Fortunes Foretold (PG) 
Written by Fawsley22 December 2006 | 150 words
Title: Fortunes foretold
Author: fawsley
Rating: PG
Character: Denethor
Summary: Denethor doesn’t only use the palantir to see what the future holds….
Written for the drabblechalleng live journal August photo prompt.
Feedback: Would be most kind and much appreciated
Disclaimer: Not my Steward. Tolkien’s Steward. I just play dark games with him.
He inscribes a name upon each candle, puts flame to wick then counts the hours, watching them burn.
His heart hardens when he sees his wife’s delicate flame flutter and wink out, but it breaks as that of his firstborn suddenly flares up then dies.
‘No!’ he cries, arm sweeping the table clear ‘No! Not my firstborn! Not Gondor’s finest!’
A gore-crow in black robes he stalks from the chamber.
He does not see his second-born’s fallen flame flicker, then catch and burn again.
Nor his own as it glows eerily, unnaturally, a prelude to its dying forever.
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A short, dark story, very well written.
— lille mermeid Friday 20 November 2009, 8:49 #