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The Coldest Winter (R) Print

Written by Geale

09 January 2009 | 77501 words

This is the first part of the epilogue. I usually don’t like epilogues if they aren’t like a good, solid, proper chapter (because I’m greedy and want to know everything). Hence the length of this one… Notes follow the second part.

I’ll give you the new elvish right away (all Sindarin):

6 ada – dad/daddy

7 tiro – look

8 daro – stop

9 tithen pen – little one

10 ion – son

The Coldest Winter, Epilogue, part 1

Minas Tirith, in the fifth year of the Fourth Age (IV 5)

Ada6, ada! Tiro7, tiro, tiro!”

A small running figure burst out of the nearby shrubbery and lunged himself at Faramir. The dark, curly head came first, profoundly knocking the breath out of his chest, followed by a soft body that scrambled down into his lap. A muddy hand was shoved in his face and two bright eyes glittered at him.

Ada! A frog!” A beaming smile went with the statement.

Reeling backwards just a little, Faramir blinked at the tiny creature, most unwillingly encased in the tight grip.

“Right,” he said, swallowing. “Why do you not let it go? Surely it will be happier hidden in the bushes?” Trying to sway his son in cases such as this was not the easiest task.

The small face frowned. “But ada, if he were hidden I could not see him.”


“Yes, he is a he!” Eldarion was once more one big, happy smile.

“And how do you know that?”

Giving his father a look that said everything, he patted his treasure with his other hand. “Because he said so.”

“Of course.” Faramir bit his lip to keep from smiling too much. “What else did he say?”

Eldarion pondered this with an expression of profound concentration. “I think he really, really likes the summer.”

“Good for him,” said his father.

Suddenly the small boy gave a shrill, disappointed cry as his hand was flung into the air. Heedlessly he threw himself after the fleeing frog but only ended up with his nose in the grass a couple of feet away. “Nooo!”

Frantically staring after the escapee, Eldarion scrambled to his feet and began running. “I will catch him, ada!” he called back to his father over his shoulder.

Not knowing whether he ought to be troubled or not, Faramir saw him crash into a new shrubbery further down in the gardens, sending some leaves flying in the sunlight. Slightly overwhelmed, he grabbed the bunch of documents he was reading through before they were carried off by the breeze.

He was sitting in the private parts of the gardens, ‘private’ meaning that the royal family received an extra apology if they were disturbed in here. It was mid-July and the City was swarming with travellers and merchants. The latest delivery from Rivendell had arrived that morning and though the lists had been written by Lord Elrond himself, he still needed to go over them. It was easy to forego however, as the sunlight shone down upon him and the temporary stillness lay like a nurturing blanket around him. Sighing contentedly, he leaned back against an impressive oak and let the documents stay on the grass, secured however, with a fairly large stone on top.

Then, as quickly as his son had appeared and disappeared, a new figure was sighted. This one moved slower, though, and was far taller. Equally as much loved, but loved in another way, King Elessar made his way through the gardens with the gentle wind playing in his hair. He walked cautiously, leaning on something that more resembled a wizard’s staff than a stick or a cane. As stubborn as always, Aragorn had refused to use any walking aids that would make him resemble an old man.

This was also why Faramir remained where he was and did not get up to help him. Many discussions of the kind they had been through, and now he had given up – but only after having been promised he could help his spouse when he had reached the age of one hundred and eighty. Perhaps.

Coming up to where his former fulltime Steward was seated on the grass, Aragorn smiled a smile tinted with a bit of confusion. “Was that Eldarion I saw diving into the bushes?”

“Yes,” acknowledged Faramir and nodded in the direction of the frog-pursuit. “Aragorn, are you sure he is not hobbit?”

Chuckling, Aragorn lowered himself to ground and with a small grunt managed to make himself comfortable. Faramir wisely held his tongue, but drew him closer until he had his King secured in his embrace.

“Now you are my frog,” he grinned.


“Nah,” said Faramir and patted his shoulder in an imitation of their son. “Nothing. But this one is not fleeing.”

“I just might if you prove to have gone completely mad…” Aragorn muttered but nevertheless nestled closer to his spouse.

The sun-dappled leaves rustled above and a faint stirring of the grass brought them a rich scent of blooming. Faramir absentmindedly stroked the arm that rested on his thigh as he leaned back and rested his head against the supporting tree-trunk. The closeness of Aragorn’s firm body and the warm weather served to lull him into a doze and he felt his eyes close to the faint singing that enveloped him tenderly.

