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A Moment In Time (NC-17) 
Written by AutumnVerse01 March 2006 | 780 words
Beta: anorienbean, all remaining mistakes
are my own
Pairing: Faramir/Haldir
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash, PWP, Romance, Sex
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, no money is being made from this.
Feedback: Would be very nice, yes, yes.
Summary: It is a beautiful summer day and two lovers are enjoying a picnic in the sunshine.
For ginny_wade, who likes fluffy kittens and rainbows.
With a special thank you to my lovely beta anorienbean for the title
Just holding your hand gazing in luminous blue, I can’t help but smile. I ask myself a hundred times a day, how did I get to be so lucky? I feel my smile grow impossibly wider as you answer it, seeing you blush and ducking your eyes.
I let my finger caress your jaw, leaving it under your chin to lift it up, moving my face closer, till my lips are just before yours, letting you make the final decision, will you kiss me?
I inhale your breath, till slightly quivering lips touch mine, so gently. Just a taste is all you allow yourself before you draw back, so shy. I move my lips toward your ear, kissing the round curve so different from mine, before seducing you with words of promised passion and shared love.
Feeling your body tremble, I capture those sublime lips with my own once more, moving softness together, your mouth opens up, you taste like strawberries. I take your tongue in my mouth, sucking it gently, feeling your body responding against my thigh. My hand starts at your knee to slide up your leg, cupping you and feeling you moan in my mouth.
You lose your shyness fast as you start pulling at my clothes, I unbutton for you, feeling your hands follow me as soon as skin is exposed, I haven’t even got my tunic completely off, before your mouth latches onto my nipple, leaving me breathless. Your hands come up to caress my back. I can hear the craving in your voice as you say; “Lay down on your stomach.”
I comply, laying down on our picnic blanket, immediately I feel you laying your body partially over mine. Your hands massage and intoxicate, the feeling of your kisses and nibbles is pure bliss, slowly I feel your movements trail down, till strong, gentle hands remove my trousers. For a moment I am lost as your tongue flicks over my opening; “Do that again.”
Feeling the wet warmth, circling, licking and finally entering, reduces me to hoarse whispers, admitting my love for you, please more. Able fingers start rolling my balls, my hips moving of their own accord, trying desperately to get as much friction as possible. One finger enters, I moan your name, you work it in, angling it to hit my hidden spot, I cry out, this is too much.
Impossibly you heighten my pleasure by adding a second finger and scissoring them inside, you have me on the very edge and I will have no more of this. I get up, throwing you on your back in the same movement, immediately I am upon you. I spit in my hand, smoothing it over your hard length. Foreplay is over.
Lifting myself a little I impale myself on you, feeling every glorious inch sink into me, till I am sitting on your lap. You sit up and our lust filled eyes meet, we devour each other’s mouths as you pull me closer and start to rock.
Nothing has ever felt this good, as you moving inside me, setting a fast rhythm. I gasp between moans as I feel your fingers closing around my aching flesh, stroking it and opening a new form of heaven before me. So many sensations.
I love feeling you inside me, how you move, how you have shed all shyness, how you look, in the throws of passion, how you smell as I bury my face in your shoulder, how you taste as I mark your skin and as I draw back a little, locking eyes, still rocking together, how your eyes tell me of the love and devotion we share, at which I see stars and at the peak of our lovemaking cry out your name.
Clenching around you, I feel you fill me with your essence, kissing me and panting. We stay like this for a while, just caressing each other’s back and whispering sweet nothings, kissing and touching, slowly coming down to earth again.
Finally I lift myself to let you slide out of me and we simply lay together, holding hands again, just before I fall asleep I feel you kiss my fingertips and whisper; “I love you.”
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