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The Tales of Faramir (PG-13) Print

Written by lievv

18 November 2008 | 560 words

Title: The Tales of Faramir
Author: lievv
Fandom: LotR
Characters/Pairing: Faramir (Aragorn/Boromir)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JRR Tolkien.
Summary: Faramir remembers many tales.
Written for the Sons of Gondor trick or treat exchange, for alex_quine.

He still remembered learning the tales of their sires and the history of their city, together. Remembered how displeased a young Boromir had been that his father was not king. The hint of a smile played on Faramir´s lips as he recalled the elaborate tales Boromir had come up with, rewriting history with tales that had all featured his father Denethor as a proud and most benevolent king. Even as a child Faramir had wondered how blinded Boromir had been by his love for their father. Inspired by the misguidance of his brother, Faramir had created many tales of his own. Tales speaking of a future in which his brother´s reign would always be a long and most benevolent one. Never once had Faramir wondered if perhaps his tales spoke of misguidance by the love he had for his brother.

Unlike Boromir, Faramir had never shared any of his fantastic tales with anyone of the house of Denethor.

He still remembered learning the tales of the fellowship and the history of Aragorn and Boromir, together. Remembered how displeased he had been at first when it had dawned at him what the two had been hinting at. The ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he recalled the elaborate tales Gimli and the elf had shared with him, rewriting history with tales that had all featured his brother Boromir following a king that was not his father. Neither Legolas nor Gimli had made Faramir wonder long as to how Aragorn’s claim could have possibly satisfied Boromir. Inspired by the misguidance of the undeniably convincing twosome, Faramir had created many tales of his own. Tales speaking of a future in which he too had followed his king, whose reign would be never ending and truly benevolent one . Never once had Faramir wondered if perhaps his tales spoke of misguidance by the love he had for his brother.

Unlike Legolas and Gimli, Faramir had never shared any of his fantastic tales with Aragorn, son of Arathorn.

He remembered hearing the tales of Boromir once again. One night, as Aragorn and he patrol, together. Unlike Faramir, Boromir did share his fantastic tales with Aragorn, son of Arathorn.

This Faramir learns one night when Aragorn and he patrol, together. He had been not at all displeased to find that none of the tales he had heard had been that far from the truth: even if neither Boromir nor Aragorn had been quite as athletic as both Gimil and Legolas had made them out to be. A smile curled his lips as he silently rewrote history, picturing his most beloved brother having found a king of his own. Inspired by the notion of Boromir not being led astray because of his love for Aragorn, Faramir had done nothing but listen to Aragorn’s stories. His memories.

He remembers learning the tales of Aragorn, son of Arathorn, tales which had not differed much from tales he had once thought of. And much like Faramir, Aragorn had never once wondered whether he had been blinded by the love he had for Boromir.

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