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Bleed Black (NC-17) 
Written by Emono24 December 2006 | 8518 words
Written by Emono
Author: Emo, Connor, and Karma
Pairing: Faramir/Legolas, mentioned Aragorn/Faramir
Rating: NC-17, no sex, sorry, but lots of groping and M-rated remarks
Disclaimer: LOTR belongs to Tolkien and everyone else but me. Cause I suck and I’m poor and I don’t own anything but Connor and Karma and all the other characters from the novel I’m writing.
Feedback: Much appreciated – emono@rock.com
Warnings: Slash, and some OOC, but their better that way
Summary: Faramir being a smartass and joining the Fellowship. He joins them on their quest to a certain extent because I simply thought he needed a bigger role.
Chapter 2: Danger in the Skies
“I’m hovering throughout time, I crumble in these days
I crumble, I cannot, I cannot find reflection in these days”
—Bleed Black
Sun rays came in threw golden curtains, falling over two bodies that lay languidly on a large bed. The comforter was white, golden Elvish runes over each square perfectly. Soft, white pillows littered the bed as if a nest. White pillows were placed under the Ranger’s spread arm, under both of the bodies legs and bare feet. Pillows circled them, rumpled sheets as well. They simply laid on the blankets, for they had not burdened themselves with the cloth when they had laid down.
The Ranger, golden hair spread out under his head and across the white surface of his pillow, was simply clad in brown pants and a matching brown shirt that went down to his fingertips. His eyelids fluttered silently, fingers slowly twitching in his sleep. One arm was wrapped around the person beside him, only reassuring him that the person was still close at hand even in his sleep.
The Elf, his own blonde hair spread over the Ranger’s arm and his own clothing, was clad in a loose white tunic and loose leggings with soft white slippers over his feet. He had been to tired the night before and had decided to sleep in these garments. His gold spun lashes also fluttered on occasion, but his position was different. He pillowed his head on the Ranger’s chest, moving up and down with the soft rise and fall of the man’s chest. His hands, one buried between their bodies while the other lay on the Man’s chest. His touch was light and friendly, his lips parted slightly to let in silent air and release soft sighs.
Both were content, each had exaughsted themselves the day before with hunting and sneaking, small pranks and such to occupy their time. Most who had seen them yesterday thought they were lovers, the way they whispered and unconsciously flirted back and forth and the way they would jump each other and wrestle at odd moments.
The truth was, Faramir and Legolas had been the best of friends since their first meeting in Mirkwood not 10 years before. Faramir had been a Ranger, his skills in swordsmanship had lacked while he was quite talented with the bow. The other Ranger’s told him to go to Mirkwood, ask for Legolas. He had, wondering what the others had sent him so far off for. Legolas had known, they had sent him to him for Legolas was known for his unique balance of the bow and the sword. Legolas had taught the young Ranger so much, Faramir and him had nothing else to do between breaks but to become friends.
They were not lovers, for they had yet to acknowledge their love.
“Faramir? Legolas?” Aragorn snuck into the room, sighing at the two “What are we to do with the two of you?” He crept over to the window, drawing back the curtains to let sunlight wash over the two forms.
“I hate you brother Aragorn” Faramir murmured, reaching up to rub at his eyes. Legolas groaned softly, shifting until he sat up. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, yawning before staring into the bright sunlight.
“What time is it?” came the all to dreaded question to mother’s everywhere.
“It’s almost noon, Elrond believes you are both up” Aragorn smiled gently “Come now boys, we have a Ring to deliver”
“Pff, an ugly ring” Faramir scoffed.
“Ugly it may be, we must go none the less” Aragorn sighed, stalking out “Pack quickly and dress quicker, Boromir will be checking on you soon brother Faramir”
“Yes sir” Faramir muttered with a mock salute, making Legolas smile. Faramir all but jumped out of bed, grinning now “Come now beloved, it is time for our adventure!”
“The adventure is not ours alone” Legolas reminded him, slinking out of bed as well.
“Yes…” Faramir smiled at him fondly “but it would be all the better if it were only us, for we would get the Ring there twice as fast. To bad, I would enjoy having more time alone with you. Oh well!” Faramir all but jumped out of the room “Who does a man have to kill to get some breakfast around here?”
Legolas chuckled, but the flush on his cheeks told more.
(the scene with all the rocks where they took a break)
“So, there we were…” Faramir jumped on a rock, holding his hands out in front of him “a hundred Orcs, no…300 Orcs!” He grinned madly, drawing his sword “We were outnumbered 100 to 1. The men knew it was hopeless, but I never let their spirits die!” Faramir jumped on another rock, both Gimli and Legolas chuckled when he almost fell “And I say to them, ‘Men!’ I said ‘Do not let our number damper your spirits! But think well of me for I go with honor!’ And then…” Faramir jumped down in front of them, grinning like a fox “We killed them all!”