The sun painted streaks of light on their bodies, as they both drifted off together. Telling the wind to quieten, the midday light proficiently burned away any lingering memories of long winters spent indoors, and days that lacked in hope and happiness.

“… that would be… the kitchens…”

Faramir sighed in his slumber, feeling the tree a little bit more keenly against his back.

“… one could never do that too many times a day… I remember…”

Aragorn shifted in his arms and reached for his hand to hold.

“…you should have seen us! Starved to the very bone we were!”

The voice grew clearer as the speaker evidently came nearer – and grew more excited. Extremely reluctant to properly slip back into his body, Faramir tried not to listen. Unfortunately, when a hobbit is determined to tell a story, he is determined to tell a story.

“But then, in the midst of all the chaos – and a mighty pickle we were in, I will have you know – I made a brilliant – a brilliant – discovery! There they were, two barrels, just idly floating about!”

With a loud groan, Aragorn raised himself up a little. “Pippin, he is two years old! He will know naught of the Longbottom Leaf for many a year yet to come!”

“Strider, there you are!”

Faramir opened one eye and glimpsed the beaming hobbit. Elboron fiercely clutched his hand as they were trudging along on the grass at a slow pace.

“Is all well?” he inquired and earned himself a reproachful glare from Pippin.

“No need to worry!” the hobbit declared. “Well, there could have been some more roast potatoes at lunch, but that is but a tiny detail in the grander scheme of things, I suppose.”

Laughing, Aragorn fell back into his previous position. “Is that not an appropriate problem for the honorary Caretaker of Gondor to tackle?”

Pippin pulled his shoulders back a little and raised his chin. There was a deeply thoughtful expression on his face. After some intense thinking, he brightened visibly. “It just might be! It just might be.” Nodding to himself, he turned to Elboron who was fingering something in his free hand. “Come, let us engage in conversation with this wise King and his noble husband for a while.”

They trotted over and settled down upon the grass. Shaking his head, Faramir reached out and ruffled his youngest son’s fair hair. “What have you there?” he asked Elboron, pointing to the hand which closed firmly over something.

Blue eyes caught his. “Hazeeut!”

“A ‘hazeeut’?” Aragorn asked doubtfully.

“A hazelnut,” clarified Pippin. “We are working on it.”

Lovingly caressing his son’s cheek, Aragorn smiled. “I rely on you Pippin. We are raising future Kings here.”

Faramir felt a sharp twist in his heart at this. As the fearful images of not only future Kingships rose before his eyes, also the images of future battlefields and suffering came to him. Not even his two sons, too precious for the outer world to ever lay its hands on, would be spared from whatever pain that awaited them. Here was little Elboron, fair and thoughtful already despite his only two years, who faithfully followed Pippin wherever he went, and who was inconsolable as soon as he spotted the hobbit leaving through the gates. And then Eldarion, so alike his birthfather in appearance and with an eagerness that would take him far away from his homelands one day, on his quest for new discoveries.

Without really knowing it, he pulled at Aragorn’s tunic, and desperately wished he could stave off the future and remain here, in this place and in this moment forever. Aragorn, who noticed his change in mood as if it were his own, turned in his embrace and caught his eyes.

“What is wrong, meleth nin?”

Faramir shrugged, a little embarrassed at this display of emotions. “I simply do not want them to grow up,” he said quietly. Glancing over at Pippin who was busy investigating the hazelnut Elboron would only show to him, he sighed. “A fine parent, am I not?” He gave a weak half-smile.

Aragorn’s grey gaze held him steady. “The finest,” he said and brushed his lips against Faramir’s.

When he was released, Faramir cupped Aragorn’s face and hoped his heart spoke loud enough for his spouse to hear. In that way he needed not to word his thoughts.

“In the grander scheme of things, we have so little time,” Aragorn whispered and Faramir nodded.

“The last time was the last.”

Against his will Faramir remembered a moonlit night more than four months earlier. The fifth winter since that fateful one – when the Erelas delegation had turned their lives into a spinning whirlwind of emotions and actions – had loosened its grip on Minas Tirith many weeks before. Yet the nights were long and the days chilly. Mists strayed over the fields long past the gloomy midday hour and life seemed reluctant to conquer the lingering drowsiness of winter. Aragorn’s jaw was set and there was remorse in his eyes – not as much as before, but enough to again assure Faramir that he did not this gladly.

As there was not much to say, Faramir had dismissed him with a wave of his hand. He had endured this twice before and would do so a third time. Had someone told him five years ago that the pain would ease with time, he would not have believed them. As it was though, in the end, it was… bearable.

