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Scattered Leaves (PG-13) Print

Written by Eldalie

21 April 2010 | 41380 words

Title: Scattered Leaves
Author: Eldalie
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Faramir
Disclaimer: Middle Earth and all that is in it belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien. And I don't think anybody wants to argue about that.<br>,<a href="http://mefawards.net"><img src="http://www.faramirfiction.com/images/158.jpg" width="290" height="150" /></a>

NOMINATED FOR MEFA AWARDS 2010 Six years before the War of the Ring, Faramir patrols Ithilien, and there meets Miriel, one of the Elves that used to live there before Sauron tainted the woods with his presence again. Miriel is back out of nostalgia for her birthplace, but has left her heart North in Mirkwood, with Legolas… or will the mortal Captain of Gondor, this Child of Men, make her forget everything that is past?

Chapter 7


We do not remember the years of happiness; but we can easily recollect the moments of content. As strange and misshapen as that content may come, living in the dark, tearing light away in morsels from the looming night. The double life I had led for two years became threefold; sometimes at night, rarely at first, more often as the time went by, I would meet the son of the Steward in the woods. He stole hours of his sleep, waking in the starlit black, exchanging words and tales; many a time he fell asleep as the dawn drew near, and I watched him dream, his features softening, his sadness like a cloak draped around his abandoned frame.

My people knew of our friendship soon; nor did I care to hide it. They said nothing of it, only recalling in absent voices ages vanished and gone and bonds of Elves and Men that had been matter of song before the blighting of the World. They saw me leave our dwellings late, and come back in the morning. Countless days I walked sleeping, after the fashion of my kind.

Sometimes Faramir would leave for days and weeks, returning to the city of stone of his fathers to receive orders, and make reports. Of his family he talked strangely: often of his brother, a great captain of Men, whom he loved dearly; seldom of his mother, dead too soon and too far from the Sea to which she had belonged. Then his sadness lit with the remembrance of the days before she left, and I recognized in the fading light of his words the root of the sadness that had made him noble. Of his father he never spoke; and if he received summons from him, he would simply say that Minas Tirith had called.

Our talks were the antidote to the poison of my days, as the sand on which our lives were built slid and the time I had thought infinite flew, the stars chasing each other in circles ever tighter. Curiosity had brought us together at first, a fascination for creatures unknown but for whispers and tales, and much of our early talking concerned chiefly our peoples, and the strange ways through which we had crossed the ages of Arda to this day. Slowly, as the sea shall wash a rock clear of sand, beneath the thirst of knowledge something else emerged, a likeness of spirit unexpected and unsought for, perhaps only guessed in silence during our first encounter, long before. Man, Elf; from the river of our kinds, two drops fallen on the same ground.

Time passed, and insensibly I learnt to live the life of Men, valuing each day, knowing the days I still had to spend here and thus were counted. Faramir and Ithilien, my friend and my land melted into one, green cloak, green earth, blue of eye and sky. The two years of our friendship were slow and fast, hours spent in song and word, and sometimes a silence that tasted kind on the tongue, clear water from springs untainted after so many foul sips.

To my far love, to Legolas the prince of a realm of golden and green, I returned in thought as to the memory of brightness, and peace. In the fear and turmoil the surrounded me in Ithilien Faramir was a rock to sustain me, but Legolas remained in my mind, like the shores behind the shipwrecked, where he longs to return. And yet I forgot the future, I never reflected upon it. Again, my spirit was split; and the part that resided in Mirkwood never changed, never faltered. But the part that was in my land, with my friend, grieved and fought and found content, and in between these two I cared not what was becoming of me.

Often I have asked myself how time, more or less of it, could have changed my tale. To this day I have no answer. Exile had brought me longing, but also love; and coming home a different grief, and a different joy. Our stories are woven into tapestry in the Halls of Nàmo, the Doomsman, and none that have seen them have come back to recount what there is told. In the tapestry I am but a thread; but in that moment upon me a darkness fell that was deeper and different from the simple absence of light. For in my darkness I would know happiness, however desperate, however fleeting; and I would learn how in times past the Eldar could burn. Since that night under the hill I had hung on a thread, unaware; now the conscience would come to me, and the thread would break.

I came home soon that night. The fires were warm, their flames high. I sat in silence, accepting the bowl of food that was offered me. Acharn came to sit beside me, and his face was that of one who brings ill news.

“A messenger of Thranduil has been here.”

