A Friend if You Like? (G) 
Written by AlexanderW05 August 2009 | 127 words
Pairing: Faramir/Beregond
Summary: Drabble100 based on the prompt “friends”
Disclaimer: These characters belong to the Tolkien Estate, I am merely borrowing them for non-profit
A smallish child, running through the halls bumps into a Tower Guard. Falling backwards, the guard just about catches the child before he hits his head on the cold marble floors. The child looks up incredulously, then whispers quietly,
“Thank you.”
The guard looks back with a concerned expression, worried for the child.
“And your name is, young lord?”
The child tilts his head slightly, surveying the young guard – he doesn’t recognize him – he must be new then.
“I’m Faramir, who are you?”
The guard looked surprised, but then smiled at the question.
“I’m Beregond, a friend if you like?”
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What a sweet story. It isn’t easy to say so much with so few words. Well done. Thank you.
— Ingrid Wednesday 5 August 2009, 23:08 #