Fairborn (PG)
Written by Paul Price26 August 2011 | 24652 words
Title: Fairborn
Author: Paul Price
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Faramir
This is a sixteen chapter short novel detailing curious events and various adventures in the twentieth year of Faramir and Eowyn’s marriage. The adventures and events concern them, their children, their friends, the countries of Gondor, Rohan, Dunland, and Harad, and enemies they did not know they had.
Chapter 1: Faramir and young Boromir
Now, Ithilien is a prosperous land of woods, plains, fields, streams, villages and towns. But twenty years ago, it was the charred remnants of battlegrounds and strife. Then, armies of orcs, uruk-hai, Haradrim, and trolls had burned and destroyed everything they could reach, and they reached about every part of Ithilien. Then, Ithilien smelled like burned wood and rotting corpses. Now, it smelled of new-grown crops and other growing, living things. It took much work by many people to rebuild and regrow Ithilien. Now, after twenty years of peace, the smell of burning wood and corpses had returned to parts of Ithilien.
Faramir, Prince of Ithilien, sat on his magnificent white horse atop a hill, and watched his troops form to defend the village of Syr. He was puzzled and concerned. After years of peace, suddenly orc raiding parties were showing up in all parts of Ithilien. That morning, he barely had time to send troops to meet the three raids which were occurring. In North Ithilien, he had sent the remnant of his available guard troops. Most of his guard troops, the White Company, were serving as scouts for the King in the campaign against the Dunlendings, so he had only about 50 rangers from the White Company to intercept a raiding party of about 200 orcs. This would have been an insufficient number, but he had sent about 75 Rohirrim cavalry with them. The whole party was commanded by Beregond, his Captain of the Guard. In South Ithilien, another group of about 150 orcs were pillaging the lands. To counter this threat, he had sent about 75 Rohirrim cavalry commanded by Eothain, their Captain.
Here in Emyn Arnen, he faced a band of about 400 orcs. He had available about 100 veteran Gondorian spearmen, 100 Ithilien militia, 75 Rohirrim cavalry, and 50 Rohirrim militia infantry. He watched as his nephew, Boromir, placed the troops in battle order. The formation had about 30 veterans on each flank and almost 40 in the center with about 75 militia between the units of veterans. Behind Faramir were the cavalry hidden from the orcs by the hill. His trap was set. He trusted that his two other commanders would be able to stop the orc bands. His trust was well placed, as few of the orcs in the three bands ever reached home again.
To the east of Faramir’s small army, Karm commanded the orc band. He was new to command, and wasn’t sure why his command had not included any of the most experienced orc warriors. His Sovereign did not explain this to him. The Sovereign merely sent him out with orders to attack as quickly as possible. He had marched his troops hard to get here, and they were not comfortable in the sunlight. The longer his troops marched in the sunlight, the more their morale sagged. He did not have much experience in command, but he knew that he and his lieutenants were going to have to lead from the front to encourage these inexperienced and dispirited orc warriors. Additionally, they may have to kill some shirkers to instill discipline in the orc rabble. As the enemy troops came into sight, he formed up his troops quickly and charged the center of the enemy line. He hoped to break through the center of the enemy and rout them quickly. The battle was short, much less than an hour. The orc attack on the center left their flanks vulnerable. This allowed the Ithilien veteran spearmen on each flank to push forward and pin the orcs in place. Then, Faramir led the Rohirrim cavalry around the hill and attacked the rear of the orc battleline. The orcs were quickly squeezed into a confined space which greatly reduced their ability to fight back. This and the increasing panic in their ranks led to an early death for many in the orc band. Ithilien casualties were very light.
After the battle, Faramir thought about his family, as he always did after the danger was over. His father, mother, and only brother were dead, but he now had his own family to tend.
His wife, Éowyn, was legendary. The “Shield Maiden of Rohan” had become the “Healing Lady of Ithilien”. Éowyn was famed throughout Middle Earth for felling the Witch-King and killing its monstrous steed. Now, she was additionally famed for her practice of the healing arts, and for the students that she had trained in healing. She and he had agreed after their marriage that he would name the male children, and she the female. And so it had been done.
Their firstborn, named Theowyn, was now eighteen, and she was named in honor of the late King Théoden of Rohan. She was a woman given to military pursuits. She reminded him of his brother as her sole focus was on military interests, but she looked like a younger image of her mother. She was tall, slim, agile, strong, graceful and beautiful. She had her mother’s golden yellow hair and her maternal grandmother’s light blue eyes. She liked to engage his troops in mock combat and often defeated them. Also, she spent much time with the Rohirrim, and so had become an exceptional rider.
Their son, and his heir, was named Elboron. He has named in honor of an Elven wise man. He was sixteen, and was loved by the people of Ithilien. Most people called Elboron, “The Crown Prince”, even though that title belonged to the King’s heir. Many said he possessed the best features of his parents. He had the even temperament, caring nature, and wisdom of his father, and the bravery, steadfastness, and loyalty of his mother. He too was tall, but had more of the features and look of his father. His hair was raven black, like his father, and his eyes were grey, like both his parents. Unlike his older sister, his interest in the military was primarily in strategy and tactics. He preferred to plan a successful battle and campaign, not lead troops. However, he knew he would be required to lead troops, so he trained to do so well. Additionally, like his father, he had an interest in lore and history, and had great intuitive abilities.
