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The Secret Widower (NC-17) 
Written by Nissi06 September 2006 | 17983 words
Chapter 4: Into the Water
Boromir watched his little brother dunk playfully beneath the water’s surface, emerging with face and hair shining wetly in the evening light. “The water is perfect, really. It’s beloved for its warmth. Countless rangers have been in here over time,” Faramir assured him.
The elder brother edged towards the pool, clad in only his breeches. The air was cooling rapidly and it seemed somehow impossible that the water would keep them warm. “I am glad the water flows freely, as the muck of countless rangers is not something I’d sit in, even for you,” Boromir grinned.
Faramir splashed at his older brother and grinned devilishly. His naked body made a seductive, graceful arc as his arms and legs cut through the pool. Boromir was pleasantly surprised by his brother’s boldness. Faramir had disrobed with no trace of the shyness the older man had expected to encounter, given Faramir’s oft-reserved nature.
“Are you going to leave me languishing?” Faramir asked with a pout.
“No, little brother. You are ripe for the picking, and too flavorful a fruit for me to resist,” Boromir growled, growing serious. His hands fell to swiftly untie and push down his breeches.
Faramir had not seen his brother completely naked since they were much younger. His breath caught in his throat as Boromir’s rapidly erecting cock was revealed. As Boromir had done he calculated the similarities to his own, and noted the features that were different. As Boromir lowered himself into the water Faramir swam to the edge of the pool and perched on the rocky underwater ledge.
Boromir settled beside him, shivering despite the warmth of the water. Faramir reached out and rested his hand on his older brother’s shoulder, squeezing lightly. “I have not seen you without attire in many a year, dear brother. It is a most pleasing sight.”
“As is the sight of your body, Faramir. You have blossomed into perfection. They should carve statues in your form,” Boromir beamed.
Faramir blushed, but grinned. “You flatter me, brother. Have no concern; I was yours even without romantic talk.”
Boromir laughed lightly, reaching out and stroking Faramir’s cheek. “You bring it out of me. I cannot help it.”
Faramir leaned in and nuzzled his nose against his brother’s, rubbing the tips together. “Then spoil me with sweet utterances,” he whispered.
Boromir’s hands lowered to slide down Faramir’s sides, taking hold of his slender hips. “We may soon find ourselves beyond the point of talking,” Boromir responded sexily. Hungrily, his lips found his little brother’s and staked their claim.
Faramir emerged from the kiss utterly breathless. His brother’s arms rose to encircle him, holding him tightly. Boromir’s mouth moved to whisper in his ear. “Tell me you are mine,” the older man commanded.
It was Faramir’s turn to shiver. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes tightly. “I am yours,” he replied obediently.
Boromir watched his brother’s face. “Open your eyes, little one, and look into mine,” he directed. Faramir obeyed, his blue eyes shaded with the rapidly-descending darkness, and his mounting passion. “Now,” Boromir repeated, “Tell me you are mine.”
Faramir’s eyes shone as he stared into the hypnotic orbs of his brother’s. “I am yours, Boromir.”
“Tell me you love me,” Boromir continued.
“I love you, always,” Faramir replied.
“Tell me you love me only,” the older man directed.
Faramir tilted his head. It was a curious directive, but he was able to respond honestly. “I love you, only you. I have neither love for nor want of any other.”
“Tell me you will be mine and mine alone, forever.” The force of Boromir’s voice resonated like rumbling thunder in his chest.
“I will belong to you and only you for the rest of my life, and beyond,” Faramir swore.
Boromir smiled softly. He seemed appeased by Faramir’s words. “I love you, Faramir. I have never loved anyone else, man or woman. I do not want anyone else. I will never belong to anyone else. I am yours in kind, little brother.”
Faramir found the string of commands and Boromir’s reactions bewildering, but powerful. His eyes glistened with growing moisture. Boromir loosened his grip upon his little brother and the two sat side-by-side in the warm pool for a long time, watching the night sky.
“Will you stay with me forever? Even when we must be parted, will you remember your love for me, and your desire?” Boromir inquired.
Faramir nodded dumbly, still feeling the pull of the questions, but wallowing in confusion as to their genesis and purpose.
