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Accidental Happiness archived in seven not so simple steps (NC-17) Print

Written by Suryallee

12 January 2012 | 17291 words

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Step three: Make decisions and learn to life with the consequences… or, why one should never wish too badly for something…

He did not know where he had ended up this time but from the looks of it, he was back in Mandos… somehow.

Around him the vast corridors of the grey halls stretched seemingly endlessly on into the distance. Two particular ways glowed strangely.

Inside of his mind, he could hear a voice, or something that seemed to be one, asking him a question.

Chose wisely, young child of Olorin and Finduilas.

One of these ways leads you back to your life. You will remember nothing of this all and live on as before. As the Steward of Gondor’s new King. You will have a long life with your wife and son and you will be happy and contend.

One of the two roads that had appeared glowed softly; it was the first one.

The other will give them and your line too, indeed another fate. All of them, not only the ones that you saw, but the being that you are now, will die.

Tell me child, how deep is your compassion…?

Which way shall it be, child?

Faramirs mind reeled. Why did that voice call him the son of Olorin who he knew was the true name of Gandalf. He was the son of Denethor… The man tried to get it in that he seemingly was not and the implications shocked Faramir to the core. Now many things in his past suddenly made a weird sense to him.

He could not tell how long he simply stood there and thought of all and nothing all together.

In the end, Faramir made his decision.

Calming himself for whatever was to come; he clasped his hands behind his back and smiled up into the grey nothing that was the ceiling of this weird place.

“Then, with all due respect sire, I will choose the second one, because I truly believe that it is the right one to do so.” He told whoever it was that had asked him this strange question earnestly.

Very well. So shall it be then. Farewell child. Until we met again

Before the confused Faramir could understand, what was going on, a great pain went through him and all went again, black.

“Faramir! Thank the Valar, you are awake again!” Aragorn watched concerned as Merry and Pippin practically hugged Faramir half back into unconscious.

The last days had been surprising to put it mildly.

In addition, the pale man on the bed was responsible for all the weird things that had happened to his poor Kingdom without to know it. Carefully he approached the group. “Merry, Pippin, why don’t you two do not go and play a little with the little ones? I need to talk to our friend, ok?” Both Hobbit’s nodded and fast run out of the door with promises to return later.

Aragorn looked at the ruffled looking Faramir on the bedding who rubbed his hands as if they could vanish at any second. He could not blame him from what he did know.

“Be at peace, Faramir. It is over.” The man looked up at Aragorn in confusion.“What do you mean?” The King groaned and rubbed his face. He went his eyes back to Faramir’s. “As it seems, you were not the son of Denethor at all. Your mother had an affair with Gandalf from what I was told and found to be true. And let me tell you, that was the weirdest conservation that I ever had in my life with him!” Faramir chose wisely not to comment on that. he guessed he would have his own fair share of that in the future. Gandalf owned him some answers! “As it looks, the One had a little trouble where to place you in Arda because of this and wanted to see where you would fit in better, since you are half Maia and half Human.” Aragorn waited until that had sunk in.

“He had trouble with placing me?” Faramir felt more confused as before, if that was even possible. He remembered all and slowly it begun to dim to him what the voice had meant with dying. “I am a human no more… are I?”

Aragorn nodded.

“He choose the moment the cursed Seeing Stone took a hold on you to interfere with the situation. And from what I was told, he did send you on quite a journey, eh?” Faramir could only nod in his bewilderment. “You could say that. But how do you know?” Aragorn smiled. “Let’s say we have a bunch of strange visitors here since a few days and that they gave me some pointers.” He told his friend with a grin.

“And let’s also say that they have told me a lot in the last days too, besides all the problems they have caused in my realm since appearing here!” Aragorn looked rather put on for a moment.” Besides that, the herald of Manwe has also suddenly appeared in our midst and explained all to me. As it looks, I will lose you over a time to Valinor, my friend. However, let us not talk of this now. He will tell you later himself. Until then, rest and recover first. You will properly find out that you changed a bit in your sleep. Don’t be alarmed about that, Faramir, I was told that that is fairly normal. And better steel yourself, there are many who want to met or visit you here and I fear you will need the rest later!”

With that and a last smile Aragorn left, the endlessly confused Faramir, on the bed and alone in the room.

Hours later Faramir could only watch his wife walk out of his life, together with Éomer. The latter looked rather uncomfortable at his friend. He had feared that this marriage was an error from the start. His beloved sister was fragile in her mind at best, since the war. Now she had done what the King of Rohan had always feared to happen, eventually. She could not deal with the thought that Faramir and her son and surprisingly she too would never age as humans did from now on and had dissolved the marriage.

