Lost Souls (G) 
Written by Laurëlóte10 July 2007 | 1225 words
Title: Lost Souls
Author: Laurëlóte
Beta: Minx
Pairing: Faramir/Boromir
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,196
Warnings: Tissues may be needed
AN: Boromir is alive and well.
Lost Souls
I watched as the last of the enemy fled from Pelennor fields. The war was finally over and I could return home. There was a time when I believed that I would never set foot inside the walls of my beloved city again. I had almost destroyed it all with my weakness for the ring. But here I am now, thanks to Frodo continuing his journey alone, taking that evil thing far away from me, and to Aragorn for healing me of the wounds that I knew should have been fatal.
Much has happened since I left that day for Rivendell. I am no longer the man I had been.
I know that evil almost claimed me, but I believe that after everything, I have become a better man. Now, I have learnt to think with my head and not just my sword, and learnt too that sometimes it is alright to question orders, that doing my given duty is not always what was best for Gondor.
I helped aid the wounded the best I could upon the battlefield and helped to stretcher the injured to the edge of the city, and finally when there was nothing else I could do, it was time for me to step through the gates once more.
I found to my surprise that I did not wish to see my father. I knew about the palantír my father had kept, but it was only now, that I could see for myself what evil they could do, and it has enabled me to realise that Denethor had lost his way a long time a go on this earth.
No, there was only one man I wished to see, the only one who had been my light in the darkness; my sweet brother. Faramir.
I headed without thinking to the Houses of Healing. On reflection, I would tell you that it was simply where I expected Faramir to be, helping the healers tend the wounded. But in truth, somehow my feet just guided me there, as if I knew.
My eyes came upon him immediately, lying there unmoving upon the bed and I swear my heart was breaking as I pushed my way past everyone to reach his bedside.
I only needed one glimpse at his pale face to know that it was serious. I had seen him injured before and fevered for weeks on end, but I had never seen him look like this. It was as if his soul had been taken from him, and all that was left was an empty broken shell.
I looked up at Beregond who was guarding over him hoping that I was wrong, but he merely nodded sadly confirming my suspicions.
Taking Faramir’s hand in mine I collapsed to my knees with tears streaming down my face.
I supposed I was being punished for my weakness by having my brother taken away from me before my very eyes.
And gods, I was not sure I could survive it!
I would have given up Gondor to keep my brother safe, even helped to tear it down brick by brick. I still would. I only saved it for him anyway.
I begged Aragorn to save him as he had me and prayed to the Valar that his spirit be returned to him. What little hope I had however soon faded as the hands of my king managed to help all except my Faramir; my little one.
For hours Aragorn called to him, coaxing him from the darkness, but he did not come. If he did not come when his king commanded it, then what hope was there that anyone else could succeed?
Resolved to the fact that my brother was soon going to pass from this world I carried him from the Houses of Healing to his quarters and I dismissed all the servants, insisting that no one else needed to be by his side. Sensing that I needed what little time I had left with my brother, Aragorn consented and saw that we were undisturbed.
I needed to feel closer to him, to hold him close once more, the way I had done many times when he was a child, and so I removed my tunic and slipped into bed beside him, holding him close, my tears falling silently upon his shoulder.
I do not know how long I lay there with Faramir in my arms because exhaustion soon overtook me. But somehow, despite everything I believe that I slept better that night that any since I had said goodbye to Faramir that night in Osgiliath.
When I woke, I thought that maybe my little one looked a little less pale than he had, but I dismissed it. It was just wishful thinking.
I did not leave his side for days and talked to him constantly. Sometimes I whispered to him tales of my journey, and how proud I was to learn that he had succeeded where I had failed, allowing the ring to pass him by.
Sometimes I simply told him that I loved him and that I did not want to live without my brother by my side. More often than not I begged him, and though I am ashamed to admit it, sometimes I even got angry; angry that he did not respond to my pleas, but I never once let him go. My arms remained around him constantly.
I did not know if he could hear me, but late one evening, emotionally drained from all my tears, I started to tell him what he meant to me, only this time I held nothing back, pouring out all the feelings that I had tried to hard to keep from him.
“Fara?” I called to him softly. “Come back to me little one, please? Do not make me live this life without you. My world will be eternally dark without you by my side. I love you Faramir, not just as a brother but as the other half of my soul. I am but an empty shell without you and I will surely follow where ever it is you lead me now.”
I barely managed to choke out the last words and the tears streamed down my face as I collapsed in sobs, gathering him in my arms and cradling his face against my neck.
I thought I heard his voice whisper in my ear.
“Do not cry Bora,” it said, but it was probably just a trick of my cruel mind.
I laid him back down upon the bed and moved away a little to look at him. But the sight I was confronted with to my breath away. For the first time I saw his eyes were open. His grey-blue eyes met mine and he whispered again trying to squeeze my hand as he did so.
It was only the quietest whisper and the gentlest of squeezes but in that moment, they meant more to me than life itself.
“I love you Faramir,” I said again, my eyes never leaving his, not even for a second, though I had to read his lips to hear his reply.
“I love you too.”
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awee that was perfect!!!sniffles!!
— daze Thursday 12 July 2007, 4:40 #