She was elven. That had been Aragorn’s choice. To Faramir had been given the power to decide her dwelling-place. She had told them that she would return to Rivendell from whence she came if that was their wish, but Faramir had seen how much it pained her. She had no particular love for Aragorn, no more than the usual admiration for the man who had reunited the lost lands, but to force her to leave her future children behind was not a wound he wanted to inflict upon her. Faramir had far too few memories of his own mother to punish his husband’s children in this way.

Comfortable chambers had been given to her, in a part of the former citadel that Faramir had no business in. She was free to go and leave as she pleased, not only from the palace but from Gondor as well, and after all was done, she was free to marry whomever she liked.

It seemed now that day might come sooner than expected.

“The last?”

“Aye.” Aragorn was studying his face intently. “By the turning of the next winter, my third child shall come, and I shall have no more.” He smiled faintly, a little uncertainly. “Then I am all yours, if you will still have me?”

Sensing the small spark of completion, Faramir shook his head but smiled all the same. “You think I would give up on you now?”

He hindered any further words from escaping Aragorn by placing his lips on that most beloved of mouths and gave his husband a long kiss. Aragorn melted against him and the kiss was hovering on the edge of becoming far more intimate than was initially intended when a rustling of leaves was heard and quick feet sped towards them. Aragorn broke away only in time to shout “Ai, daro8!” before a curly head crashed into both of them, toppling them over onto their sides.

Ada!“ an even muddier and messier Eldarion than before cried out blissfully as he threw himself at Aragorn.

Struggling to untangle himself from the mess of limbs, Faramir brushed his hair out of his face. “Dari, you know you cannot– “


Before he knew it, Faramir had an armful of enthusiastic Eldarion as he hugged this other ada of his. Making no difference between his fathers, their eldest was equally happy every time he saw them.

Aragorn raised an eyebrow while he tried his best to regain a sitting position. “Help me up will you, tithen pen,9 as this is your doing?”

Scrambling down from Faramir, Eldarion tugged at his arm, blind to the fact that Faramir secretly gave Aragorn a push.

“I did it!” The little boy was practically jumping up and down on the grass.

“I am tremendously grateful,” Aragorn told him and placed a kiss on the forehead when he reached it.

“Dari,” Faramir tried again, “you know you cannot throw yourself at your father like that. You are getting stronger and heavier by each passing day.”

“Like the frog!” beamed Eladarion.

“What is this about a frog?” Aragorn asked as he settled back against Faramir, stretching out his long legs in front of him. “I keep hearing about a frog.”

“He escaped.” Now he was pouting. “I hunted him, and hunted him, and I even pleaded ada! But he escaped.” He spun around and threw his arms out in a wide circle to indicate the vast project of hardship he had undertaken.

“Aw, I am sorry,” said Aragorn.

“I you had seen the poor frog, you would not say so,” mumbled Faramir in his ear and heard his husband laugh low.

“Pippin, what are you doing?” Eldarion had swiftly abandoned his sorrows and was watching Pippin watching them.

Elboron was still protectively guarding his hazelnut.

“You know, we used to do that, Merry and I,” said Pippin. “We would lunge ourselves at your father just to see what would happen! Brilliant!”

“Remind me never to go on a Quest ever again,” said Aragorn.

“What quest ada?“ Wide, dark eyes were turned to him.

“Long story. For elder folk,” concluded Faramir. “Not for your ears just yet.” To take his son’s mind of this he reached for him and grabbed him by his waist. Pulling him close, he held two of the people he loved most in this world.

For a short while.

“There is the frog!”

Eldarion shook off his arm and plunged headfirst into the grass, aptly demonstrating what might happen if one ever attempted a dive without having water at hand.

“I am beginning to suspect that you might be correct,” Aragorn said with wonder in his voice.

“No.” Faramir shook his head. “I have changed my mind. Now I think he is dwarven.”

Somewhere between glowing shapeless images and a floating feeling of absolute calm, Faramir was dazedly aware of something working itself into his system. Warmth and softness, dimmed light and the soundless haze of sleep surrounded him and held him close. Yet, the presence of some motion touched his dosing senses and gently lifted them into the waking world.

Sighing, he turned over and snuggled closer to the warm chest he found there, right beside him. He breathed in the scent of Aragorn’s body and of the warm sunlight that floated in through the window-glass. He slipped down further into his sleep but only to be brought back up again as a hand began stroking his thigh underneath the simple white sheets that covered them. Soft lips were tentatively dancing at his temple and he once more felt the bright light of morning toying with his eyelashes.

