A Son’s Love (PG) 
Written by Alex Cat19 May 2012 | 239 words
Title: A Son’s Love
Original posting date: February 2008
Fandom: LOTR
Author: Alex
Type: 200 word double drabble
Note: This was today’s draw from the drabble cup!
Summary: Faramir seeks to understand his father.
A Son’s Love
Faramir thought often of his mother and wondered why she married a man like his father. He wondered even more why his father hated him so. He was unlike his father but he was an obedient son nonetheless. He tried many ways to please his father.
But nothing worked.
Mithrandir did not visit often but he did visit now and again. It was on one of these visits that he got a bit of insight into why his father was like he was.
“You are more like your mother than your father, Faramir. You always were.”
“Did he mistreat her so too?”
Mithrandir smiled sadly. “No, my son. He adored her more than any man I know.”
“Then why?”
Mithrandir took a long draw from his pipe and blew out a set of concentric smoke rings.
“It is precisely because he loved your mother that he cannot stand the sight of you sometimes. You are much like her and you are a reminder of his pain and loss. He takes out his anger at her for dying on you, my boy.”
“What can I do?”
“Be a good son and love him. There is naught else for you to do.”
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I´m delighted to find Gandalf in that! I think there´s a huge potential in the constellation of Faramir/Gandalf and yes, one can almost hear the old wizard speak (and drawing his pipe). Thank you so much for sharing this (and giving me inspiration)!
— raven22372 Thursday 24 May 2012, 8:39 #