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My Lord, Command Me (NC-17) 
Written by Laurëlóte22 December 2006 | 4324 words
Beta: The lovely Minx
Characters: Faramir / Beregond
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: dom/sub themes
Feedback: Yes please! laurelote@hotmail.co.uk
Summary: Beregond comes to realise that it is not Gondor he serves but another.
Written for the 2006 Midwinter Swap.
Request by Empy: Any of the following: Boromir/Faramir with toppy Faramir, Faramir/Beregond or Faramir/Éomer.Smut, preferably with lots of kissing, would be brilliant.. :) I’m also quite fond of first-time fics, but I prefer them to be a bit rough rather than fluffy, as sap isn’t my thing. (I hasten to add that strong kinks like BDSM or watersports aren’t my cup of tea either, though.) Angst is nice, too. If you can work in a midwinter theme, all the better, but please don’t feel like you have to.
Archivist’s note: there is a sequel in My Lord, Return to Me
My Lord, Command Me
After what seemed like hours of waiting, I watched the party arrive from Ithilien on leave for the Yule holidays. As they came into focus, I scanned the group frantically looking for the man who I hoped would be among them; Faramir, the youngest son of Denethor.
Being six years older than him, I had always been his elder brother Boromir’s friend having trained with him for many years until we were separated into different regiments. Back then, Faramir had been just a boy, spending all his time following us around, wanting to copy his brother in everything he did.
But now Boromir was off exploring the world, killing orcs, and travelling on one diplomatic mission after another. Faramir had left six months ago, at the age of 18 to join the Ithilien Rangers. And I spent my days, as one of the King’s guard, guarding a dead tree and awaiting a king who would never return.
Although I should watch my tongue, for I know that Faramir would be deeply ashamed if he heard me speak of such things.
“Beregond,” he would say, and how sweet my name sounds from his lips, though I confess I had never noticed until the day he went away. “Beregond, one day, a day in our lifetimes, that tree will flower and the King will return. Peace will prevail over these lands, just you wait and see.”
He had always been an optimist, but whether this was something he had ‘seen’ or just something he believed I could not say.
I smiled as I saw him, relieved to see him home safe.
It had come as a surprise to me that it had not been Boromir’s company I missed but that of his brother. Faramir means more to me than I had ever realised, and I have been missing him ever since the day he left.
I want to tell him how I feel, and I want him to tell me that he returns those feelings, but I am scared that he will push me away. It is one thing lying with a fellow soldier when in need of comfort; it is quite another when you are home, surrounded by the fairer sex.
I am glad that I arranged not to be on guard today, for it means that I can watch him from afar, and to be able to speak with him, if only to welcome him home and to ensure that he is carrying no injuries.
I walked over to where the company were dismounting and waited just around the corner, and as he walked towards me on the way to the Citadel I pounced.
“Greetings, little one,” I said forcing him into a bear hug and roughing up his hair as I pulled away.
As expected, Faramir screwed his nose up at the endearment, the way he always did. He had never liked being called that for as long as I could remember, but Boromir and I had always called him that. He smiled though, and hugged me back.
“It is good to see you looking so well Beregond,” he said, flashing me a smile that made my heart melt.
“And you, and in one piece at that!” I teased, but in truth, I was highly relieved, having spent many a sleepless night worrying over his safety after hearing tales of high casualties.
“I must go now,” I said, not wanting to appear over eager. “And I am sure you will want to go and freshen up.”
“I am on duty tonight, but we must catch up tomorrow, I want to hear all about life in Ithilien, and I have several stories to tell you as well.”
“I will see you tomorrow then,” he said with another smile, squeezing my arm lightly. “Let us go for a ride, early, before my father can think up some duty for me to perform while I am home.”
I walked away with a large grin on my face, tomorrow I would see him, alone, and I could not wait.
The next morning arrived far too slowly for my liking. The night was quiet and there had been little to do on my shift, in fact I was able to get a few hours sleep as my partner agreed to keep look out.
It had however started snowing, and there was a fresh blanket of white, crisp slow lying on the ground. I was pleased, for I always liked riding in the snow, it made everything seem so clean and picturesque.
I had just got the horses ready, when Faramir arrived, looking far more handsome after a good nights sleep.
We set off, talking and joking merrily. Faramir’s laugh was infectious, yet another thing I realised I had missed.
“So my friend,” he asked after regaling me of his many tales of the Rangers of Ithilien. “What have you been up to whilst I have been away?”
What could I say? How could I compete with the excitement of Ithilien? If I spoke of work, it would be enough to put him to sleep, and if I talked about my nights off, drinking with fellow soldiers, it would not make a much better impression, though quite why I should worry what he thought when he had known me for years, I do not know.