During these, the warmest months of the year, they slept unclothed and Aragorn had but to pass his palm over Faramir’s naked skin in order to stir up some interest in his body. Without opening his eyes, Faramir left a cluster of tender kisses on Aragorn’s chest, earning himself a firmer stroke from the hand, still rather chastely running up and down his thigh.

Aragorn’s lips were travelling over his forehead and down his nose to finally settle over his mouth. That was when some shuffling was heard outside the bedchamber and the door flew up. Faramir felt the soft mouth abruptly disappear, and blinking, he most unwillingly opened his eyes to the dazzling radiance of day.

Ada!“ Eldarion was standing in the doorway, adorned with a bright smile and a complete mess of dark curls. “Are you awake?”

Aragorn’s hand left Faramir’s thigh and came up from underneath the sheets to rub his eyes. “Yes, yes… I think we are. I am… If I am who you meant.”

“Or ada!” The small form of their eldest stated, happy that any of them was awake enough to form coherent speech. Without warning, he burst forward, nearly tripping over his long nightshirt and with an enormous display of willpower, he managed to climb into the bed. “Are you sleeping?” He tilted his head and inspected Faramir’s confused and drowsy form.

“No, not now, I think…” Faramir cleared his throat and did his best to indeed wake up properly. “And what about you?”

“Of course I am not!” Eldarion flung his arms out in the direction of the door. “Then I would still be in my room!” His eyes widened with what looked like expectation and he held out a hand in which he clutched something dark and soft. “This is your birthday present!”

Even more confused by now, Faramir saw the piece of fabric being dropped on top of the sheets. It was a left-hand glove, crumpled and creased, but a glove it was nonetheless.

“Dari, my birthday is not for many months yet…”

The small face did not look the least troubled. “I know that! But if I did not show it to you now, how would I know that you will like it when I give it to you for real?”

Aragorn laughed heartily and picked up the glove. “Are you planning on finding a matching one as well?”

His son nodded resolutely and rather vigorously for such an early hour. “Yes, I think so.” Then he turned back to Faramir. “Will you like it?”

Smiling, Faramir reached out, scooped him up and hugged him close. “I love it. Thank you.”

Eldarion’s muffled voice came sifting through his dark locks. “Now you must forget all about it, so you will be very surprised when you get it.”

“I promise.” He let his son out of his embrace and saw a wide grin spreading on the small lips.

Aragorn handed Eldarion back the glove. “Is Elboron still asleep?”

The curly head bobbed up and down. “It is boring, ada, he is so little!”

“He will grow and you shall see that you will find him interesting enough soon.” The King stroked the cheek of his pouting son. “Now, why do you not run off in search of the other glove?”

Faramir caught Aragorn’s eye and raised an eyebrow, but his spouse appeared very innocent.

Eldarion silently watched them for a moment, still with a hint of a sulk in his features. Then he seemed to make up his mind for he scrambled back towards the edge of the bed and slipped down to the floor. “Maybe,” he said thoughtfully, “maybe I can find two and then you can have one too, ada!” He flashed a happy smile at Aragorn.

“Excellent!” Aragorn’s hand dove underneath the sheets again and Faramir felt it resume its previous position on his thigh. “Good luck.”

The small boy nodded and trotted over to the door. Before stepping back outside, he fixed Faramir with a serious stare. “You really liked it?”

“I did, I do,” Faramir assured him with a smile.

“Will you sleep for much longer?”

Aragorn’s hand slid downwards, along his leg. “Yes, ion,10 a while longer.”

Eldarion slipped out of the room, but immediately put his head back in the door opening. There was a hopeful light in his dark eyes. “Can I have breakfast?”

“Yes,” Faramir nodded. “Go and find Pippin and you can have breakfast together.”

“He can look for another glove with me!” He beamed suddenly and without further ado, spun around and closed the door behind him.

Aragorn’s mouth descended equally swiftly upon Faramir’s lips and kissed him deeply. The open palm rushed higher up and cupped his hip bone, awakening a series of sparks in Faramir’s stomach. He lifted a hand of his own and brought it around Aragorn’s head to force him closer. He had just parted Aragorn’s lips with his own tongue when a rustle broke through the newborn silence and the door was thrust open again. Aragorn pulled away immediately and Faramir’s hand froze in mid-air.

