Arc Drabbles (PG-13) 
Written by QueenCria05 August 2006 | 751 words
Title: The Connection
Fandom: the Lord of the Rings
Characters: Faramir (Faramir/Aragorn pre-slash)
Prompt: 001—Beginnings
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author’s Notes: The first in a three story arc chronicling the life Faramir and Aragorn share. When they first met, Gondor was engulfed in flame and Faramir was dying.
Their beginning was soaked in blood; wreathed in the flames and desperate uncertainty of war. Faramir was dying and Aragorn was beginning to bow, it was miraculous neither was dead.
It was the most improbable time to find connection, not with so much of the future shrouded in black fear. Both their minds were a thousand miles from anything but their blades.
And yet, against all odds, when Faramir’s eyes cracked open after wandering in the shadow lands, the first thing he saw was Aragorn.
Their eyes met, storm gray and aqua blue.
And something beautiful and enduring was born.
Title: The Golden Years
Fandom: the Lord of the Rings
Characters: Faramir (Faramir/Aragorn slash)
Prompt: 002—Middles
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13 (for slight allusions to nocturnal activities)
Author’s Notes: The second in a three story arc chronicling the life Faramir and Aragorn share. Their resplendent middle echoed the restoration of the city they loved, in glory and beauty.
Their middle was a long span of glorious years; drenched in the richness of Gondor restored to its proud heritage. King and Steward , and lords of Minas Tirith became the most revered heroes.
By day, they ruled their beloved city with wise hands; reigning over a people rejoicing in the newfound light.
By night, they worshipped each other as only lovers can; putting those same hands to a different, but just as wonderful use.
Their city flourished.
Their loved deepened into something rarer and more perfect; something that would be sung about for all the ages of the earth.
Title: Gondor Wept
Fandom: the Lord of the Rings
Characters: Faramir (Faramir/Aragorn slash)
Prompt: 003—Ends
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13 (warning—sadness ahead)
Author’s Notes: The third in a three story arc that chronicles the life Faramir and Aragorn share. Much as they had in their lives, when the end came, they shared the last great adventure.
Their ends came within hours of each other; an occurrence that surprised none of the mourning citizens of Gondor. For years Faramir and Aragorn had shown a love and devotion to one another that would never be forgotten.
When it became clear that Faramir would not live, Aragorn sat on the bed and gathered Faramir into his arms.
He held him close and sang the elvish ballads he loved.
He murmured to Faramir, “Im meleth lle.”
When Faramir had gone, he laid down beside him and willing followed the man he loved on his last great adventure.
And Gondor wept.
Title: Kisses
Fandom: the Lord of the Rings
Characters: Faramir (Boromir)
Prompt: 004—First
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG – 13 (Technical minor incest, but nothing graphic and not in the sense of a serious relationship)
Author’s Notes: Faramir has never been kissed and he wants to remedy that.
Comments appreciated.
“Have you ever been kissed?” Faramir asked one night when he was no more that ten.
“Of course.” Boromir said, stretching his back and smirking.
“Oh.” Faramir said pensively. “I haven’t.”
“Well, you’re younger than me.” Boromir said with a shrug.
“Will you do it?” Faramir said suddenly.
“Kiss me.” Faramir said succinctly. “Show me, so I don’t do it wrong when it matters.”
“Okay. Come here.” Boromir said with a sigh.
Faramir tentatively crossed the room. Without preamble, Boromir leaned over and pressed his mouth against his.
“Well?” Boromir asked when they parted.
“Is that all?” Faramir said.
Title: Nature of the Sight
Fandom: the Lord of the Rings
Characters: Faramir (Faramir/Aragorn slash)
Prompt: 005—Last
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Notes: Faramir has always known that his Sight is both a gift and a curse.
Faramir had always known that the Sight, were a double edged sword. A gift and a curse.
They foretold his mother’s death and ruined his life.
They foretold Aragorn’s coming and saved it too.
The only thing that he knew for certain was it was impossible to ignore. What he dreamed occurred.
So when he dreamed of Aragorn’s death, he knew there was no avoiding it.
He didn’t weep and he didn’t beg him not to go.
Her merely kissed him with all he had, pouring his soul into that connection, knowing it would be the last kiss they shared.
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