Letters From Faramir (G) 
Written by Alcardilmë28 April 2010 | 16713 words
Author: Alcardilmë
Characters: Faramir, Boromir II, Denethor, Imrahil, Peregrin Took and others
Rating: G
Summary: Grief knows no boundaries, nor age, nor time. Letters from Faramir to Boromir – in hopes that he is still alive and will return. Angst.
Revised edition of my earlier story by the same title (2005 Semi-Finalist – Mithril Awards in the ‘Concerning Men’ category and in the ‘Drama’ category. 2008 MEFA’s – Third Place in Genres: Drama: Featuring Boromir or Faramir).
Letters From Faramir
‘Yet between the brothers there was great love, and had been since childhood, when Boromir was the helper and protector of Faramir. No jealousy or rivalry had arisen between them since, for their father’s favor or for the praise of men. It did not seem possible to Faramir that any one in Gondor could rival Boromir, heir of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower; and of like mind was Boromir.’ LOTR – Appendix A – (iv) Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion
My deepest thanks belong to Fíriel Fairbairn, great-granddaughter of Fastred and Elanor. Like her mother and grandmother before her, this Hobbit lass became a maid of honor to Queen Arwen in the latter days of King Elessar’s rule.
Upon discovering Firiel’s affinity for words and research, Queen Arwen urged the young Hobbit to spend her spare time researching records found in Prince Faramir’s quarters at Minas Tirith. The import of these notes was profound. Queen Arwen released Firiel from her duties as maid and the Hobbit directed all her efforts towards the Steward’s writings.
Firiel then undertook many prolonged journeys to Henneth Annûn and Dol Amroth. While she was in Henneth Annûn, she discovered a cache of letters hidden in a secret drawer in Prince Faramir’s writing desk. She brought the letters back with her to Minas Tirith.
Firiel then turned to your humble restorer who spent a full year deciphering these letters. Unfortunately, there had been water damage to many of the pages. Blood also covered a few of the letters. Regrettably, some of the words and phrases were indistinguishable, due to said damage.
During my restoration, I discovered that Faramir’s hand was not the only one that had touched these pages. Another hand, of unknown origin, had written short little notes, as if the writer had witnessed Prince Faramir’s efforts and had taken the time in the course of events, or perhaps afterwards, to add them to the letters. After close work with the archivists from the Great Library at Minas Tirith, the letters were restored, as well as possible, and given to King Elessar.
My heartfelt thanks belong to King Elessar himself who gave this unworthy compiler sanction to copy the letters and publish them. The originals were taken, with King Elessar’s permission, to Undertowers, where they are now stored with Samwise Gamgee’s ‘The Red Book of Westmarch’ and the illustrious three-volume tome, ‘Translations from the Elvish.’
My undying thanks belong to Queen Arwen, without whose support and compassion these letters would never have been found, nor restored. Her deep love and respect for her husband’s late Steward are widely known.
Thanks must also be given to my scribe, Ingond, youngest son of Hirgon the Brave. It was at the Queen’s request that I asked the young man to be my scribe. He proved a fast learner and worthy of the role. His father, though he had been murdered in the War of the Ring before Ingond’s birth, would have been most proud of him.
Your humble Conservator,
Scribe to King Elessar Telcontar
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What an excellent work, Alcardilmë!
— Anastasiya Wednesday 10 March 2010, 17:30 #Truly I admire your style of writing and wonderful ideas! These feelings, these emotions… They are so deep, so full of hope, of love. Thank you!