“Of course, little brother, I have no problem believing that!” Boromir chuckled, mock-fighting with Pippin “There now, watch your footing!”
“If it were the Golden Knight, no one would question it” Faramir sighed, sheathing his sword.
“Shut up, you know how I loath that name” Boromir replied, almost getting nicked “Your getting better at this Pippin!”
“Yes, I did sugar coat some, but it truly was a miracle we all survived” Faramir pulled up his sleeve, showing off a nasty wound over his forearm “I saved my first lieutenant, and I got this”
“You would have never been hurt, if I had been there” Legolas got up immediately, fingers dancing over the barely healed wound “Why is it not bandaged? Have you put healing salve on it? I have some with me…”
“Dear Valar, Legolas” Faramir grinned, jumping back on the rock “You’re a woman!” Legolas grinned, pulling out his own white blade. “A woman with a sword…”
“Keep quiet or I’ll cut that tongue of yours out” Legolas advanced as Faramir drew his own sword.
“A woman with a sword and a sharp tongue, blood on her hands as well” Faramir grinned, blocking the first blow of the Elven sword. He made a kissing motion at the Elf, grinning madly again “Keep this up beloved and I might just have to take you to be my bride”
“The wife of a Ranger is a life of poverty” Legolas growled, jumping up on the rock and knocking Faramir off “Sorry, I plan to keep my luxuries”
“Come now, don’t be mean” Faramir took another blow at the Elf, knocking him on the ground when he pulled his legs out from under him. Legolas was splayed out of the ground, Faramir’s sword coming down only to have it blocked by the slightly curved Elven blade “If you truly desired luxury, Legolas, I could dress you in the finest jewels and ‘dresses’”
“Promises, promises” Legolas pinned the man to the rock, pulling himself off the ground and putting his blade to the pretty neck “If it weren’t so pretty, I’d slit your throat for making such promises to be unfulfilled”
“Ah, you think I’m pretty?” Faramir kept his grin, knocking their blades out of their hands with a twist only to pin Legolas to the rock by his upper arms “Well, well, Legolas, I didn’t know you cared so much”
“Did I say you? I’m sure I only referred to your neck!” Legolas pushed him back, the Ranger stumbling back a few feet. They both got into their fighting stances (Remember on Harry Potter, their stances? Yeah, same ones)
“Strider?” Aragorn turned from his spot to see the soft-spoken Sam.
“Call me Aragorn, Sam” Aragorn replied.
“Aragorn, then, why do they act so strangely toward one another?” Sam asked, referring to Faramir and Legolas. Aragorn watched the two engage in hand-to-hand combat. It was a fighting style not known to many, but Aragorn enjoyed the refreshing fight.
“They are old friends Sam, they have not seen each other for a long 10 years or so” Aragorn replied slowly, taking in a puff of his pipe “They enjoy each others company and enjoy fighting together”
“But the way they talk about each other…” Sam’s ears burned at the tips.
“They are just very close Sam” Aragorn smirked at the flush “They feel complete trust and certain friends can jest each other that way without lust or desire mixed in. Have you never a friend like that?”
“Never a male, sir” Sam’s blush brightened.
“Some men are like that, so comfortable with themselves…” Aragorn trailed off dreamily, then smiled “Secretly, though….” He leant in closer so no one else would hear “I think they love each other” Sam scurried off, scolding himself for asking in the first place. Gimli began to ask about the path they were taking, making Aragorn sigh in frustration.
Boromir was tackled by the Hobbits, his laughter loud and merry. Faramir smiled to himself, his brother had rarely laughed like that.
Faramir aloud himself to be backed on the edge of a rock from the distraction, eyes going wide as he turned to look down the hill that led to more rocks. It was a good mile roll down hill.
“I’ve got you cornered, your mine” Legolas stood in front of the man, grinning. Faramir lunged at the Elf, grabbing him by the arms and trying to push him back. Legolas made a mistake, he pushed at Faramir’s chest. The Ranger stumbled back, still holding onto Legolas’s arms. Their eyes went wide as they lost their footing, Legolas falling forward into Faramir’s arms.
Aragorn and Boromir’s yells were futile, for the men toppled forward and over the cliff. They landed on the ground, the momentum causing them to continue rolling down the hill, their bodies entangled. They rolled down the large hill, finally stopping when their sides collided with a large rock. They had rolled into a sort of very small cave, two rocks on the sides and a very large boulder to their side. They had rolled over some brush, but it sprang back up once their weight was off of it.
“Legolas, are you alright?” Faramir gasped, the Elf nodded eagerly against the man’s chest. They laid on top of each other, Legolas’s head resting on Faramir’s shoulder.