It was not out of spite the she did it just that she could not deal with this all in her shock state that had never left her fully… sadly. He shook his head in sadness and wished not for the first time that she would heal.

Faramir gave Éomer an understanding look. “I don’t blame her, Éomer. I have been aware before that to marry each other was an error on both sides. We tried to make this work for our son but it did not work out.” The King nodded, relieve clearly on his face.

“You… you know then I take it?” Faramir nodded. “I somewhat asked her once and after some probing she told me about the time in Helms deep. And about Aragorn and the elf too, if that is what you mean to ask.” He looked at Éomer calmly.

The young King tossed his hands in the air before he sat on the bed. “Gods! Faramir you are a better man as me in this!” He fell silent and stared out of the window next to the bed. “How could you make your peace with knowing that she loved someone before, whom one took another as his wife and the second did die? Just how big is your heart my friend?” He shook his head in silent wonder and marvel at the capacity for love and forgiveness that his friend seems to possess endlessly. He knew he could not have done the same in Faramir’s situation.

Faramir looked off into the distance when he answered Éomer in a hushed voice.

“We all have our skeletons in our closets, Éomer. I am no exception from this universal rule.”

The man next to him nodded and left it at that. “It is better for Elboron to stay with you for now, I fear. Twice she fell in love and twice fate took it from her again, and then, when she was falling for a third time, Éowyn closed off too much in fear to lose again and this lead to the situation we have now in the end. She will need a time to sort her mind out and to heal and this time fully as I hope before she can take on him again.”

Faramir gave his consent and thus it happened that Faramir became a single father. Although it pained him to see, his friends in such pains and hurts. In his eyes, Éowyn did not deserve them and a great sadness it was to Faramir to watch her be in thus. She so deserved to be happy… Why did the one give her the long life of the elves when she was hurting so much? It made no sense to him.

When later Aragorn came in with his little son and two other little ones that he knew well by now, Faramir was confused.

Behind the King, the Maia known as the Herald of the Lord of the air also entered the room. Eonwe was not easily confused but this entire situation managed to do that with ease! What had Olorin been thinking? With a sight, he watched the man inform the confused looking child of his friend that he was now the official guardian of three and not one child. Since the one had decided so. The mighty Herald settled onto a chair, this would take a longer while to explain he was sure.

Night had fallen when both had left the still highly confused and lost feeling Faramir again. The three little ones had taken to each other with ease and slept now, snuggled together inside his big bed next to him. He could not join them in their rest. Too much went through his head.

Eonwe had explained to him that Eru had indeed a few troubles to place him in the past.

Since he had been fated to do what he did in the war and was what he were to begin with. In addition, there had been all the pleas and complains on behalf of the Kinslayers in Mandos Halls that had to be solved too somehow. As it looked, he had decided to give them a chance to redeem themselves without the oath to hinder them, even their father and Lord had become one. Feanor had to leave these shores together with the Herald in a short time. He was no longer allowed to stay in Arda. He would get his judgment in Aman and there he would have to pay penance for his doings to the Valar.

His sons and the Noldor other elves who had committed crimes had to stay and help the humans for a long while for penance.

Until then, Faramir, his child, the reminding elves here in Arda such as the Greenwood elves and some other humans that the one had given immortality too out of a point no one knew, would be allowed to stay too. Then they would have to leave with the Kinslayers in the end.

All Eonwe could tell Faramir about the humans was that the one had willed it and so it would happen. He too had no clue of the why.

Faramir, well he had some but waited until they were confirmed or not. He had already enough problems himself to solve. Deciding it to be a night the man tried to get some rest.

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2 Comment(s)

This was funny, light-hearted, and a definitely unseen pairing—or rather, trio. Again I like that your characterisation of elves isn’t the usual ‘perfect beings’, which makes them easier to relate to. I also think you did a wonderful job of explaining just how such a relationship came about. I liked any and all scenes showing Faramir interacting with his children now that they went from one to three, (I’m a fan of Faramir in a father role). I hope you’ll continue to share your works here. Cheers!

— LN Tora    Saturday 14 January 2012, 7:32    #

To dear LN Tora
Thank you! _
I honestly don’t like them act that otherworldly either. I somehow had always troubles to see them thus, the Silmarillion was the cause for this in my case.
Tolkien’s stile is undaubtfully genius, but the way he described them, the events and all well…they couldn’t have been this perfect ever with doing all the things described. At least not to me.
And I too like Faramir act in a parent role. ^^

— Suryallee    Sunday 15 January 2012, 23:05    #

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