Eldarion peered into the room once more, eyes alight with the beam of a new discovery not yet relayed. “I forgot!” he declared to Faramir. “There is a letter for you ada, from… the…” His face crumpled into a complicated expression of intense concentration, amusement and the urgent need to sound like he knew more of what he was speaking of than he really did. “From… the ada of ada!” he finally stated brightly.

Aragorn’s low grumble ran through his chest. “He writes you more often these days than he does me.”

Faramir gave him a wide smile and a teasing wink. “You have a very intelligent father. I shall not torment you by reading it now, though.”

“How gracious of you.” Hidden by the sheets, Aragorn’s hand made a circling motion across his lower stomach. “As your King I give you leave to read it later.”

Over by the door, Eldarion made a discontent huff. “Will you sleep for very, very much longer?”

Dragged out of their respective planning of the activities that would keep them in bed for the rest of the morning, both Aragorn and Faramir nodded. “Yes,” Faramir proclaimed quite forcefully, but making sure it was followed by a smile for his eldest.

“Have you forgotten about the glove?”


“Okay,” Eldarion said and withdrew his head.

The door closed and they heard the soft sound of small feet quickly disappearing. Without moving, they intently listened for any other noises – or well-known noises returning. Two minutes passed during which Aragorn lay absolutely still. Then he bowed his head and possessively plunged Faramir’s mouth with his tongue.

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51 Comment(s)

OMG—all I can say is WOW

— Liv    Saturday 19 July 2008, 14:29    #

Started to read a chapter or two and read eight chapters! I love the variety of emotions they experience as the story progresses.

— trixie    Wednesday 23 July 2008, 5:13    #

Thank you for reading and liking! Makes me very, very happy!

— Geale    Wednesday 23 July 2008, 8:48    #

Love the turn this story has taken: very different from the usual and yet very credible within the context you have created for the two of them!

— Ebbingnight    Wednesday 13 August 2008, 21:44    #

Still reading and enjoying. Absolutely love the interaction between the two of them!
I do believe poor Faramir thinks more than I do ;)

— trixie    Thursday 14 August 2008, 17:55    #

Thank you, thank you!
Hehe, yes, our dear Faramir certainly has an active mind. The story continues… I don’t seem to have the heart to end it, so please, do continue reading! :)

— Geale    Thursday 14 August 2008, 19:40    #

I so often see this pairing portrayed in a way that makes it seem like they are in a relationship because it is convenient. That or Aragorn tolerates Faramir’s adoration.
It makes me so happy to read a story where they are so clearly in love!

— trixie    Thursday 28 August 2008, 15:30    #

OMG! JERK! how do you just go whacking the king i hope faramir kicks deren’s ass next chapter coz we all know that he’s the one who did it.

magos    Friday 12 September 2008, 18:10    #

Haha! Instead of writing another chapter, I should just send you over to Minas Tirith to straigthen things out! ;)

— Geale    Friday 12 September 2008, 18:28    #

This is fantastic! It’s been quite a while since I hit a ‘TBC’ and actually groaned aloud. :P You’ve got a real talent – thank you so much!

— Lasselanta    Tuesday 21 October 2008, 5:29    #

Gods, thank YOU! I don’t know exactly what made you groan, but it must have been the lo-ve-ly Deren! ;) Have faith, all of you – there will be a new chapter arriving, hopefully this week. This season is alway hectic so I don’t have that much time on my hands right now. Thank you for your patience!

— Geale    Tuesday 21 October 2008, 20:03    #

Oh I love this story. I want to take Deren out myself. I hope Faramir gives it to him when he finds out he’s the one. These two need some happy time. I cant wait for more.

— Kelly    Thursday 23 October 2008, 19:38    #

Ugh! I almost yelled out loud when I realized this chapter ended here! I cant wait to find out what happens next!

— Kelly    Monday 27 October 2008, 14:15    #

evil! that is an evil ending! man! totally dyin to know what happens here.

ange    Monday 27 October 2008, 21:11    #

Cliffie? What cliffie? Who, me? NEVER! :D Imagine instead how horrible it would have been if the whole story had ended here and now… Oh, I am so happy to see you engage in this! We have holidays over here this week so I’ll probably do some writing sooner than later this time around. Keep those yells coming ;) I DO love you all!
//the author who is feeling just a tad bit evil tonight

— Geale    Tuesday 28 October 2008, 0:08    #

Oh this vile little man! I’d like to teach him a lesson. I hope he gets his. Poor Faramir. I just knew he was going to be in trouble in the next chapter. Awesome work. Can’t wait for more as always.

