"Do you wish then,' said Faramir, 'that our places had been exchanged?' 'Yes, I wish that indeed,' said Denethor. 'For Boromir was loyal to me and no wizard's pupil. He would have remembered his father's need, and would not have squandered what fortune gave. He would have brought me a mighty gift."
[from: Return of the King; The Siege of Gondor]

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Nessa Lossëhelin

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Written by Nessa Lossëhelin; with Éowyn

After Eowyn and Faramir are wounded in Pellenor Fields – the rest of the story is told. There are sequences and dialogue from the books to provide more depth and ground the remaining tales. There are two point of views: Faramir and Eowyn.

Posted Feb 23, 2013 | 13751 words | Comment


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