Brothers (PG)
Written by Númenora10 April 2006 | 148 words
Title: Brothers
Author: Númenora
Characters/Pairing: Boromir, Faramir, Finduilas
Rating: PG
Warnings: Warm and Fuzzy, Wasn’t planned to be slash (but could be depending on who’s reading)
Book or movie-verse
Disclaimer: Neither character is mine.
Word Count: 100
Summary: Boromir remembers his first glance at newborn Faramir.
Challenge: tolkien_weekly, ‘Weakness’
Boromir looked down at Faramir as he slept, sick with a cold. Seeing him this helpless reminded the blond of another time…
He really wanted to touch him. Finduilas said he could hold Faramir only if she was with him ‘cause he wasn’t strong enough.
“I’m not weak,” He’d said.
“I never said you were—just too young.
He reluctantly did as she’d asked.
As he’d stood there looking at Faramir, the baby smiled at him. That smile was his weakness then as it was now.
“How long have you been here?” Faramir smiled.
“Since the day you were born.”
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Oh, I love reread your stories over and over again. And now, reading it once more, I think how deep meaning this short story has. How deep Boromir’s affection towards Faramir was and how deeply it touches my heart.
— Anastasiya Monday 15 February 2010, 18:41 #