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There are no Angels in Middle Earth (NC-17) Print

Written by AutumnVerse

16 June 2007 | 23974 words

Chapter 3

It is him, it is really him. He is even more beautiful than I remembered.

“… took about twenty men to control him and have you seen those ears…”

He looks so angry.

“…damn Mithril chains cost a fortune, he better be worth it, is all I…”

He probably doesn’t remember me at all…

“…don’t you think, little one?”

How could he, it was so long ago and what would a human slave mean to someone as incredible as him.

“I asked you a question, boy!” Faramir is startled out of his reveries and looks at his master with apologies in his eyes, “I’m sorry master, what did you ask?” The master shakes his head, “I swear little one, if you and your brother didn’t make me so much money, I would seriously doubt your training and have you do it over!”

“Now, I said, the Angel here needs to be trained but so far he hasn’t been very… cooperative, they checked him when he was sedated and he is probably a virgin, but he still needs to be trained on how to pleasure with mouth and hands and of course on how to act around customers.”

Probably a virgin… Oh Gods… His first time will be auctioned of for a fortune and it will be hell on him. Faramir pushes flashes of pain, blood and utter confusion and humiliation back to the corners of his mind. Long ago, don’t dwell.

“… no one wants their dick bitten off, so I thought you, as you are still young and not so big, he wouldn’t consider you a threat, and you could talk to him for a bit, make him see that there is only one way to survive here, my way.”


“Just to talk? I won’t have to train him?”

Please say no, I could not bare to have to touch him against his will.

“Hmm, I don’t know yet, let’s just see, how this goes.”

Faramir tried to hide his happiness, but he could see that Boromir, who had stayed very quiet through all this, looked at him with an unreadable expression on his face. The master babbled on about little things for a bit and then he made known that Faramir was to stay here, in the corridor for an hour.

“Now of course the Angel will not see the light”, the master snickered at his own little joke, “in such a short time, but we will at least know if our little one has a chance”.

And with that the master took Boromir with him and locked Faramir in the corridor. After the sound of footsteps died down, Faramir for the first time thought about just how much hatred emanated from the chained silent form. He had absolutely no idea how to go about this.

He went to the wall opposite from the cell Haldir was in and let himself slide down till he was sitting on the ground. Leaning back against the wall he looked at the Elf who was ignoring him completely, keeping his eyes on some spot on the wall. Faramir sighed.

The silence just goes on and on as Faramir turns every single thing he can think of around and around in his head, before deciding it is all useless and stupid. How could he talk this elegant creature into becoming a whore, like him…

And as for the things he really wants to say…. All the fantasies that he has had for so long, first of being saved again, then, as he had grown older, fantasies of strolling along in the sunshine, talking and laughing, just holding hands, maybe…, Faramir blushes, maybe even kissing.

He knows it is ridiculous for a whore to blush over something like that, but it would be so different, it would be his own choice and he just knows it would be beautiful and pure.

But he can’t say those things. To his handsome Angel he is nothing but filth and worse, the enemy. So the time ticks by, Faramir knows there is not much left of the hour he is granted and then a peaceful feeling comes over him.


“You probably don’t remember but that really doesn’t matter, because I remember, I will always remember, but twelve years ago, you saved a child from a beast. You just appeared out of nowhere, looking like something so magical”, Faramir smiles to himself, “I believe I called you an Angel, I was mesmerized by you.”

“You ran when the people that were after me came, they took me back and I lived my life as a slave till I was twelve and was sold to this brothel with my brother. I have never forgotten you. My brother tried to convince me you weren’t real, but I never doubted myself. In fact I have had dreams of that day, till this very day.”

“I love you.”

“Yes, I know that sounds ridiculous, because I don’t even know you and how can you fall for someone you don’t know, but I have. And I know you don’t return these feelings, because how could you, but none of it matters, look at where we are, why would I be afraid of telling the truth of my daydreaming, if daydreams of love are all I will ever have.”

Faramir stopped talking and the silence flowed back into the corridor, till it was broken by approaching footsteps, Faramir stood up and went to stand by the door. As he hears the key move in the lock, a soft whisper makes him turn around.

“I remember you.”

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12 Comment(s)

Please continue. I need to know that Haldir gets Faramir and Boromir out of that hell hole.

— Lothlorien Vampiress    Thursday 6 April 2006, 6:53    #

more, please! I love this fic.

— pinbot    Monday 10 April 2006, 2:28    #

ooh, gosh,....I realy love this fic, keep up the good work….I wan’t to know the rest of it.

— wilwarin    Thursday 20 April 2006, 19:23    #

This Lexius reminds me of Lucius Malfoy. First it was the cane and gray/blonde hair. Now his name bares such simmularity that I can’t help but think of him.

— tara    Thursday 15 June 2006, 21:59    #


— Li    Tuesday 4 July 2006, 23:38    #

This is a message for everyone who was kind enough to leave me
a comment, thank you so very much! It really means a lot to hear this
story is liked. And a litle extra note to Tara, you are right I based
Lexius on Lucius Malfoy, since Anorien for whom I write this story really
likes him. But I didn’t want to make it a crossover story so I just
kept his looks and a little of his attitude ;-)

Again, thank you all so very much!

— AutumnVerse    Wednesday 5 July 2006, 0:06    #

Loving this story so much!

— stillwell    Wednesday 5 July 2006, 3:32    #

i really love your story, *smiles* please write more….

— Yaoi She Elf    Wednesday 5 July 2006, 6:54    #

poor faramir…

— Yaoi She Elf    Sunday 13 August 2006, 12:57    #

It’s lovely and inspiring. I so so wish for a happy ending for this…one that would also give Boromir someone worthy to have and cherish him? . Awww…I am just enjoying this too much! Hugs, kisses, milk and cookies for the authors!

Kissa    Wednesday 13 September 2006, 16:52    #

Heya, Autumn Verse,
I started reading this last year and it stopped after a few chapters on the archive I first found it on. I was pleased today to find it posted and finished here, and have read it all in one go. It was good enough for me to remember the title and keep looking, even though I have a bad memory. It’s the only unfinished fic that I was bothering to look up :) I loved that you could write such a hard-hitting story, and I had wondered what would happen to them. I had last seen Haldir behind bars and Lexius initiating Faramir into his perverted purposes. Thank you for finishing it. I found it moving and fascinating. All three of the characters were sympathetic, and I ended up wondering about Boromir and how he settled down afterwards. Thank you for the story.

Erfan Starled    Friday 11 January 2008, 20:11    #

What a wonserful story, just had to read all of it with no break,thanks

— Blondie    Thursday 6 February 2014, 16:51    #

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