— Kelly    Monday 10 November 2008, 23:19    #

Ouch! That was low. Deren doesn’t miss a trick, does he? Please don’t let Aragorn be merciful with this one like he was Grima. This is no time to be noble.


— Vanwa Hravani    Friday 14 November 2008, 16:29    #

Aaw, he’s a sweet one, isn’t he? So… what would an appropriate punishment be?

— Geale    Saturday 15 November 2008, 17:35    #

OMG! Poor Faramir – this one truly makes my stomach hurt. Awesome job! I feel so bad for these two. I hope the Valar grants them some happiness soon and some swift, and hopefully painful, punishment to that horrible creature.

— Kelly    Monday 17 November 2008, 18:10    #

Keep writing! I keep loving it.

— Vanwa Hravani    Sunday 23 November 2008, 3:59    #

Excellent! Truly Excellent! That was well worth the wait. Thank you.

— Kelly    Thursday 11 December 2008, 18:03    #

exhaaaaaaales Thank you! (I actually said that out loud a couple of times.) I was honestly quite nervous when posting this chapter since I don’t want to disappoint you and yet… well, I’ve given all of my reasons above. Hah! I feel much more at ease now! resumes breathing

— Geale    Thursday 11 December 2008, 18:56    #

Ilove the way you describe those two, it’s a lovely variation of the more usual fare. Although I got used to the concept of mpreg in fantasy [however could THAT happen? ;-)] I prefer your way, especially in this case. I’m always happy to discover a new chapter. Thanks for sharing!

— Minkicat    Saturday 13 December 2008, 0:37    #

Thank you, thank you! I’m falling more and more in love with this story as I go along and I will be sad to see it end. I’m insanely happy that, so far, you all seem to approve of my decision regarding Aragorn’s future children. Don’t worry, I have it all worked out. I actually do. Hugs to you all! Oh, and cookies!

— Geale    Monday 15 December 2008, 22:02    #

I’m rather glad you have gone with a more canon solution to their issues. It makes it easier for me to think it really happened that way! ;-)

— trixie    Saturday 20 December 2008, 12:47    #

So even as you let Aragorn be merciful, you won’t let the little bastard off the hook? I admit he deserves a bit more than a smack on the fingers…
Merry Christmas and a very happy and content New Year to you!

— Minkicat    Tuesday 23 December 2008, 17:31    #

Geale, still loving every bit of it. So glad Aragorn finally got the marriage thing sorted out (took him long enough, the brute!). And the healer is, of course, loved. But please, please, please, can’t some Ranger skewer Deren with an arrow somewhere beyond the borders, out of loyalty to Faramir and anger at the pain D caused him? Cause the Rangers are the voice of truth and just vengeance, right? Please? He can float down a melting river with arrows in his back – maybe he tried to sneak back in to Gondor? Please?

Will love whatever you do. Thanks!

— Vanwa Hravani    Saturday 27 December 2008, 12:50    #

Trixie: I do get your point ;)
Minkicat: Same to you! I’ve been debating with myself since forever what to do with Deren… and this was my solution.
Vanwa Hravani: I’m considering… I am. I think that maybe you gave me an idea actually. I do hope all of you will endure a never-ending epilogue! I should try to work it into the last chapter though… OK, I’m rambling. Let me see what I can do for you! And, YES, I took him some time to finally ask the big question! Men… ;)

— Geale    Saturday 27 December 2008, 16:51    #

As Always truly excellent. I will be sad to see this story end as well. I anxiously await each new piece. So glad they are finally together forever. I think some copper locked children would be nice also. However, I think Legolas or Haldir could be persuaded to get our dear Deren between the eyes for his treachery. I’d volunteer to do it myself but I’m sure I’m not nearly as good with a bow. Then let the scavengers have him. Cruel I know but I so hate anyone trying to hurt our Faramir. Poor lad has suffered enough. Thanks so much for this story. I have enjoyed every bit of the ride.

— Kelly    Tuesday 30 December 2008, 21:42    #

I’ve loved reading this fic! you portray the relationship so beautifully! It’s tender and sweet and hot all at the same time:)

— minx    Thursday 1 January 2009, 11:43    #

Oh Geale! That was the most beautiful yet, and that’s saying something. I could feel each touch, and every one was so full of pure love. Lust born of love is such a special beast, and so hard to portray. Yet you did it in spades. Now I’m in love with both of them. Sigh. Your Aragorn is the most gentle and loving and truly admirable I have read. These two both have such strength of character. I’ll be awaiting the epilogue with baited breath – as many parts as you like. Write on lady!