“Will you be there for me, waiting when I come back from errands…and stay true to your promise that you belong to me and want no other?” Boromir asked in a slighter voice that made him sound vulnerable.
“Whenever I am in Minas Tirith and you are afield I will wait for you and want no other. Will you afford the same to me?” Faramir cocked his head to the side. His turn to ask a question.
Boromir sighed and began to ramble, a spectrum of emotions passing through his voice. “You know my past. You know my temptations. But you also know…I love you with all my heart and soul…and if I succumb when I am in the field, it will only make me want you more…it’s just…it’s part of a soldier’s life…I will resist, as you have resisted. I will be strong. But if my strength fails…perhaps I am weaker than you, but I will try…”
Faramir pressed his fingertips to Boromir’s lips to hush him. “So long as you always come back to me, my love. Live always to be my brother and my lover again.”
“With whatever strength I possess I will fight to come home to you. To throw my arms around you and drown you in my adoration. My brother. My lover,” Boromir promised. Faramir reached out and caressed his older brother’s thigh in response.
Boromir looked up at the moon as it started to rise. “Elves have odd marriages,” he said out of nowhere.
Faramir tilted his head curiously. “Well, yes. They tend to pick a partner, bed them and declare themselves wedded whilst producing children.”
“So theoretically, minus the last detail, two male elves could couple in marriage,” Boromir mused.
“It is possible, yes,” Faramir replied.
“I wonder if it has been done, if it has happened somewhere, sometime in their great history…” Boromir said thoughtfully.
“Boromir, how much of the wine flasks have you consumed? You’re awfully garrulous tonight,” Faramir marveled. He was a little disappointed. He’d expected less talk, more action. Their time together in the wild was limited, and precious. Yet the sexy talk that Boromir initiated when demanding Faramir dedicate himself to him had fizzled in the discussion of serious commitments and, now, elvish marriages.
Boromir laughed. “Sorry little one. I don’t know why I’m so talkative. My mind’s going a league a minute, I think…perhaps…I am a little bit nervous,” Boromir admitted.
“Well,” Faramir smiled lovingly. “Let me allay your worries,” he said softly, passing the pad of his thumb across his brother’s lips. He trapped the older man’s earlobe between his teeth, biting playfully.
Boromir angled his head back and placed his palm flatly against Faramir’s chest. With his eyes closed, he let his hand guide the imagery within his mind as he slid over the tufts of hair, swiped across his brother’s navel, and snaked down his belly.
Faramir’s breathing quickened with each inch his brother’s hand strayed downward along his front. He shifted to face Boromir, kneeling beside him. He was filled with lust as he looked down at the golden jewel of Gondor. “Boromir,” he whispered breathlessly.
Boromir opened his eyes and lifted his gaze to fix upon his brother’s painfully handsome face. “Yes, little brother?” Spurred on, his hand moved beyond Faramir’s belly to his pubic bone, making its way to the tangled patch of sparse hair that framed his brother’s cock.
Faramir shuddered. “I love you,” was his simple reply.
Boromir felt control return to him. Careful to keep his hand in place, he rose to kneel in front of the younger man. The warm water swirled around them as their comfort with the newfound intimacy grew. The older man nibbled at the base of Faramir’s neck as his hand found and, for the first time in their lives, touched his brother’s hardening organ.
Boromir’s own breathing became ragged as he felt his brother’s arousal. His brother. His beloved Faramir. What would be considered by most an unnatural connection now felt wholly natural and satisfying. It was as though this was their destiny. “I love you,” Boromir countered. “Let me show you how dearly I love you,” the older man said as his hand grasped the base of Faramir’s cock and began to stroke the length purposefully.
Faramir squirmed as he knelt and bore the pleasure of Boromir’s ministrations. One hand grasped the edge of the pool while the other hand grasped Boromir’s shoulder. The realization of his desire was better than he could have ever hoped. It was more than just the touch of a hand upon his long-neglected cock. It was Boromir, his Boromir, whom he loved more than life itself. He exhaled in a drawn out “yesssss” as his hips began to pump slowly back and forth in time with Boromir’s hand.