“Brother? Legolas?” Boromir called after them. Legolas managed to move a little, brushing aside the bush and waving up at his comrade.
“We’re uninjured!” Legolas called up, then turned to gaze up “Look into the sky!”
“What is that?” Sam asked, a tingle of fear creeping up his spine.
“Tis nothing but a whiff of cloud” Gimli dismissed.
“It’s moving fast” Boromir pointed out, rising from where he had been on the ground “And against the wind” Faramir came out from the cave, squinting at the ‘whiff of cloud’ until he gasped.
“Crebain from Dunland!” Faramir called up hastily, grabbing Legolas’s shoulder. “Come beloved, we must hide!” Faramir pulled Legolas back into the cave thing, laying on one another again.
“Hide!” Aragorn yelled “Frodo! Sam, put that fire out!”
“Merry, Pippin, hurry” Boromir suddenly went over to the side. Aragorn pushed him back, giving him a look “Faramir-”
“He’s hidden, hide them” Boromir nodded and went back to the Hobbits.
Meanwhile, Legolas held his breath as Faramir hugged him close. Suddenly, the bird-like beasts were fluttering overhead. Faramir squeezed the Elf closer to him, taking in a sharp breath. If they were spotted…if they were found…
“Your heart races madly in my ears Faramir” Legolas whispered to him, smiling slightly from his spot on top of the man.
“Then move up, for I would not wish to upset you with my lack of control over my own heart” Faramir meant that in more ways than one, pulling the Elf up closer. It was Legolas’s turn to take in a sharp breath, his and his friend’s faces coming close. He felt the warmth of Faramir’s breath on his lips, the man smelled like cedar but now his scent left a smoky taste on his tongue like of smoked ham.
He liked it.
Those pretty lips were so close, the breath that came out of them cool and smelled of sweet spring air. Faramir found himself wanting to claim that mouth, to taste the warmth and heat inside.
Neither had been blinded completely of their desire for each other, but that was all they ever thought it was. Now, as the enemy tried to seek them out and as their bodies were crammed into a small hole in stone, they both found themselves drawn closer and closer. Then the sound stopped, the moment almost broken but they managed to salvage the magick between them long enough to press their lips together. Soft lips moved slowly against each other in a loving embrace.
Faramir broke the spell, knowing he could very well ruin the best friendship he had ever had. He pushed himself back on his elbows, his head resting against stone.
“Legolas…I’m sorry, I should have…” Faramir reached up, caressing the smooth line of the Elf’s cheekbone “I don’t want to ruin us…”
“You could never ruin us, what we have” Legolas replied softly, reaching up and touching Faramir’s hair gently “We have long to travel together dear Faramir, may we at least see if this path leads into nothing but desire?”
“Of course beloved…” Faramir replied with a smile, he would do anything for his best friend. The Elven race wasn’t easily trusting, but this Elf had warmed up to him from the beginning and he wasn’t about to destroy that trust. They both wiggled out of the cave, a small smile on their faces. After several failed attempts, they made it back up the cliff and back with their Fellowship.
“Spies of Saruman” Gandalf hissed with distaste “The passage south is being watched”
Faramir sighed, kicking a stone “Damn it all…and here I thought we could get past him” Faramir then rolled his eyes and gave him a ‘well, duh!’ look “Of course it’s being watched! No disrespect Gandalf, but Saruman will cover all his bases and that includes letting us anywhere near Isengaurd or Mordor.”
“Do you have a plan?” Boromir rolled his eyes “If not, then come up with one cause all eyes are on you little brother” Boromir sighed “...as usual” he added as an afterthought.
“Fine…” Faramir sighed in exasperation, realizing all eyes were on him he dropped his head “...damn….”
“If your so smart young one, why don’t you use yourself as a distraction by going to Isengaurd and taking on Saruman?” Gimli jested.
“Oh, to hell be damned I will” Faramir growled, then kicked another stone “Fine then, Gandalf, you are our leader and I shall follow like all brainless goblins do”
“Now young Lord Faramir, do not be mean to yourself” Gandalf said with a twinkle in his eyes “You’re no goblin”
“Yeah, I guess…” Faramir looked up “Hey!”
“As brainless as Pippin, all the hunting skill of Aragorn” Sam began “An aim like Legolas, and looks like Boromir” Frodo smirked.
“Get him a bit shorter and give him an axe…” Merry continued.
“Hand him the ring” Pippin chimed in.
“Give him the gift of magick, Merry’s pluck, and you’ve got yourself the walking Fellowship of the Ring” Frodo finished “A one man show”
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That is cute. Please continue. By the way I like how childish you have them acting.
— Haldir's Daughter Lilith Thursday 31 May 2007, 19:45 #