise Haldir awakens and stares in shock at master Lexius, that man has managed to slip in without him noticing, again! The cold silent blue eyes that stare down at him make him feel very vulnerable and he stands, making himself as intimidating as he can.
For a while the two just stare at each other, hoping that one will show weakness and look away, then master Lexius raises an eyebrow and for some reason Haldir feels like he has lost, breaking their locked gaze, confusing apparent on his face.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what I have done with him, Elf ?”
“Will you answer me?”
Master Lexius’s mouth curls up in a smile; “Perhaps…”
“Maybe I should tell you something first. I know about your little condition, Elf. The one where if someone takes you against your will, you will die. And he doesn’t know about it, does he? He has no clue whatsoever and you weren’t going to tell him. You were just going to keep silent till the person who bought your first time, rapes you and you would die, without a single word of warning to him.”
Haldir tries to keep back the words of protest at the little glimpse of triumph that flashes through Master Lexius’s eyes. Only a little sound escapes his lips, but master Lexius’s smile widens from it; “Or maybe you had some sort of plan all thought up to get you both out of here?”
The smiling face before Haldir changes to a mask of cold contempt; “_I_ had a plan to get him out of here… Before he ruined it by running to you. I was going to buy him away, if he was willing to come with me, but I guess he is not.”
Ignoring the little smile on Haldir’s face, master Lexius starts to pace up and down, his black robes flowing around him, his blond hair moving in time with his steps. “You know… I am the one who has paid for your deflowering and as soon as that rat that manages this whore house realises that he will never get a better offer…”
Master Lexius turns around and faces Haldir, a smirk on his face; “Your ass will be mine.”
His emotions are clear on his face as Haldir realises that this man has bought him to have sex with, knowing it will kill him.
“Yes… Scary isn’t it? The destruction of an Angel… Knowing you will be the first and the _last_…”
The small contented sigh that escapes master Lexius lips, makes Haldir sick to his stomach and it begins to dawn on him that this man has been with Faramir, that he may have him somewhere, in pain, bleeding, all alone.
“Ah yes, I see it has sunk in. We both understand now. I have him..” ; master Lexius smirks; “In whatever sort of state the Gods only know, ah, and me of course…”His smile widens before dying away; “But.”
Haldir feels himself grasping at straws as he asks; “But?”
“You have him in another way. A way in which, I now know, I will never have him, you, my gallant warrior, have his heart.”
The tenderness in master Lexius’s voice is even more disturbing, Haldir feels the hairs on the back of his neck rise, watching the blue turn cold again.
Suddenly there is a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him closer till his face is just an inch from master Lexius’s; “Tell me Elf, if you give your consent, will it still be rape?”
Before Haldir has a chance to answer, he is pulled in for a bruising kiss but is let go just as fast, as a hand trails down his body towards his crotch, but it’s pulled away before it gets there. He feels his head being tilted and looks up in master Lexius’s eyes; “I think we may come to some sort of agreement here don’t you think?”
Lips brush over Haldir’s in a gentle manner; “Your consent”; a soft nibble on his bottom lip; “for…”; a breath taking kiss, sealed with a small lick at trembling lips; “..his freedom.”
Master Lexius slowly lets Haldir go, stepping back, his hand the last to let go, sliding along his jaw line stopping at his chin, one final soft caress, before moving back completely. Haldir just stares at him, wide eyed.
“You can have him, buy him away just like that, you can even have me, you do not need my consent, so why?”
An enchanting smile; “I have my reasons.”
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Please continue. I need to know that Haldir gets Faramir and Boromir out of that hell hole.
— Lothlorien Vampiress Thursday 6 April 2006, 6:53 #