The hand on Boromir’s shoulder slowly shifted to slide down his smooth chest. Faramir marveled at the feeling of his brother’s skin. It was soft and supple, no fat preventing him from feeling the rippling of Boromir’s muscles as he undulated, one arm extended beneath the water, the other lifting to allow his hand to caress the side of Faramir’s face. Faramir’s hand fell further, just as his brother’s had done to him. With incredible excitement Faramir’s fingers played upon the shaft of his brother’s fully erect cock. Boromir moaned at the contact. It felt far more pleasurable than the touch of any nearly faceless man or woman in his sexual past.
Dutifully Faramir grasped his brother’s organ and wasted little time in assuming a stroking motion that perfectly matched Boromir’s. The two men lazily pleasured each other that way, the line between brother and lover resolutely crossed. Kneeling before each other, eyes locked, hands pumping, hips moving…they made a beautiful portrait. Gorgeous men, good men, bound by love and blood, engaging in a subtle ballet of bliss.
As Boromir’s control began to wane his hand worked faster. Faramir’s responded in kind. The tranquil night air was pierced by the sounds of their panting and moaning, with a chorus of grunts added to the symphony as they drew closer to orgasm.
Faramir had not climaxed in a long time. He wished he could last longer, to enjoy the sensation all night long, but it was a tremendous struggle and he was defeated. He began to unravel, his blue eyes wide and wild as they held Boromir’s gaze. Little “oh” sounds chased each of his heaving breaths as he bucked his hips and clawed at Boromir with his free hand. “Boromir…” he gasped. “Can’t stop…”
Boromir nodded, increasing his efforts. Faramir summoned every last ounce of focus to stroke his brother’s cock faster and harder, wanting to finish him, too. Boromir leaned forward and whispered, “Then don’t hold back, little one.” He pressed his lips to Faramir’s and held them there as the two men thrashed against one another.
Boromir felt Faramir’s cock begin to twitch in his hand and he pulled away to watch his little brother’s face as he lost himself in orgasm. Faramir’s eyes closed and his face tilted towards the heavens. His jaw slackened, mouth falling open and uttering repeated moans and whimpers. The occasional wince bespoke of the sheer intensity of his climax. Faramir could not remember ever cumming with such force. Cloud after cloud of his seed blossomed in the water between their bodies as he emptied himself.
Faramir’s strokes on Boromir’s cock had lessened as the younger man relinquished himself to his climax. Boromir reached down with his free hand and took hold of Faramir’s, gently reminding him to keep stroking, guiding his brother’s hand quicker and with more pressure. As Faramir recovered he moved his hand of his own accord, bringing Boromir to his own climax. The older man cried out, making the most of the freedom the wild afforded. His hips moved wildly as he unleashed many spurts of cum before his orgasm subsided.
Overcome by their efforts and climaxes, the men collapsed upon the ledge, each holding the other in a tight but tender embrace.
“Boromir,” Faramir panted, “I’ve never…like that, before. That was amazing.”
Boromir smiled lovingly, kissing his brother’s neck. “Amazing indeed, little one. Happy Birthday, Faramir,” Boromir cooed.
Their lips joined once more before they swam into the pool and bathed, mindful of their tiredness and careful to exit the pool before they became too exhausted to stay afloat. They made short work of dressing, lighting the fire, setting their bed rolls, and eating a simple dinner.
The rest of Faramir’s birthday was spent with the two men cuddled on their bed rolls and gazing at the stars. Faramir pointed out the names of significant ones, and their corresponding constellations. They spoke of the Gondorian history of astronomy, and Boromir listened, riveted, as Faramir imparted his wisdom on the subject. Boromir was proud of Faramir’s intellect and the huge body of knowledge his brother possessed.
When too tired to fight sleep further they turned towards each other and tangled limbs beneath blankets and cloaks.
“You are my first and only love,” Faramir whispered.
“You are my greatest joy,” Boromir countered. “I love you beyond measure.”
“As I love you,” Faramir replied. “Now go to sleep, my beautiful brother.”
Boromir nodded slowly, nuzzling his lips to the younger man’s neck. “Sleep,” he whispered. “Goodnight.”
Faramir kissed his brother’s brow. “Goodnight,” he echoed as he closed his eyes and surrendered to pleasant dreams.
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