“Just the usual,” I replied finally. “Though I am afraid that I could not find a replacement chess partner, so I guess that my skills will be somewhat rusty now.”
Faramir grinned. He and I played chess frequently before he left and he nearly always beat me, his mind far more attuned to tactical thinking than mine.
As we rode, the wind started to pick up, and as the snow fell heavier, we decided it best to find shelter until it passed, before attempting to return to the citadel.
We made our way to a long since abandoned hut which was well known to travellers. Many often spent the night here, waiting for morning before entering the city.
Leaving the horses in the shelter outside, we settled ourselves as comfortably as possible in the hut, lighting the fire and removing our cloaks and boots.
I hung up my cloak and went to take his from him, intending to hang it by the fire as well, but as I took the cloak I paused, taking in the breathtaking sight of Faramir by the fire light.
I could not resist any longer, he just stood there looking perfect in everyway, no more dreaming, no more imagining, and I had to know if he felt the same as me. I leant forward nervously and kissed him softly on the lips.
For a moment, he seemed to respond slightly, but then as he seemed to realise what was happening, he pushed me hard away from him.
I can not describe the despair I felt as I saw the look of horror on his face as he pushed me away, but it cut me deep. I had risked it all, and I had lost.
“Forgive me,” I said quietly, looking deep into his eyes, knowing that every bit of the rejection I felt would be obvious to him. I sat down on a chair with a thump, the cloak falling from my hands, and buried my head in my hands. I was but a broken man.
Momentarily allowing me to dwell in my own misery, he picked up his cloak and hung it by the fire as I had meant to do, before moving back to the position in which he had stood before.
“Stand up,” he said to me in such a commanding voice, that I knew that the boy I used to know existed no longer, and here was a leader of men. I did as he bid me, ready to take whatever punishment he felt that I deserved.
Part of me wanted to rebel, there was no one around and I was still much stronger than he was. I knew that I could take what I desired so much. But I could never do that, I wanted Faramir to want me.
“Will you not look at me?” he asked. Although, I knew it was more of a demand than a question, and that I would do anything he asked of me, for I had been bewitched by him. He reminded me of the kings of old, the line of Kings which I had sworn to protect. But I knew now, in this moment that it was Faramir who owned my sword, and I would strike down many a king if he demanded it so.
How lucky I was then, that he would never ask such a thing, for everything he did was for Gondor, and there was not a bad bone in his entire body. No, he would never ask me to commit evil.
I raised my eyes to meet his, my heart pounding as though it was trying to find a way out of my chest, but I did not see anger or disgust in his eyes.
“So long I have wanted you Beregond,” he said, “Yet always you pushed me aside. Why now do you deem me good enough for you?”
I could sense coldness in his voice and a slight hint of bitterness. But I did not understand, I could never remember pushing him away.
“Perhaps my brother got tired of you, and you intend to replace him with me, is that it?”
So that is what he thought, that Boromir and I had… If it were not for the situation, I would have laughed at the absurdity of the statement. Boromir was like a brother to me, but I had never looked upon him in that way.
“Faramir,” I spoke slowly for I was not a man of words, and I needed to think upon what I was going to say. “I am sorry if I have hurt you, and it pains me to know that I have, for you must know that I would rather die than see anything but happiness in your eyes.”
“I am a naïve man, and it took your leaving to realise that what I felt for you was so much more than the brotherly feelings that I feel for Boromir. Never have I lain with another man, and nor shall I, for that honour belongs to you, and you alone.”
“I am yours to command in whichever way you deem fit, for I love you more than life, and God help me, I love you more than Gondor herself.”
By now I was shaking, and as he stepped towards me I felt like my legs were about to buckle from underneath me. He placed a finger to my lips and started to speak:
“Those are dangerous things you speak; such words would have you tried for treason if heard by the wrong ears. I do not deserve such love,” he paused for a moment, as if trying to resist saying the next words. “Yet I find myself wanting it still.”
It was then that he kissed me. Not gently as I expected, and certainly not as shyly as I had kissed him; his was a kiss of possession. I allowed him to have complete control, he was after all the master, and as he guided me over to the bed, I did not get nervous and I did not refuse as I suspected I might, I trusted him completely and I knew that I was safe in his arms.
His wicked tongue, explored every part of the moist cavern of my mouth, and he nibbled at my lips making me groan in delight. I had dreamt of this for so long, and now it was finally coming true.
He surprised me with his roughness as he tore at the bindings of my tunic. It was almost as if he wanted to make sure I knew who was in charge, but I already knew, and I did not mind. I wanted all of him; I wanted the Faramir that no one else ever got to see.
“On your knees soldier,” he barked, nodding to the floor. “And remove those offending garments while you are down there.”
I was on the floor in an instant, and I did not think twice about pulling my tunic over my head, or pulling off my leggings, exposing myself in all my naked glory. I looked up to see Faramir licking his lips and I smiled secretly to myself, happy in the knowledge that he seemed to think me attractive.