I had waited for this moment, I had known it would come. Now I heard the words, and felt nothing. My heart was missing, and my blood did not move.


“He left an hour before you came back. The king had bidden him to return immediately with the answer.”

“What did the Lord Gelmir say?”

“That we would leave before a week had passed.”

A lake of darkness was is in me, its waters quiet. I knew not what lay at the bottom. I rose, the blank eyes of Acharn on me as I went in search of our lord. The night had a different colour.

“My lord Gelmir.”

“Mìriel. I have been waiting for you. Sit with me.”

“I was told of the messenger.”

A shadow fell on his face.

“The time has come,”

The silence grew deep before I spoke again.

“I do not wish to leave.”

For a long time it seemed he would never answer, but eventually his words came, and they were laden with a black mood.

“This is my land. Here I have dwelt for endless time among my people, countless springs I have witnessed the leaves renewed. You are young still, Mìriel, and asking you to understand is hard. Yet I wish you could listen, and see. The time we have had here was not ours to take; we shall pay for it with much pain. Still we could not stay away, not unless we denied our nature, and tore our spirit apart. But now even grievous choices are beyond us. We cannot weather this storm.”

“We could fight.”

“No. We are too few. What this beloved earth will come to see is far more than mere bands of Orcs. Smell the air, Mìriel; it tastes of fear. Soon the Riders shall leave Morgul Vale, and a War will begin such as was not seen for many a year. We will stand in the North, where we are strong and many; as we promised Lord Thranduil, with our kinsmen we shall fight and perish.”

“We are not alone in Ithilien, my lord. The Men of Gondor – “

His eyes commanded my silence, and cold was their glance. They bared my spirit, crushing it in power.

“Your affection for the Captain of the Rangers has made you blind. The time of our alliance with Men is past, their strength is fading. No power is left in them, and their cities are dying.”

“And yet they shall linger, while we fly! Out of love for this country – “

“Out of which love would you remain, Mìriel?”

Words are blades. We may lie to ourselves, we may believe our own deceit; yet one day words will come to bite, and sting. The blood of our wounds shall then be a cold thing, and a cruel one; as truth forever shall be. I bowed my head. Gently, Lord Gelmir spoke again.

“It is ill-advised for the Firstborn to bind their hearts in love, whatever its form, to those who are fated to die. A cruel parting would always be the end, and we cannot follow them, not until the breaking of the world, and after.”

He took my hand, closing it around a cool, delicate shape.

“Legolas, son of the king, sends you this.”

On my palm silver and emerald gleamed. A small, a perfect green leaf.

“You had found happiness in the green shade of Mirkwood the Great; and your happiness has not gone. The prince calls you back, and your duty lies with your people. Say farewell, if so you wish, but do not look back. He is lost to you, as he was since the day he was born to sustain mortal doom.”

The jewel clasped in my hand, my eyes downcast, I left our abodes walking as if in a dream. Only when I was far did I start running.

Ithilien under my feet was but the shadow of a prophecy unfulfilled. Earth and sky and star, and leaf and stream and rock; farewell, a thousand times farewell, my land, my flesh, my mother. Finding it again to lose it anew, mending my spirit to break it again. My feet ran, my hurried steps sought the right way; and yet of the final farewell I could not think. Wind and flower and tree; and friend, and love unnamed, unknown. The peak of Henneth Annûn black in the night was upon me when I finally slowed down. My hand cupped to my mouth, I called in the secret call of the Rangers so many times I had heard. The shadows of the guards emerged from the bushes.

“This way you cannot come, my lady, and you know it well.”

“Long before Man was born and City was built my people inhabited this region, soldier, and you are but a passing cloud upon her face. Bring me to your captain.”

They stood doubtful and silent for a moment, uncertain; and yet they knew of my friendship for their captain, whom they loved, and I felt in my voice, upon my face the power of the Eldar. A power Men unused to it would always fear.


Up they led me till the chamber that looks upon the West, the chamber that Elven hands dug before, in days long past, they gave it to the king to guard his realm. Faramir was called, and upon seeing me he frowned. Never had I come looking for him, and he understood that sad were the tidings I brought. He dismissed his men, and walked with me in silence down the stairs hewn into the rock, to the glittering mere beneath their chamber.

“Dark is even the light of the stars in your eyes tonight, my lady, and I wish I could share your burden, to make it lesser on your shoulders.”

“There is nothing you can do, and nothing can I. The war draws nearer, the times grow perilous. The king of the Wood calls my people North, to stand and fall together before the end.”

