Fidelity (PG) 
Written by Fawsley04 January 2007 | 117 words
title: Fidelity
rating: PG
character: Faramir
note: For the drabblechalleng January 2006 image prompt. And for buttonbright.

The river ran icy at this time of year.
Skin prickled, muscles shuddering, he was not daunted but stepped boldly onwards, letting the water take him at last.
Naked to its touch he let himself go, gave himself up into the river’s possession.
The current pulled at him, strange silken hands dragging him away from the bank, down from the sunlight, Ulmo’s whisper in his ear.
It had been in these very waters that he had last seen his brother.
If he let the river wash over him, let it carry his love downstream, maybe somewhere, somehow, Boromir would know.
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Beautiful: the picture, the words, and the love between the brothers!
— Saturday 6 January 2007, 13:11 #Thank you!