I patiently awaited his next order, while he too removed his clothing, undoing them much more carefully than he had mine. What I could see of his pale body was perfection to my eyes, despite the many scars it sported, but I could not quite bring myself to cast my eyes lower than his navel, the reality of the situation finally dawning on me.
But yet I knew that I could not falter here, for to me this was both what I had dreamt of so often and a test, a test of my loyalty to him.
He leant down and kissed me again, and that was all the reassurance I needed. To me, it was a kiss that said ‘This will be wonderful and you will be wonderful. Do not doubt that for I am here to guide you’, and I believed every word.
He pulled away and stood before me, his stiff member standing up proudly before my eyes. I wondered if I should allow myself to become accustomed to this idea slowly, and to explore his erection with my fingers before taking him into my mouth in the way I knew he wanted. But I had always been one to rush in both feet first, and so I took a deep breath, and after sweeping my tongue over the head, collecting the droplets of his essence that lingered there, I took his member as deep into my mouth as I could. To my delight, I was rewarded with a soft groan from Faramir and a few soft words of encouragement.
Nervously at first, I moved back and forth over his length, the movements becoming more certain as my confidence grew and I started to explore, turning my attentions to the sack of flesh below his erection and sucking on them gently.
To my dismay, after just a few moments, Faramir pulled away, and I thought for a second that I had done something wrong, but I was soon reassured as I received another kiss as a reward.
Taking my hand in his, he guided me carefully onto the bed and bid me to lie down.
“Now it is your turn,” he whispered huskily, and I shivered at the look of desire in his eyes.
He ran his tongue teasingly down the length of my weeping erection, causing me to buck with pleasure as he swept it over the head. The sensation felt incredible, more so than it had ever felt with any woman when they had done the same. Perhaps it was the fact that I was so overwhelmed by the situation, but deep down, I am a romantic fool, and I was beginning to think that it is true what is said about intimate acts always being far more enjoyable when done with someone you care about.
I might have gone on to wonder if Faramir felt anything close to how I did, but all coherent thoughts vanished from my mind as my erection disappeared into the warmth of my lover’s mouth.
I can honestly say, I had never felt such pleasure in my life, and all I wanted was more. If at any point I had felt like running from this situation, the time had now past, not that I ever could have left anyway, I was not one to spend all the rest of life with regrets.
To my complete surprise, he swallowed all of me, taking me deep into the back of his throat, and I felt a twinge of jealousy wash over me as I wondered where he had learnt to be so skilful with his mouth.
I was burning all over with desire and I had know idea what to do, did I thrust my erection further still into his mouth, or did I push back to where his hand was now running teasingly between my two buttocks. I closed my eyes, stopped thinking and just let my body respond.
I whimpered as he stopped and moved to lie down next to me, leaving me confused. But as he cupped my chin with his hand, I opened my eyes and noticed the concerned look upon his face.
“Is this truly your first time?” he asked softly, his eyes never once leaving mine. When I nodded in confirmation, finding myself unable to speak, he smiled but at the same time looked a little sad.
“I have nothing with which to prepare you,” he explained carefully. “I will do the best I can, but I am afraid that I will cause you some pain.”
Now it was my turn to speak, I brought my hands up to his face, and brushed away the strand of hair which had fallen over his face.
“I am more than ready for this,” I said as confidently as I could, though inside I was more nervous than I had been about anything in my entire life. “I have been ready for a long time now, and no pain that you could ever cause me could be a bad one, for I know the pleasure which will accompany it will be worth death itself.”
“You hold me in much too high esteem, my love.” he replied, with a much happier smile than before, and I kissed him.
I kissed him in the way I should have in the first place, and it was the way I had always dreamed that our first kiss would be, although by now, it was not our first or our second. I nibbled and teased him bottom lip, wanting him to surrender to me, to allow me to explore properly his unique taste. As our tongues danced together provocatively, I pulled him on top of me, pressing our erections together as hard as I could, and for a while he let me dominate over him, but as soon as I tried to reverse our positions, pinning him underneath me, he quickly took back all control.
Of course, I did not mind one little bit, he was my master and I was his to control in which ever way he wished. I could refuse him nothing.
He ran his finger tips gently over my bottom lip, and instinctively I took each one into my mouth in turn, sucking on them firmly, mirroring the actions he had done on my throbbing shaft moments before, and savouring his unique, slightly salty taste.
My actions must have succeeded in arousing him more because he moaned softly and pulled away, and for a moment it seemed as though he had been about to lose himself in me.
His hand found his way to my buttocks, and after teasingly circling it, the moist fingers brushed over my puckered entrance, which caused me to buck violently in surprise. Faramir of course seemed to be expecting this and held me firmly in place.