Elves do not lie. In my eyes was written the truth of my words, the grief the evenness of my voice strained to conceal. I kept them on the water that shone motionless at our feet, the reflection of the stars upon it like the scar of a brilliant wound.

Silence was his answer, silence thick and light, a seal upon my lips. There were many words one could have uttered, words gracious and meaningless of long affection given and returned, words to make haste, leave behind the fleeting beauty of the spirit I had come to know. Many words were to be found; I spoke none. Without raising my eyes I walked away, my feet seeking a path, my heart light because empty. In the folds of my tunic the jewel was heavy.


Many times he had called my name, in greeting and parting, in sorrow and in his rare jest. Yet now he pronounced it, and it was a call I could not disobey. I stopped.

“Look at me.”

Then I should have gone, running light without looking back, then I should have run and perhaps one day the pain of that moment would fade, and be forgotten. But I did not go, as I had not gone in that day, two years before, in a night too dark to belong to this Earth. I lingered, and he came close to me. My eyes upon his face, the face whose changes I had observed day after day; the face now dear to me, dearer than I had ever guessed or wanted in the long months spent in erasing the future, deceiving myself.


No more. Many words were to be found; but he uttered none. He looked at me, every colour drained from his skin, from his eyes by the dull light of the moon, his shape drawn in shadow in the night.A Stay. Ithilien all around us stood still. Farewell, no more.

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29 Comment(s)

Ooh, you’ve got me intrigued now. I’m a little nervous to how Legolas might break her heart, but that’s just because he’s so cute. Faramir is my favorite though, and I cannot wait to see how he charms her.
Really good beginning, can’t wait for more.

— Anna    Thursday 25 February 2010, 19:02    #

Love it very much. You are gifted with a poet’s sense of words, your words seems to come alive on my screen and I love it.
So beautiful
Thank you so much

— Fëawen    Friday 26 February 2010, 11:01    #

Very well done, Eldalie! I agree complitely with Fëawen, you are truly gifted! Write more!

— Anastasiya    Wednesday 10 March 2010, 17:36    #

Thank you so much, everybody! I’m very glad you like the story. I’ll try to update asap. And as you can see, Ithilien (and a certain Captain) are now drawing nearer…

— Eldalie    Wednesday 10 March 2010, 17:40    #

Oh God what a torture you put me through.
It is so wounderful that my whole body shivers, in a very good way.
This morning started of like shit, but now I sit here with smile on my lips
Thank you for this

— Fëawen    Monday 15 March 2010, 8:07    #

Thank you! Glad I helped making your day better. The Valar know Mondays are terrible as they are…

Everybody else: the road to Ithilien is taken. Faramir incoming.

— Eldalie    Monday 15 March 2010, 10:53    #

What a truly wonderful tale you are weaving here. I very much enjoy Miriel’s spirit. I admire her being able to leave that gorgeous elf behind. However, nothing could make me choose anyone or anything over Faramir. If only I were given the burden of that choice. I cannot wait for the fair future Prince of Ithilien to arrive. My heart shall wait impatiently for his presence. Ha ha

— Kelly    Monday 15 March 2010, 22:57    #

No!!! Don’t stop, not now. Don’t leave us hanging just as our beloved Faramir is coming aboard :)
Have you made it your personal quest to push me over the edge of what I can take?
Just kidding, but you write so beautiful and alive. Not to mention the intrigue, very interesting and nice. Love it more and more by each chapter.

— Ingrid    Wednesday 17 March 2010, 16:14    #

Ahah, am I not evil? giggles Seriously, though. I know, my fingers tingle at the idea of writing about our ranger (not that writing about Legolas was a strain. By no means. 0:)) but I’m sure we all want a nice chapter about that. I’ll give you a little sneak peak: the title will be: ‘Man and Elf’. Stay tuned…P.S. ‘Nimîr’ is the Nùmenorean word for Elf. Thanks to the fantastic site Merin Essi ar Quenteli! for providing it.

— Eldalie    Wednesday 17 March 2010, 16:20    #

Ugh! somebody get a me a rope! What a way to leave me hanging! I must have more. I am waiting sooooo impatiently.

