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25 Prompts II

By December

Posted 25 May 2011

Write a story inspired by or themed around one (or several) of the phrases. Or else write a story where some of the phrases would work as chapter titles.
Any genre, any length, any rating, any pairing.

1. Rainy Summer
2. Sunburn
3. Unabridged Edition
4. Couldn’t Care Less
5. Chameleon
6. The Forbidden
7. Peacock Feather
8. Antidepressants
9. Intimate Tattoo
10. Mercury
11. The Art of War
12. Crystal Waterfall
13. Nosebleed
14. Obsessive Personality
15. Venom and Antidote
16. Corruption
17. Obvious Solution
18. Fireworks
19. Divine Intervention
20. Popsicle
21. The Ultimate Alpha-male
22. Those Damn Hobbits
23. Crooked Intentions
24. The Dangers of Boredom
25. Golden


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