Relationship Drabbles (PG-13) 
Written by QueenCria05 August 2006 | 773 words
Title: I Wish
Prompt: 021—Friends
Author’s Notes: You cannot change the past, but the future is bright.
“I can’t say that I had a genuine friend when I was a child.” Faramir shrugged as he answered Aragorn’s question. “I was the son of the steward… that made me a bit unapproachable.”
“It must have been lonely.” Aragorn said with a half smile. “As a ranger I worked alone, but when I was young I had companions amongst the elves.”
“Well, I didn’t know any differently.” Faramir said casually. “I had Boromir and he was good company.”
“I wish I had been there.” Aragorn said, pulling him close.
“Well, you’re here now.” Faramir said with a contented smile.
Title: Take Care of You
Prompt: 022—Enemies
Author’s Notes: There are perks to having a big brother.
When Faramir was six, the loud and cocky son of a noble family of Gondor stole a glass marble and knocked him down.
Boromir found him, still sitting in the dirt with hot, angry tears running down his cheeks, still snubbed with babyhood.
“What happened?” He asked, sitting down next to him and brushing away his tears.
“Nothing.” Faramir replied, wiping his nose.
“I already know.” Boromir said with a sigh, handing him the marble. “I got it back.”
“Thanks.” Faramir murmured, safely tucking it in his pocket.
“You’re my brother.” Boromir said kindly. “I’ll always take care of you.”
Title: Boromir’s Wisdom
Prompt: 023— Lovers
Author’s Notes: Boromir imparts some brotherly wisdom to Faramir.
When Faramir was sixteen, Boromir taught him something that he would never forget. Boromir was had been whistling cheerfully through life for the past several days and Faramir had asked him, in joking, if he had fallen in love.
“No.” Boromir had answered, unexpectedly serious. “I have a new lover, and he’s quite wonderful. But I’m not in love.”
“What’s the difference?” Faramir had asked.
“Well, lovers are a passing thing.” Boromir explained. “More than anything, lovers are inevitable. They will come and go. But love…Faramir, love is rare and should be treasured more than any lover.”
Faramir had remembered those words as he found his own connections, his own lovers.
They were few and brief, but the days he spent with each he treasured as golden reprieves in a life that was not often rich.
But they were forgotten, the moment his lips met Aragorn’s.
Then, he knew love.
When Faramir was sixteen, Boromir taught him something that he would never forget. Boromir was had been whistling cheerfully through life for the past several days and Faramir had asked him, in joking, if he had fallen in love.
“No.” Boromir had answered, unexpectedly serious. “I have a new lover, and he’s quite wonderful. But I’m not in love.”
“What’s the difference?” Faramir had asked.
“Well, lovers are a passing thing.” Boromir explained. “More than anything, lovers are inevitable. They will come and go. But love…Faramir, love is rare and should be treasured more than any lover.”
Faramir had remembered those words as he found his own connections, his own lovers.
They were few and brief, but the days he spent with each he treasured as golden reprieves in a life that was not often rich.
But they were forgotten, the moment his lips met Aragorn’s.
Then, he knew love.
Title: the Tree
Prompt: 024—Family
Author’s Notes: Faramir looks at the beginning of a dynasty.
Mid afternoon sunlight streamed through Faramir’s office window as he sat at his desk. He looked down at the elegantly written parchment sprawled across the surface and smiled.
Across the top, in bold letters, was written “The House of Telcontar.”
It was the family tree that would be passed down for generations, unto the ending of Aragorn’s line.
Their names were there, elegantly entwined.
As where the names of their children. Finduilas, their quiet daughter. Boromir and Arathorn, twin sons. Gilraen, the newest name.
Faramir smiled as he brushed his fingers over the black ink written names.
Family. His family.
Title: Like Her
Prompt: 025—Strangers
Author’s Notes: Faramir knows that he has seen Aragorn before.
“It’s strange, Aragorn, but I feel as though I know you.”
“Faramir, we have been married for almost a year. I would hope you know me.”
“No, I mean… from before.”
“Well, that make sense. I saw you many times when I traveled in these lands when you were a child.”
“You did?”
“I used Thorongil. I had no desire to invoke my claim to the throne.”
“Thorongil… I remember. You rode with my father, before my mother died.”
“I did. She was a lovely woman. You a very much like her.”
“Am I?”
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These were really cute.
— Anna Thursday 29 April 2010, 22:37 #But that last line was sad, poor Faramir doesn’t know anything about his mother.