— Kelly    Wednesday 17 March 2010, 19:32    #

Girls, I would feel bad about letting you wait…weren’t I already started on next chapter. Have patience…:)

— Eldalie    Wednesday 17 March 2010, 19:37    #

I am crying my eyes out here. Blow my nose and wipe the tears of my cheeks I have said it before but I must say it again. What an exceptionell auther you are. The way you build it up, the way you describe everything, so alive that it seems to be happening before my own eys. And the words, my God, the words. Beautiful does not give it justice. I have not been able to read for a while, exame time and sickness took all my energy. I was only suppose to check if something new had come up and find FIVE new chapters. I was suppose to have been in the therapy room today, but this was far, far better. Thank you so much. You have no idea what joy you give me

— Ingrid    Sunday 28 March 2010, 16:42    #

Thank you Ingrid! Now I’m the one who’s crying. blows her nose blushing Actually, I’m already working on the next chapter. Hope it’ll be up to standard! I feel quite inspired these days, so I’m pushing it. :) Hope your exams went all right.

— Eldalie    Sunday 28 March 2010, 16:45    #

Thank you, thank you, thank you. It was perfect, as always. You do know how to make a girl cry, don’t you?

“No thought, no words could pierce the armour his grief had woven around him, and touching him I felt I was touching stone.”

Such a beautiful description, it spoke so clearly. Oh Valar, how I wish that I had your talent of writing. Thank you so much.
Gives a big hug

(My exams went fine 110/110 on the theatre history test, 148/150 on the art history test, 196/200 on the ancient religions test and 118/130 on the math test. I am a bit disappointed, I could have done better, but no use crying over spilled milk. Right?)

— Ingrid    Monday 29 March 2010, 9:45    #

Thanks again, Ingrid! :)

(Wow for your exams. WHich spilled milk, excuse me? Those are fantastic results! Wish I had that talent. ;))

— Eldalie    Monday 29 March 2010, 9:54    #

Thank you so much for this wonderful chap. I am siting here with tears streaming down my face. You say that you wish for MY talent. Pleace, I would give it all up if I could write like you do. My talents can be read and learnt, but yours come from your heart.
Thanks again. No I will hopefully have pleasent dreams, pretending I am Mìriel, and loved by Faramir :)

— Ingrid    Wednesday 7 April 2010, 23:35    #

Thank you, Ingrid! Your comments are always very beautiful to read. Glad this came out well. You can’t have a romance without DA love scene, now, can you? ;) Thanks again!

— Eldalie    Thursday 8 April 2010, 0:21    #

I am very late in posting here and I apologize. I have been anxiously reading each new post and appreciate how quickly you update. I am totally enthralled in this story. I love it. While I read this story I can visualize it perfectly. Its like I’m in the center and it is happening all around me. Thank you.

— Kelly    Monday 12 April 2010, 22:33    #

Thank you Kelly! Please don’t apologize. Glad you like it, and hope you keep enjoying. :) Thanks again!

— Eldalie    Tuesday 13 April 2010, 5:56    #

Oh my! My stomach is in knots! My heart is racing. I so can’t wait to find out what happens. Thank the Valar you never make me wait long to find out.

— Kelly    Tuesday 13 April 2010, 18:22    #

Glad you liked it, Kelly! Hope you keep enjoying. I’ll be writing asap; next one is a delicate chapter indeed. ;)

— Eldalie    Tuesday 13 April 2010, 21:22    #

OMG! I thought my heart was pounding before! These last two have me on the edge of my seat! Wow!I can hardly wait for more! I so volunteer to take care of our dear sweet Faramir now that Miriel has left him. hee hee

— Kelly    Monday 19 April 2010, 15:59    #

Thanks for the comment, Kelly! By the way, chapter 19 was the second-last. Epilogue incoming…;)

— Eldalie    Monday 19 April 2010, 19:24    #

I am now well and truly drained. This has been quite the roller coaster ride. I enjoyed it very very much. It did not end the way I had hoped. However, in the end I think now that you knew best and it was as it should be. Thank you!

— Kelly    Wednesday 21 April 2010, 18:47    #

Thank you, Kelly! I know, I supposed we would all have liked her to be with Faramir. But there just was no way, given the person Mìriel is, and the kind of world they live in. However I’m glad you still liked it! Thank you.

— Eldalie    Wednesday 21 April 2010, 19:31    #

A litle late incoming- but i loved this. you wrote so perfectly! i really could feel every emotion Miriel, Faramir and Legolas felt… thats rare :) thanks.

— Liana    Thursday 24 June 2010, 13:18    #

Thank you! I’m very glad you liked it. :)

— Eldalie    Thursday 24 June 2010, 13:22    #

Thank you! I am very glad you liked it.

— Eldalie    Tuesday 24 August 2010, 16:15    #

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