— Vanwa Hravani    Friday 2 January 2009, 18:57    #

You’re all so sweet – thank you!
Kelly: I’ll put you in my next story, if you’ve worked up your skill with a bow by then ;) We shall see what happens in the epilogue…
Minx: I’m glad they’re not only fluffy, but hot as well! That’s always so… very nice, I find ;)
Vanwa: I’m blushing over here. You spoil me! Not saying I don’t like it, though! I’m actually curious about what you will think of the epilogue – which will be in two, long parts. And that’s partially your fault! :D

— Geale    Friday 2 January 2009, 22:07    #

Thank you for including me. I shall practice diligently as to be ready for my challenge. This last part was wonderful. My curiosity is piqued for the epilogue. I can hardly wait.

— Kelly    Monday 5 January 2009, 17:36    #

What I will think about the epilogue? Ah…Sigh. Big long exhale. Love it. Love them. Love your writing. Thank you!

Very happy to see Deren get an arrow in his back, in his gullet, in wherever else he got them. Really like the way Eachann tries to be merciful, yet flashes on Elessar’s ‘unspoken wish,’ how when he finally lets fly, it’s without thought but with the smooth immediacy of both necessity and justifiable honor, targeted by the unseen voice and years of skill. Just as I would picture one of Faramir’s Rangers. What a strong and touching legacy of his command, followed by scenes of his continuing grace as a parent. Also like how Eachann went back the next morning to retrieve his arrows, both covering his tracks and not wasting even good iron on the trash that was Deren. In few words, shows that both the man and what happened to him are unworthy of further notice. The ultimate vengeance. He is only a blip in the past.

The parent sex scenes (early morning, curious children) were oh so well written and so true to life without being either saccharin or unrealistically feral. They speak of deep and abiding love, strengthened, rather than interrupted, by the presence of children. And what to say about the final gifts of naming and of cradling in one another’s arms and Creation? Well, I’ll have to follow Aragorn’s advice here. The words would never do. Know that I’m smiling and content and so enjoyed the journey. Thank you.

— Vanwa Hravani    Friday 9 January 2009, 15:42    #

Phew, I’m glad I did justice to the rangers! Since I’m not very used to writing – any of – them. But I do happen to like Eachann actually, and I figured that he should be the one to… bring matters to an end.

I’m certainly not used to writing family scenes either, but after I had sorted out Eldarion’s character, I just couldn’t stop! (If I’m allowed to say so myself – I love him!)

But, no matter how many children Aragorn concieved, I don’t want his and Faramir’s relationship to change into either a boring one, or a chokingly fluffy one. They are still individuals, and they have their own story – the children, as you say, are adding to it, simply.
And thank YOU for coming all this way with me. New journeys await. Let us see where they take us.

— Geale    Saturday 10 January 2009, 17:05    #

Ooh! That was quite the perfect epilogue. I am glad their relationship endures with the same quiet intesnity. I love how sweet and loving these two remain with each other, and how perfect they are with the kids! I also liked the little bit where Faramir feels for the mother as well. I tink he certainly would be cognizant of her feelings.

Quite a perfect ending, and the sequel is most looked forward to:)

— Minx    Sunday 11 January 2009, 17:01    #

Thank you Minx! Perfect, you say? You won’t hear me complaining… ;)
No, I can’t see Faramir punishing the mother or the kids like that. Ah! He’s so noble it’s endearing!

Now, I am working on a new story, but it’s not a sequel, and has nothing to do with TCW. Primarily because presently I don’t know what a sequel would be like. But who knows, one of these days maybe I will? Thank you again!

— Geale    Monday 12 January 2009, 12:30    #

Absolutely wonderful!!!!!!! Eachann is my hero!! I love that Deren got what was coming to him. And there will be some slightly copper haired children after all. I’m so glad with how everything turned out. I love Mirairael’s name. That was perfect! What a great story! Thanks for sharing it with us.

— Kelly    Monday 12 January 2009, 18:13    #

Oh I forgot to ask before. I was wondering on the pronunciation of Mirairael’s name. I made the assumption that the ai will follow the long I in pronunciation. Is that right? That is a beautiful name. Just wondering for my own amusement. Thank you

— Kelly    Monday 12 January 2009, 20:16    #

Finally got caught up in a timely manner! I have truly enjoyed this tale. It is romantic without being cloyingly sweet. I adore the teasing and banter between the two along with the dry wit.

I have been intrigued by your use of personification and especially liked,’ Her white apron immediately drew the attention of the firelight which excitedly coloured it orange.”