“I want you so much,” he whispered in my ear. “I had about given up my hope that one day I would have you this way. You always seemed so oblivious to the reactions you stir up in other people. You can have anyone you want. I am honoured that you have chosen me.”
I was about to protest when a finger slipped past the ring of muscle and deep inside of me, despite it being a strange sensation it did not hurt as I had expected and I closed my eyes and once again gave myself to the new sensations I was feeling.
As he added a second finger to join the first I tensed, it was uncomfortable, and the feeling of being stretched hurt me. Faramir stroked my hair and asked me to relax, and I tried, but I could not seem to, if anything I tensed more, worrying what the level of pain would be like when he entered me properly.
The pain gradually receded as he stretched me carefully, kissing my neck as he did so. My neck, I discovered was terribly sensitive and it was arousing me terribly, I did not wish to wait any longer, I just wanted him inside of me, with or without pain.
As he moved to enter a third finger, I grabbed his hand, causing to look up at me in concern.
“Just take me now,” I said determinedly, but my voice wavering just a little.
“Do not make me wait,” I added, close to begging as it looked like he was going to refuse. But he did not say no, instead he nodded slowly and positioned himself between my legs, wrapping them tightly around his waist, then in rather an undignified manner, he spat in his hands and used his saliva as lubrication.
He positioned his erection, carefully at my entrance and pushed into me slowly, I tensed immediately, and so he leant forward and kissed me passionately. As soon as he felt me relax, he pushed right in as quickly as he could.
By the Valor! I told myself that I would not cry, but the tears streamed down my face, it felt as though I was being ripped apart from the inside outwards, I just prayed the pain would ease as Faramir started to move.
He kissed away the tears, and whispered for forgiveness in my ear, but there was nothing to forgive, I understood perfectly why he had done as he had, I would have tensed even if he had moved even slightly, so now the hard part was all over and I could start trying to relax and feel the pleasure.
And pleasure it was.
As the initial pain numbed down into a dull ache, I gave myself completely. I can not begin to explain how wonderful it felt as he moved with in me, and I found my body pushing against every thrust wanting him deeper within me. It was perfect, and so much more intense than I had ever imagined it would be.
I pulled Faramir down for another kiss, not being able to get enough of his taste and of the feeling of his lips crashing against mine. My fingers entwined themselves in his hair, and I found myself not wanting to let him go, I wanted this moment to last forever, because I could not imagine never feeling this way again.
And then, he changed the angle of his thrusts. I do not know what he touched, or how it provoked such a reaction in me, but I cried out so loudly, and bucked upwards with such velocity that if it had not been for Faramir pinning me down, I would have flown off the bed. Spots danced before me eyes, and I swear I no longer knew who I was or what I was doing. But none of that seemed to matter.
He did it again and again, and whispered said something in my ear which my mind just could not process. I felt myself being pushed closer and closer to the edge, I was burning all over for release, yet I was not ready for it to end.
“Please,” I remember begging. “So close. Not ready.” I did not know if he would understand, I hardly understood my thoughts myself, but he seemed to slow his movements a little.
“Let yourself go,” he said to me, once again using that commanding voice which he possessed. “I wish to watch you come undone beneath me.”
His words, sounded so erotic to my ears that I could nothing but obey. The next time he brushed over that sacred spot inside of me I erupted, my seed covering my stomach, and I cried out his name.
“My Faramir. My Lord.”
He came undone barely moments later, biting down on my neck, claiming me as his own, before pulling out and collapsing beside me to regain his breath.
Then, with a mischievous smile he straddled my thighs, and I will never forget what came next. He bent down and licked up all the traces of my release from my stomach and offered it to me in another incredible kiss.
“Now, you are mine,” he said pulling away, just enough to look deep into my eyes. “And only mine, for I do not share well.”
I smiled, and I kissed him sweetly on the lips.
“I have always been yours, and always I shall be. I will obey your every wish, your every demand, for I am a slave, and you are my master.”
Continue to the sequel My Lord, Return to Me
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Awww, sweetie! This was such a beautifully and carefully crafted story! I know how much you invested in it, but damn, it was so worth it! Now I’m a bit jealous and wish you would write on my request as well puppy eyes, pretty please with Fara on top… or bottom… whichever you prefer :P. Sweetie, I now pray that your inspiration and enthusiasm are back for good so you can write more!!!You’ve just given me a very lovely Christmas present!!! (We both know what it is and it has to do with this fic swap) ;).
— Kissa Friday 22 December 2006, 20:57 #And I am so happy I gave you Perttu’s pic to inspire you for Beregond… look how right it turned out! loves
faints in a cloud of fluffy hearts
May all your wishes come true, darling! And may this one wish of mine become real as well, that you never stop writing!