A Musical Introduction (PG) 
Written by Laurëlóte06 July 2007 | 606 words
Title: A Musical Introduction
Author: Laurëlóte
Rating: PG
Characters: Faramir, Mablung
Feedback: Feedback is always highly appreciated. Send it to laurelote@hotmail.co.uk
Summary: Mablung tries to befriend the newcomer to Henneth Annûn
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine, they all belong to Tolkien, I’ve merely borrowed them
A Musical Introduction
Mablung secretly studied the newest recruit to arrive at Henneth Annûn. The boy was far too young, and too thin, in his opinion, to train as one of the Ithilien Rangers.
He was also very quiet and kept to himself the whole time. However, he was proving to be a skilled archer and eagerly did everything which was asked of him; an unusual trait for one from the higher families of the citadel, who usually sulked, thinking themselves too good for this way of life.
Right now, young Faramir was sitting alone in the corner of the caves, watching intently as one of the rangers played a tune on his pipe. He seemed mesmerised by the music, absorbing every note, which gave Mablung an idea.
He walked over to the steward’s youngest son and sat down next to him, producing a pipe from his pocket.
“Would you like me to teach you?” he asked gently, offering the instrument for Faramir to take.
Faramir’s eyes lit up instantly, “Would you?”
“Although I suspect I will not be any good,” he added quietly, his smile fading. “I am not very good at anything much.”
The Dúnedain frowned. How could this boy have such a low opinion of himself? Boys his age should be care free and without such worries.
“Nonsense Neth mellon (Young friend), I think you will find that you are good at many things. In fact, if you work hard at your training, I would dare ton predict that you can become one of the best archers in Gondor.”
Faramir’s eyes grew wide at the endearment which left the older man’s lips. “You speak elvish!” he exclaimed in delight. “Would you… might you, teach me that as well?”
Mablung chuckled at Faramir’s excitement. “Of course I do, all the Dúnedain here can.”
“I am more than happy to teach you if you wish to learn.”
Faramir had proved himself to be a more than ample student, greeting everything with an infectious enthusiasm and learnt quickly, practising things over and over again until they were perfect.In just a few weeks, Mablung had seen him transformed into a completely different person; much happier and more eager to join in with the Rangers.
Today however, he sat on his own; this time religiously practicing the piece of music he had heard played that initial night.
Mablung could not help but like the young man more and more as they spent time together, however Faramir’s confidence was still lacking. This the Dúnedain had found out, was largely due to the strict and unaffectionate Steward, whose only praise was directed towards his heir, Boromir.
He decided that the confidence would come with time, and what Faramir really needed to help him, was the father figure he had been missing.
Just then, he was distracted from his musings, as the steward’s son bounded over like an excited puppy.
“Mablung, I can do it!” Faramir said proudly, with a large smile upon his face. “I can play that tune without making a single error.”
“Well go on, let me hear it then,” replied Mablung with a grin.
His smile got bigger as Faramir played, and he realised that in only a few short weeks, then boy had indeed stolen his heart and become the son he never had.
The End
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Oh my, that was lovely. And wonderfully canonlike too. Thank You, I really enjoyed it.
— Kiisseli Friday 6 July 2007, 21:30 #