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There are no Angels in Middle Earth (NC-17)
Written by AutumnVerse16 June 2007 | 23974 words
Chapter 18
Boromir sighs as once more he shifts his gaze from the back of his little brother, to the golden haired Elf. Something has happened last night, he just knows it and whatever it was, it wasn’t good. The Elf sometimes moves his head to cast a sideways glance towards Faramir. But his brother has gone very quiet and shy and keeps his eyes on the ground or ahead of him at all times. Boromir shifts in his saddle, he has almost been able to taste the tension since the moment he woke up. He wants to go and talk to Faramir, but, his eyes go back to the slightly slumped figure of Haldir, he had said to let Faramir come to them. Boromir sighs again.
Faramir lets himself slide off the horse when they stop to make camp for the night. He takes care of the horse, he gathers wood for the fire, he sits down with them to eat, he listens to their predictions of maybe only having to ride for just one more day, two at most and then he rolls himself up under his blanket, his back turned to them and lays with eyes wide open, waiting for them to fall asleep. When all is quiet for at least a half an hour, Faramir gets up. As quiet as he can, he makes his way to where Haldir sleeps.
He kneels besides the sleeping figure and takes some time to just absorb the beauty of his beloved Elf. He almost reaches out to stroke some hair behind a pointed ear, but holds himself back at the last moment. After a swift look at his softly snoring brother he bends down and just hovering over Haldir, he whispers in his ear; “Follow me.”
Without waiting for an answer he gets up and makes his way to the small gathering of trees near their resting place. He comes to a halt under the trees, he lifts his head, listening to the rustling of the leaves above his head. The wind moves his hair as he turns around and faces the softly glowing being. They stand and stare at each other, blue melting into blue and then Faramir practically runs over to Haldir, grabs his face with both hands and kisses him.
Haldir’s arms enclose his beloved and pull him in tight, as he feels Faramir’s desperate passion course through his body as well. It takes a while before it registers to Haldir’s mind, but then he notices Faramir fumbling with the laces of his leggings and lowering himself to the ground. He grabs Faramir’s upper arms and lifts him up. First Faramir struggles against the Elf’s iron grip to try and get back down on his knees, but then he stops and while keeping his eyes on Haldir’s body instead of his eyes, he whispers in a small broken voice; “Don’t you want me?”
Understanding begins to grow in Haldir’s mind as he grabs Faramir even tighter, trying to force him to look him in the eyes; “Yes, I want you Faramir. All of you, but not like this.”
Faramir looks up for a mere moment, before looking away again, but in that moment Haldir saw the unshed tears he tries to hide. Faramir swallows and answers; “This is all there is. This is all I am.”
“No, my love.”
Haldir pulls Faramir against him, holding him in his arms; “There is so much more to you.”
Without warning Faramir pushes himself free; “You don’t know that! You don’t know me! Look at me! This is all I am! A whore! Only good for one thing! A whore, a whore and a…”
Faramir’s voice breaks, as his hands come up in frustration; “Murderer…”
The fight dies out in Faramir as sudden as it flared up, his arms fall to his side; “How could you ever love that?”
Haldir walks over to Faramir and puts his hand on his cheek; “I just do. I know that you can’t believe it right now, but I do. I will spend my lifetime loving you, Faramir.”
Tears are now flowing freely, as Faramir stands in silence of Haldir’s words. He makes no protest as Haldir pulls him back in his arms and lays his head upon his shoulder, gently caressing his hair.
“I’m just so tired.”
“I know, my love. Come, rest, I’ll keep you safe.”
Obediently Faramir lets himself be lead down to the ground until he lays within Haldir’s warm embrace, he sighs as finally the always present thoughts come to a halt and he gives himself over to sleep.
Boromir wakes up and finds himself alone. In barely contained panic he goes in search of the others, only to find them asleep in each other’s arms beneath the trees. A smile spreads over his face as he turns around and goes to make breakfast.
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Please continue. I need to know that Haldir gets Faramir and Boromir out of that hell hole.
— Lothlorien Vampiress Thursday 6 April 2006, 6:53 #