FaramirFiction.com is a site for adults only. If you're under 18, please leave.
Before we redirect you to the post, please remember to always get permission from the author / artist before you repost or in any other way distribute the stories and artwork (including edited / translated versions) you find at FaramirFiction.
There is no time limit on this ban and thus includes stories and artwork that are no longer available on FaramirFiction because they were removed by the author / artist. 'Distributing' includes sending a story or artwork by email: if you want to share something with a friend, send a link not the whole story or artwork. If you need help contacting one of the authors / artists, please get in touch with the archivists at admin@faramirfiction.com.
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I don't know! Please tell me more about FaramirFiction's site rules. |
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