Their youngest child was named Ganwyn, an unusual name for an unusual girl. She was thirteen, but seemed both younger and older. She was named in honor of Gandalf, the great wizard. She shared some of her sister’s military bent, but was neither as brave nor as strong as her sister at the same age, so she took to the bow as her weapon of choice. She shared her mother’s interest in healing, and so spent much time in the woods and the healing houses. She had an interest in magic, but could find few to teach her in its ways, so she improvised. The White Company had adopted her, in a sense, and had trained her in many ranger skills. She was of average height for her age and a gangly young girl. Her hair was pale blond like her maternal grandmother, and her eyes were black like her paternal grandfather, Denethor. She seemed to have all the unfavorable physical features of each of her parents. She was not an ugly child, just not an attractive one to most people.
Lastly, there was Boromir. He had been a surprise legacy from Faramir’s older brother. Just after the birth of Theowyn, Faramir was approached by an ill Dunlending woman, named Lea, with a two-year old boy. She claimed the child was his brother’s son, and that she had named the child, Boromir, after its father. Faramir was doubtful, as his brother was not known to be involved with any woman up to his untimely death. However, the child bore a resemblance, even at such an early age. He sent Damrod, a ranger, to Minas Tirith to verify the woman’s story, but Lea died before Damrod returned. Damrod determined that the woman was the widow of a Gondorian soldier, but that the child was born two years after her husband’s death. Lea had been quite beautiful before her extended illness, and neighbors had seen Boromir entering her house and leaving the next morning several times. Neighbors knew of no other men in her favor. Given the unique circumstances, Faramir had raised the boy as part of his household. Moreover, Éowyn and the children treated Boromir as a member of the family. Many thought this a generous action, but more cynical observers thought Faramir was keeping a potential rival under his control. Faramir had long ago lost any doubt that this was Boromir’s son. The boy, like his father, was tall, strong, brave and handsome. He had Boromir’s black hair and piercing black eyes. Like the older Boromir, young Boromir was inclined toward military pursuits. He had asked to join the local unit of the Gondorean Army, but Faramir had dissuaded the young man by putting him in charge of the local militia. As Faramir had expected, young Boromir had already proven very adept in training, supplying, motivating and leading his troops. Boromir’s militia troops had been quite steady in the battle which had just occurred.
After the battle with the orcs, Prince Faramir’s army disbanded. The members of the militia and the Rohirrim went home, after burning the orc dead and burying their own dead, and the Gondorean spearmen marched back to the fortress with Faramir and Boromir.
“Your militia did well in the battle.” Faramir said to Boromir.
“They need more training, but aren’t willing to train any more than they do now. I had to move from one part of the line to another to reassure them and keep them steady.”
“You’re getting everything from them that’s possible. They aren’t regular troops, and have other vocations to tend. If the White Company were here, then I wouldn’t have used them. Fortunately, you trained them well enough that I could use them. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So how is Halea? I think she will make a fine wife.”
“She’s fine.” said Boromir. He was surprised that Faramir knew of his fiancé, as he thought he had kept it secret. He thought he would change the subject of the conversation. “Speaking of marriage, who are you going to pledge Theowyn to? She has many suitors I hear.” He knew this was a sore point with Faramir, as the strong-willed Theowyn was not inclined to marriage, despite her many suitors.
“Are you trying to change the subject?”
“Yes, but it didn’t work. How did you know about Halea?”
“A little lastborn bird told me.”
Boromir thought, “Of course, Ganwyn knows everything that happens in the household. However, she seldom tells what she knows.” However, he said, “I wanted to keep it a secret from her family. They are very concerned with social position, and they think I have none.”
“If it’s not enough that you are part of my household, then I could make you “Lord of Emyn Arnen”, if you wish.”
“I’m greatly flattered, but your domain is barely large enough now to support your duties as Prince of Ithilien and Steward of Gondor. I do appreciate the offer though.”
Young Boromir’s answer increased Faramir’s respect for the young man. He determined to do something to help Boromir, but could not think how just now. He should discuss it with Éowyn. She always had good ideas for such problems.
As his troops marched past the fledgling Woods of Legolas, Faramir’s thoughts shifted to the good fortune and hard work that had transformed Ithilien from a land devastated by war into a green, lush and populated land. First, a group of Elves, led by Legolas, had come to help re-grow the trees, plants, and grass. Legolas and some of the Elves settled in one of the woods in Northern Ithilien, but were seldom seen now. After the remainder of the elves returned home, his wife, Lady Éowyn, had planted many medicinal herbs throughout the land, so that such herbs were potentially available to much of the population. Finally, the Rohirrim had arrived, and settled.
At first, the Rohirrim had been sent by Éowyn’s brother, King Éomer, as a rotating “honor guard” for Éowyn. Every half-year, a new eored of up to 150 horsemen would arrive and the old eored would return to Rohan. One year, Éowyn returned to Rohan with the departing eored to visit her brother, and while there was approached by a group of farmers, horse breeders, and hunters who wanted to settle in the newly-lush, but under-populated, Ithilien. She had sent a messenger to him to obtain his approval, and that of the King. Both had assented, and she accompanied about 400 Rohirrim families back to Ithilien. In the intervening years the Rohirrim had become an important part of the economy and defenses of Ithilien. Eventually, the King of Rohan no longer sent the “honor guard”, as a local eored protected Lady Éowyn and the land. Currently, the local Rohirrim provided a full eored of 120 to 150 riders, additional militia of 120 to 200 infantry and a small second eored of about 80 to 100 horsemen to the Prince of Ithilien. While the interaction between the native Ithiliens and the Rohirrim was not always friendly at first, the Rohirrim had generally become a part of the overall community in the fifteen years since their arrival. About three-quarters of the Rohirrim lived in North Ithilien, and the remainder lived in Emyn Arnen.
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