I thought it added a sense of realism that Faramir experienced hurt at Aragorn’s determination that his line must continue. (Doubt if Aragorn would have been thrilled if the situation were reversed either ;-)

Finally, the scene back in chapters 8 and 9 with the under the table seduction was one of the hottest things I have ever read. Wow!

Thank you for sharing!

— trixie    Monday 12 January 2009, 20:39    #

Kelly! Thank you dear! It’s lovely to see so many exclamation marks in a row ;)
I was quite happy with her name too. As for the pronunciation… Well, since I made it up myself (sort of, not stealing the light of glory from Master Tolkien who created the languages) I could not say for certain. Also, I’m far more used to Sindarin than I am to Quenya. However – bear with me now – this is my guess:

‘Mir’ – ‘meer’, as we know already from Faramir’s name.
‘ai’ should be pronounced ‘ai’, as in ‘rye’, which here I would rather see pronounced as ‘a + i’, to tell you the truth, ie as separate vowels.
As for the vowels that are not any of the six diphthongs ( ai, au, eu, iu, oi, ui), I’ve heard that they are to be pronounced separately.
So that should give us: Meer-ai-ra-el?

Anyone who knows this better is welcome to share their knowledge – I have an email address!
I hope I managed to shed some light, though. Perhaps…

— Geale    Monday 12 January 2009, 21:05    #

Trixie, you too have made it to the end! And with some very nice comments as well. I like those!

Yes, I am the person who personifies a lot. But it does make the world so much more interesting! And I highly suspect I will carry on with this winning (?) concept in the future.

And, actually, now that you mention it… I think Aragorn would have been most displeased, had it been Faramir who must take a lover in order to continue his bloodline… That is a very interesting thought indeed!

Ah, the chapters 8 and 9… As a dear reader of mine put it: “The good old under the table action”. I guess that I should include some “on top of the table action” next time ;)

And thank you for reading! For my part, it’s been a pleasure writing!

— Geale    Monday 12 January 2009, 21:23    #

That was kind of what I was thinking. Thank you for the assistance. I think its a cool name. Also I agree wholeheartedly with the under the table seduction scene. I know I read that several times, especially the hallway parts when Aragorn informed Faramir he didnt like to share “anything”. If I had Faramir I wouldn’t share him either.

— Kelly    Monday 12 January 2009, 21:45    #

No, our King doesn’t like sharing… and it now it has served to inspire me further. Give me a couple of days! ;)

— Geale    Tuesday 13 January 2009, 15:22    #

Well now, this sounds intriguing! Since I have some free time this week, I’ll be waiting to see what you come up with ;)

— trixie    Tuesday 13 January 2009, 17:07    #

Oh I just love when you are inspired. Means good reading for me! I’m on the edge of my seat

— Kelly    Tuesday 13 January 2009, 23:17    #

what a wonderful story! i couldn’t stop reading it! PLEASE WRITE MORE!!!

— HugeFan!    Tuesday 22 December 2009, 15:41    #

I think my favorite parts are the perspectives of the elements (the dawn light and the temperature), but I loved the whole story.
The healer was definitely my favorite character, that old dude was awesome.
I’m also very glad Aragorn got his rug, he seemed very happy.

— Anna    Tuesday 17 August 2010, 23:09    #

Thank you! This universe still has a special place in my heart…

Anna, the healer takes his work very seriously ;) And rugs are important! I was pleased that you made the rug connection :)

Thank you for reading!

Geale    Wednesday 18 August 2010, 8:47    #

WOW – a bit tired now after reading for the whole night, but I just couldn’t stop. – WOW

Congratulations on the characters you have written for us readers.
The relationship between Aragorn and Faramir sounds far more convincing than most of the other fanfics have them.
The under the table scene gets full points – not for originality, but for very well written indeed.
The healer is a gem – I’d love to see more interaction with him – perhaps some more stories about the royal family?

BTW I was missing the lecture on positions given to Aragorn and Faramir by the healer…. but one can’t have all, can one ?;-)

Thanks for sharing this great story,

— Kathurien    Thursday 30 September 2010, 1:22    #

Thank you so much! It’s great to hear that you enjoyed it!

I’m afraid the healer’s lectures are closed to the public and I can do very little about that. He’s a stubborn one…

I feel very comfortable in this universe but I will honestly say that I have no ideas for another sequel right now (one already exists – Tale Telling). Although, pretty reviews, such as yours, always make me want to write more :)

Thank you again!

Geale    Wednesday 6 October 2010, 19:19    #

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